
6 Ways To Stop Cats Peeing Everywhere

When your cat pees carelessly, don't be angry, because this will not in the slightest solve the problem of cat peeing carelessly. We should first find out what are the causes of why cats pee carelessly and how to deal with cats that pee carelessly.


How To Stop Cats Peeing Everywhere


Not because cats often pee in any place, we become hate and want to abandon or throw away our favorite cat. You need to know that if you do this later in the future you will be faced with regret for throwing away the cat because he peed carelessly.

As we know, keeping a cat certainly makes us feel its own positive impact. Like cats who sometimes make us laugh, accompany us when we feel sad and lonely, friends who are always around us when we are sad and happy and various other positive benefits.

Angora warns you not to act recklessly. Because in the past I had time to make one of my local cats always outside the house and did not allow him to enter except when eating and drinking. This was done because cats like to pee carelessly and at that time I was still a layman in the world of petting.

A week after this action, the local cat disappeared and did not come back even though it only asked for food and drink. After that comes the regret and this is the reason why I suggest keeping a cool head and finding out the causes and how to deal with cats who like to pee carelessly.

So that later you don't regret like I did before.


6 Reasons Why Cats Like To Pee Carelessly

Many things can be the reason why our cats prefer to pee in any place. According to Angora ecperience, some of the main reasons cats urinate carelessly are :

1. Cat is Sick

When cats are sick, they tend to urinate indiscriminately. This is due to their body condition being sick as a result they are lazy or tired to move. A sick cat will usually urinate or pee by only moving a little from where he often sleeps.

Even if the cat's condition is very severe, the cat can urinate where he is sitting or lying down. This is not limited to just problems with urinary tract infections, or digestion. Diseases such as shortness of breath or asthma, panleukopenia, poisoning and other diseases can cause cats to pee carelessly.

I often handle animals that "are not sick or have excretory organ problems" but the sick cats also often pee indiscriminately. Especially if the condition is severe, urinating or pooping carelessly is a natural thing.

As owners, we must understand the cat's condition and when this happens, it is necessary for us to move the cat to a new clean place and wipe clean the parts of its body that are exposed to urine or feces so it doesn't smell bad.


2. Stress Or Anxiety

A cat's attitude and behavior can change drastically if the cat experiences stress and anxiety. Cats who used to be disciplined to defecate and urinate in the litter box or other places specifically for cats to defecate, are now due to stress as a cat who likes to pee carelessly.


3. The Place Smells

For cats, a place that smells bad even though it is in our house is a suitable place to pee. They determine this based on their natural instincts which think that the place is the right and good place to urinate or defecate.

This is not because they intend to be careless, but because we are the ones who are wrong to let one area of ​​our house get dirty and smelly as a result the cat pees in it.


4. Don't Know The Right Place

Cats may not know the truth yet. This applies to newly adopted cats and to kittens who are just growing up. They need to adapt about where to eat and drink, where to play, where to poop and pee or the like.

In times of adaptation, we also need to teach cats patiently about what is right and what is wrong


5. Not Taught The Right Things

Another reason why cats pee carelessly is that we don't teach them the right things. Every time we see a cat about to pee carelessly, instead of lifting it to the litter box we get angry and chase the cat away.

When a cat misbehaves dont throws him away, just patiently teach him the right things until he understands.


6. Cats Are Mating

At the time of cat mating, male cats that are in heat will have a spraying behavior. Spraying is a behavior in which the cat often sprays a liquid such as urine on the wall or other place he wants while the male cat meows loudly. This action aims to :

  • Signal to the female that she is ready to mate

  • Mark the area or territory of his power

  • To attract the attention of other female cats

  • Signal for other males to stay away from their territory


How To Deal With A Cat Who Likes To Pee Carelessly ?

We certainly want our cats not to urinate carelessly. Some of the following ways we may be able to do so that pet cats do not urinate carelessly and get used to defecating in the right place. Here are 5 ways to keep your cat from peeing carelessly :

1. Treat Cat Disease

Sick cats will usually defecate carelessly. Detect the disease the cat is suffering from then treat the cat by giving the right type of medicine. It is better to take the cat to the vet.


2. Provide A Litter Bo

Providing a litter box is one way to prevent cats from urinating or peeing carelessly. For a cat who sees the litter box for the first time, he will be curious and often play in it. Gradually the cat will understand that the place is provided for him as a place to urinate.


3. Pick Up The Cat That Is Going To Pee

When the cat is seen taking steps to urinate and defecate carelessly, immediately lift the cat and bring it into the litter box. Do this action repeatedly until the cat understands and can defecate on its own in the litter box.


4. Clean The Location That Is Considered A Smelly Cat

Locations that are considered smelly and dirty by cats in the house are often used as places to pee carelessly. Clean the locations that cats urinate frequently and look dirty and smelly. Even better if cleaning is accompanied by spraying perfume in the room.


5. Overcome Cat Stress Or Anxiety

As explained above, stress and anxiety can change a cat's behavior. A cat's behavior will change drastically when it's under stress. That's why we need to deal with stress problems in cats so that cats don't pee carelessly anymore.


Does The Above Method Work ?

Yes, the above method can work. Based on my own experience the success rate is around 80%. As long as the methods above are done correctly and according to what I have described.

In addition, it also requires patience in its application, especially in method number 3. Method number 3 needs to be done patiently and repeatedly until the cat can understand and can defecate itself in the litter box.


I have Tried The Method Above But It Doesn't Work, Why Is Like That ?

Ask yourself how long have you been doing the methods above ? If it's just a week then maybe that's not long in my opinion. I myself need more than 2 weeks so that the cat doesn't pee carelessy anymore.

I need to do method number 3 continuously for more than 2 weeks until the cat is smart and understands not to pee carelessly. I did the 3rd method with a note :

  • Have checked the cat's health condition

  • Cats are not diseased or stressed

  • Have provided a litter box and put it in the right place

  • The whole house doesn't smell bad and dirty

However, it took about 2 weeks for my cat to understand and get used to defecating and urinating in the litter box.

Maybe that's the only explanation for why cats like to pee indiscriminately. If you find this article useful, you can share it with your relatives or social media.

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