
Is Keeping Cats Dangerous ? Here Is The Explanation !

Maybe some of you have just intended to adopt a cat to be cared for. But that intention is sometimes hampered by questions that make doubts. The question is none other than whether maintaining it can be useful for its owner ?


Is Keeping Cats Dangerous


Both in the form of mental health hazards and physical health hazards. basic human disease questions, as we know for ourselves, there are many news portals or sites that discuss raising cats such as the dangers of fur, the dangers of the Toxoplasma parasite in cats, the dangers that can transmit and the like.

And also a lot of rumors in the community saying that having a cat can cause infertility, asthma and raising a cat if we have children at home. News about the dangers of keeping a cat that is reported on news sites and other sites is true.

However, rumors or myths about keeping cats in the community are mostly hoaxes or have not been proven to be true. The number of articles that discuss the dangers of petting is not comparable to the articles that explain that keeping a cat is not dangerous at all if cared for properly.


Is Keeping Cats Dangerous ?

Indeed, what is written or reported by the television media or certain sites about the dangers of keeping a cat is true. But you need to understand that maintaining or caring for cats is not as dangerous as what they describe, congratulations we take care of cats properly and correctly.

Cat care and maintenance that will keep ourselves and our cats in good health. I can say that because Anggora himself has been raising cats for 10 years and the fact is that until now, neither I nor my family members are in good health and not sick. And this is proof that keeping a cat is not that dangerous.


Discussion About the Dangers Of Keeping Cats And How to Overcome Them ?

To argue that keeping a cat is dangerous, here Angora will discuss what are the dangers of keeping a cat and how to overcome them.

Danger Of Cat Fur

The first danger that we often hear is. Cat fur is harmful to humans. Cat fur is considered dangerous because it can cause allergies, cat scrat disease, ringworm, toxoplasmosis, or asthma.

To eliminate the danger of cat fur, what we need to do is to be diligent in combing the hair on the cat's body using a special cat comb that is able to collect cat hair that has fallen out in the same place.

By diligently combing the hair, the hair that falls out can be reduced and eliminated. So that shortness of breath or asthma, allergies and similar diseases caused by cat hair can be prevented. Also make sure to bathe the cat regularly 2 times a week or at least once a month so that the body is clean from viruses, bacteria and parasites ( one of which is the T gondii parasite that causes toxoplasma ).


Toxsoplasma Disease

Keeping a cat is closely associated with infertility in the woman who keeps it. But this is not true alias hoax. "Actually, we as women don't need to be afraid because having a cat doesn't cause infertility.

Basically, it's all just a myth. There is nothing to do with keeping a cat with infertility as long as the cat is clean, awake, and we also maintain good body hygiene and body resistance," quoted from the words of Dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro "

The danger of toxoplasmosis itself is that if it attacks pregnant women who have a low immune system, this disease can cause the mother to suffer from severe complications and the baby at risk of birth defects and miscarriage.

To overcome and avoid being attacked by toxoplasmosis, especially for those of you who are pregnant, this can be done by providing a litter box ( sand box ) and using gloves every time you want to clean cat litter.

Or if you want something even safer, you can ask your family members to clean the cat's pup or pee when you are pregnant with the baby.


Skin Disease

This one may not be so dangerous if it is transmitted to the human body. It's just that the itching caused by this skin disease can be very disturbing for us. One example of a cat skin disease that can spread to humans is scabies skin disease. This disease is capable of spreading from animals to humans and from humans to humans.

Usually cat lovers who are infected with scabies are infected when they are treating a cat who is sick with scabies. Scabies will move when the cat's skin comes into contact with human skin. Some of the symptoms of someone infected with scabies are:

  • There is itching on the skin

  • Rashes appear on the skin

  • Wounds appear

  • Crusty skin


To prevent us from getting infected, when we treat cats suffering from scabies skin disease, we use gloves and as much as possible avoid physical contact when treating them.


Cat Tubercolosis, Q Fever, Salmonella And Toxocara

These four diseases are types of cat diseases that can be transmitted to humans. It's just that the transmission is rare. But it's not impossible. To avoid transmission due to the four diseases, what we can do is diligently clean the cat's body, provide healthy food for cats, cut cat nails etc.

As well as doing regular checks to the vet if we feel our cat is experiencing symptoms that indicate the cat is suffering from certain diseases.



Is having a cat dangerous? the answer is no. On the condition that we take good care of the cat. Good care such as providing nutritious and healthy cat food, regularly bathing the cat, diligently combing the cat's fur, trimming the cat's nails and others.

It is also important for us to check the cat's health once a month or at least immediately take the cat to the vet if it is felt that the cat is showing symptoms of contracting certain diseases.

Maybe that's all the discussion about whether keeping a cat is dangerous. If you find this article useful, you can share it with your relatives or social media.

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