
5 Reasons Why Cats Always Hide Their Poop

Most people make cats as pets at home. His friendly attitude, funny behavior and adorable face make many people choose to make this mini carnivore as a pet at home. Besides being famous for the 3 behaviors above, cats also have one other unique behavior. 


Why Cat Hide Poop


Namely planting or hiding the poop in the sand and soil. Seeing one of these unique behaviors, we might ask why does a cat like to hide its pup in the ground ? And sometimes this behavior is also used as material for questions or quizzes by biology teachers in elementary, junior high and even high school.

To answer this question, Angora will give an answer as well as the reason why cats always bury their feces in the sand ?


Reasons Why Cats Always Hide Their Feces In The Sand

Actually, cats have their own reasons why they always hide and plant their feces in the sand. These reasons include :

1. Avoiding Natural Enemies

Some of us may not think that a cat's unique act that burying its pup in the ground is actually aimed at avoiding it attracting cat enemies or predators. The wild cat's instincts believe that by hiding its poop, it can be safer because the predator doesn't know where cat location.

And with that there is no clue for the predator to send it to the cat's place. Cats also become better able to protect themselves or their children from various types of threats that they do not want. This causes them to live long and not die young.


2. Social Signals

In cat poop there is a unique smell that only cats can recognize. These odors are called pheromones and are used by cats to send social and reproductive signals to other cats. This smell can only be distinguished by a cat.

The social signal can be a sign that the area is the territory of cat or other signs. Maybe for us this is somewhat strange, but for cats this is a normal thing and is very much needed in survival and breeding when cats live outside ( feral cats ).


3. So That The Place He Lives In Doesn't Smell

As we know that cats are animals that like to clean themselves. This is why this cat in certain religions such as Islam is considered an animal that is clean from dirt or holy cat. Although cats are animals, in their natural instincts, cats do not want their nest or place to live smelly.

The reason is simple, because a cat's natural instinct is to keep themselves and their place of residence clean and so that their sharp smell is not disturbed.

4. Eliminate Odor

In addition to eliminating odors so as not to attract predators, also to not make their homes smell bad. Cats do this to get rid of bad smells. As explained above that cats are animals that like cleanliness. Cats love to clean themselves so that their bodies do not smell and are clean.

This also applies to the things that he removes from his body. For feral cats, burying feces and peeing in the sand aims to eliminate odors that can interfere with the cat's sense of smell.


5. Natural Habits

Take a look at the kittens cat. They will also make a habit of planting their feces into the sand in the litter box, when in fact this is not needed because at this time they live in a safe place and away from their predators.

So why do they keep doing this ? Because they this do by imitating what their parents do. As a result, this habit becomes a hereditary habit or natural habit that persists in cats even though the cat is in a super safe environment ( living in a human house or in a cage ).

Maybe that's all a brief discussion of why cats always try to hide their feces and urine in the sand and soil. Hopefully this article is able to answer your questions as well as your curiosity. Don't forget to share it with your relatives, other cat lovers and your social media

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