
7 Ways To Get Rid of Cat Lust

Just like humans, cats also have a passion for doing sex. Unlike humans, cat lust will only be strong at certain times, namely during the mating season.


Get Rid of Cat Lust


By the time the cat's breeding season arrives, cat will become more active. Cat lust is characterized by a loud and very full cat voice. This sound often makes us as cat owners feel disturbed. Especially at midnight.

A cat's meow will wake us up or even not make it at all. then how to get rid of lust so that the cat does not lust again ? See the explanation in this article.


The Characteristics Of Male And Female Cats That Are In Lust

Before going into the discussion about how to deal with lust, we should first know whether our cat is really in heat or not by looking at the list of characteristics of lust below :

Characteristics Of  Male Cat

  • Cat spray (spraying pee everywhere)

  • Cats often meow

  • Meow loudly many times

  • The meow sounds different than usual

  • Often chases female cats

  • Often bites the neck of a female cat

  • No appetite or lazy to eat

  • Hobbies out of the house

  • Hobbies fighting with other males

  • Rarely come home

  • Often sniffs or kisses the ass of the woman it is after

Characteristics Of A Female Cat

  • More spoiled than usually

  • Easy to get angry around

  • Meow loudly

  • The meow sounds different than usual

  • Often thrusts his ass at the tomcat

  • Often rolls around in front of the male to get his attention

  • Frequent urination simultaneously ( spraying )

7 Ways To Get Rid of Cats Lust

After making sure that our cat is in lust, the next step is how to eliminate, suppress or overcome lust in cats. To overcome lust you can try several ways below.

1. Mating Cats

One way to eliminate or overcome lust in cats is to breed them with other cats. You can mate your cat breed with a cat race of the same type or outside of its kind.

It's just that if you mate your cat with another race, the kittens that will be born are mixed breeds and tend to be more towards the mother's race. This method is a very effective way to silence the cat's lust.

Cats that have been mated will be calmer because their biological needs have been met. In addition to a calmer cat, you will eventually get a new family member.


2. Sterilize Cats

If you as an owner don't have another cat or can't adopt another cat and don't want to add a kitten in your house because it's a hassle to take care of it. Neutering a cat is a way that you can take to eliminate or overcome cat lust.

To sterilize a cat so that it is sterile, we must take our cat to an expert, namely a veterinarian. The cat sterilization process is not dangerous if it is done correctly and done by experts. The cost of sterilizing the cat itself differs between male and female cats.

For my own area, it costs around 40 dollars to sterilize a female cat, while for a male cat it costs around 30 dollars. This price may differ from the price of the city where we each live.

You need to know that after a cat is sterilized it will not be able to breed and have children for its entire life.


3. Set The Cage To Make It Warmer

The next way that you can do to get rid of lust in cats without mating them and make them calmer is by setting the cage to be warmer.

This is so that the cat is quiet quickly, is not noisy and can get through the heat period much more calmly.


4. Enter The Isolation Room Of A Cat in Lust

Put the cat in the isolation room, this is done so that the scent from the female genitals does not attract the arrival of other males and vice versa. Try the isolation room is a cage with slightly warm conditions so that the cat is not noisy and can quickly get through the cycle of lust.

This is one way that you can do to get rid of cat lust without having to breed it.


5. Give The Cat A Soothing Scent

Make cats as calm as possible by giving them the scents they like. Like the scent of the catnip plant which is certainly very liked by cats. As for the artificial scent, you can give it a Feliway scent.

This artificial scent is able to produce an effect similar to the facial pheromones produced by the cat's body. This is the scent that cats commonly use to mark their territory and to attract females.


6. Give The Cat Desire Reducing Medication

Suppressing, eliminating, or overcoming the cat's lust can also give the cat certain drugs such as giving the lust-lowering drug. This drug works by suppressing or decreasing libido ( sex drive ) in cats.


7. Give The Cat A Sedative

I rarely do this last method because in my opinion it's inhumane to give a cat anesthetic ( sedatives ) just to make the cat calm and remain silent until he passes his lust cycle. Than give sedative more better doing sterilize to the cat.

You can do this method as a last resort if the methods above can't make your cat not make noise or won't shut up. You can buy sedatives at the nearest pet shop in your city. Before buying make sure that the content of sedatives is safe when given to the cat's body.

Thus the discussion about how to get rid of cat lust and how to overcome cat lust. Hopefully this article is useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, other cat lovers or to your social media accounts.

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