
Cats Eat Crickets, Is It OK? This Is The Explanation !

Cats are animals that are classified as carnivores. That's why cats like to eat the flesh of other small animals. Even though cats are friendly and harmless animals, cats are still carnivores who like to hunt other animals because they still have wild instincts.


Cats Eat Crickets


This is the reason why cats love to catch small animals that are nearby. He will hunt mice, cockroaches, fish, frogs, grasshoppers, lizards, squirrels, crickets, geckos and other. Cats don't even hesitate to eat their prey if they want to.


Have You Ever Seen Your Cat Eat Crickets ?

Surely we have seen ours cats eat crickets, especially for those of you who live in rural areas or plantation areas. Of course, sights like cats carrying grasshoppers, crickets, birds, squirrels and the like are not common anymore.

Cats will usually bring their prey to eat, just to be played with or as a gift to their owners.


Why Do Cats Like to Catch Crickets ?

There is no other reason for cats to eat crickets other than because they are interesting animals to hunt and eat. This is natural for cats because this is a desire driven by their natural instincts as carnivores.

Hunting crickets will also be done by kittens. The purpose of a kitten hunting crickets is none other than just to train his body muscles and to play. But not infrequently even kittens will eat the crickets that he gets after he struggles to hunt them down.


What To Do When We See A Cat Hunting Or Eating Crickets ?

When you accidentally catch your cat eating crickets, you should immediately throw the crickets into a place that the cat can't reach. Because if a cat eats it, it is feared that the cat can be poisoned or have stomach pain.

This poisoning is due to insects that are eaten by cats, which are insects that have just been sprayed with insecticide by our neighbors or farmers. If the insects come from the yard or garden itself, it doesn't matter, at least it just makes the cat sick to his stomach, diarrhea or worms from eating raw food.


Can Cats Eat Crickets ?

Crickets are actually harmless food and can be eaten by our pet cats. The problem is whether we know that the crickets that cats eat are poisonous or not. In addition, eating raw or uncooked crickets can cause intestinal worms, diarrhea and other digestive problems.

So it's best when the cat wants to eat the crickets, we should just throw the crickets away. Then what if the crickets have already been eaten by the cat ? We have to leave it alone and we must continue to monitor the condition of the cat afterward.

If it turns out that after the cat eats the cricket, the cat falls ill and is poisoned, you should immediately take the cat to the vet.


Is It Dangerous For Cats To Eat Crickets ?

Actually there is no danger to cats with a record that the crickets that the cat eats are crickets that are not sprayed with anti-pest poison. The effect of cats eating crickets at most only makes cats sick to the stomach, diarrhea or intestinal worms because they eat raw food. It won't put his life in danger.

It's just that we will certainly be bothered to treat a sick cat. That's why if you want to give a cat crickets, you should first cook the crickets so that they are safe for consumption by the cat.


Are There Special Signs Of A Cat Sick After Eating Crickets ?

Symptoms that usually appear in a sick cat shortly after eating crickets are generally similar to those of a cat eating a lizard. Cats will show several signs when the cat is sick or poisoned. Some of these signs include :

  • Itchy

  • Vomiting Often

  • Silent Cat

  • Cats Make Foam From His Mouth

  • Fever

  • Cat's Body Looks Weak

  • No Appetite.

  • Having Stomach Pain

  • Cats spit out a lot of saliva


Not all of the above symptoms will appear at once. Usually there will be about 4 to 5 symptoms that appear in cats so we can be sure that the cat is really sick or poisoned.


Cats Are Sick After Eating Crickets, What's The Solution ?

Many of the cat lovers suggest bear brand milk to treat poisoning in cats who have just been poisoned after eating crickets. This is not wrong, but before giving the cat bear milk, we should first make sure the cat is seriously poisoned or not ?

If it turns out that the poisoning is moderate or severe enough, it is best if the cat is taken directly to the vet. In order to better ensure his safety and that he recover quickly. And also to anticipate if the cause of his illness is not poisoning but because of other diseases such as calici, panleukopenia, allergies, being hit and so on.


Benefits Of Cats Eating Crickets Are There ?

Actually, there are many good benefits that cats can get when they are hunting and then eat crickets. Below are some of the benefits that cats get when they eat crickets :

Train Muscles And Increase Stamina

When the cat is chasing crickets that jump here and there. The cat with all his might will run and jump after the crickets. This of course will make the muscles in the cat relax and harden which of course has a very good effect on the health and stamina of the cat.


Natural Food As Well As A Source Of Protein

As we know that crickets are animals that have healthier protein compared to chickens, goats and other animals. In addition, the protein in crickets is animal protein, this protein is very good for the body and health of carnivorous animals, one of which is a cat.


Keeping And Training Cat's Wild Instinct

Capturing small animals and other wild animals is a natural way for local cats to maintain and develop their wild instincts. The cat's wild instinct is very useful when a cat gets lost while going outside and doesn't know his way home.

With its wild instincts, cats can survive out there by eating wild animals such as lizards, crickets, chickens, birds and the like that they find when they are hungry.


As A gift

Don't be surprised if sometimes Cats bring various kinds of animals such as chickens, lizards, birds, crickets and even snakes into the house. Usually cats do this as a gift of gratitude to their owners who have cared for and taken good care of them all this time.


As Toys

Besides seeing crickets as prey. Cats also only see this one animal as a toy. He will hunt insects, catch them and then bring them into the house to play with them. When he is bored he will leave the crickets or will even make it a snack.

That's an explanation of whether cats can eat crickets and what are the dangers or effects of cats eating crickets. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand about cats eating crickets, add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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