
2 Ways To Clean Cat Pee On The Mattress

Surely we have found cat feces or urine in the middle of our mattress. To purify it, we usually take it straight to the bathroom and then wash the mattress as a whole. Then rinse it thoroughly with water and then dry it in the sun.


2 Ways To Clean Cat Pee On The Mattress


The way to clean cat feces which is usually done like the method above is not wrong, but this method can be said to seem troublesome. Especially for those of you who live alone with your favorite cat, this method is difficult to do if your mattress is large and has an unusual weight.

We may be able to call a mattress or carpet cleaning service, but we have to drain a little capital from our wallets. Once or twice is okay, but if the cat often poops and pees on the bed, of course this will cost a lot of money.

As owners, of course, we will think of looking for other alternatives in cleaning the unclean on this mattress easily.


How To Clean Cat Pee On The Bed

Actually in Islam there is a simple but very effective way compared to washing mattresses or carpets in the usual tiring way. In Islam, the main concern so that the mattress or carpet is clean from unclean is the color, smell and taste.

Therefore, in Islamic jurisprudence, there are two types of uncleanness, namely unclean ainiyah and unclean hukmiyah.


Unclean Ainiyah

Ainiyah unclean is a type of unclean  that is tangible, that is, it has a color, smell or taste. In order to eliminate this type of unclean, we must wash the mattress until the signs of cat urine or feces disappear.

Like the color, smell and sense of the presence of uncleanness, it must be completely removed from our mattress or carpet. We only need to clean the affected area only. Mark the areas of the mattress and carpet that are unclean.

Flush with soapy water. Then rub back and forth with the brush only in areas where you feel that the has cat pee or poop. Clean until there is no color, odor or presence of unclean gone without an imprint.

Then clean the remaining soap by sprinkling water on the mattress or carpet. Rinse until the remaining soap is clean from the surface of the mattress and carpet. Now the mattress and carpet are clean from unclean and holy.

This method is easier than we have to cleaning all parts of the mattress that are slightly unclean.


Unclean Hukmiyah

Hukmiyah unclean is unclean without form, namely the type of unclean whose color, smell and taste we cannot see, smell and taste. An example of this unclean is a little cat urine on the mattress which is caused by a lustful cat who likes to squirt urine everywhere. Usually this little urine is easy to dry.

And the smell of urine will blend with the smell of the mattress. As a result, it is very difficult for us to see the signs of the presence of pee. To clean this type of unclean hukmiyah, it is enough to just flush the area affected by the unclean  with one flush of water or flush it until we feel that the unclean has completely disappeared.

We do not need to wash the mattress or carpet with soap. We don't even have to bother brushing it with a clothes brush. Simply flush until it feels clean then dry in the hot sun. After that, the carpet or mattress is clean and ready to be used again.

How to clean unclean hukmiyah that has been explained above can also be applied to floors, tiles, sofas, pillows or ground surfaces that are exposed to cat urine. Sheikh Ahmad Zainuddin al-Malibari explained that :

Meaning: "If there is a soil that is unclean like urine and the urine dries up, then water is poured over it until it stagnates, then the land is purified even though the water is not absorbed into it, whether the soil is hard or loose." ( Shaykh Ahmad Zainuddin al-Malibari, Fathul Mu'în bi Syarhi Qurratil 'Ain bi Muhimmâtid Dn [ Beirut: Dar Ibn Hazam, 2004 ], page 78 )

The above information only applies to moderate types of uncleanness ( mutawasithah ) such as bedwetting for babies aged 2 years and over, blood, vomit, animal dung, feces and the like.

Meanwhile, to clean the type of light unclean ( mukhaffafah ) it is not necessary to use the type of running water, but the splash of water must be strong and the volume larger than the unclean to be purified. Objects that are sprinkled with water will be clean and return pure from unclean .

Maybe that's the only way to clean cat pee on the mattress or carpet. Hopefully this article is useful for those of you who are looking for ways to wash mattresses from unclean cats. Don't forget to share it with your relatives, other cat lovers and your social media.

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