
When Is The Mating Period For Cats After Giving Birth ? Here Is The Explanation !

As a female cat owner, maybe after our cat gives birth, questions arise such as how long does it take for the cat to enter the lust cycle or the next mating after the cat gives birth.


The Mating Period For Cats After Giving Birth


This question may arise in our minds out of curiosity or as a form of anticipating the cat so as not to get pregnant again when she has entered the mating period. Because as we know that once a female cat gives birth, it will give birth to at least 4 kittens in one delivery.

Of course this will be a hassle for us to care for and meet the needs of cats and their babies in the future. Caring for many cats is fun but when we are not able to meet the cat's food and nutritional needs, it will make us sad to see a skinny cat that is not healthy.

And not infrequently cats who lack food and nutrition will die, of course this will make us even sadder. Compared to experiencing this, it is better for us to know the next cat's mating period and carry out sterilization or anticipatory efforts during the cat's mating period so that the cat doesn't get pregnant again.

Knowing when the cat's mating period after giving birth is also commonly done by cat lovers who do keep cats at home for sale. They need to know the timing of the female cat's next mating cycle or lust after the cat has finished giving birth.


When Is The Mating Period For Cats After Giving Birth

How long is it from the time the cat gives birth until it can get pregnant again? Or how long does it take for a cat to enter into mating after the cat gives birth? Many ask similar questions with the reason that they want to immediately neuter the cat, but are hindered by the cat who is still breastfeeding her child.

A cat can get pregnant again when he mates with another male cat in heat. The female cat will enter her lust period when she has finished breastfeeding her child within 1 to 2 months. After she finishes breastfeeding her kitten then the female cat will be able to get pregnant again.

So it takes about 5 to 8 weeks postpartum for the cat to enter the mating and estrus cycle. When a cat is in heat, several signs or special characteristics will appear.

It is necessary to neuter the cat, but it is recommended not to do it immediately after the cat gives birth. Because cat hormones ( in the form of breast milk ) are still needed by cats for the growth of their babies. We recommend that the mother cat who wants to be sterilized, is sterilized after the kitten is independent ( it has been weaned and is no longer breastfeeding ).

For those of you who don't understand the meaning of weaning, it means that the cat has started to switch from its mother's milk to other food sources. This transition occurs slowly. Starting from the kitten who started to eat a little other food such as fish ( which has been cooked and without thorns ).

Then consume milk and other foods in a balanced way and gradually the cat is no longer suckling from its mother and can eat foods such as wet food or dry food. Usually this takes about 8 weeks after the cat gives birth.

Cats that have been able to be independent and can eat other food sources will usually be rejected by their mothers when they want to breastfeed again.


How To Prevent Female Cats Who Want To Mate And Not Get Pregnant ?

After we know when the cat that gave birth will start wanting to mate again, we need to take precautions so that the cat does not get pregnant again when he has entered the mating period. There are many ways you can do to prevent female cats from getting pregnant, some of which are :

1. Sterilize Cats

It can be troublesome when a cat is constantly pregnant and having lots of children. Because of course we will have trouble taking care of and providing for the cat's needs. One of the common ways to prevent female cats from mating and getting pregnant is to neuter them.

Female cats that have been sterilized will usually lose their lust and tend to be calmer. Cats will no longer have the intention to mate again. Cats will also not be able to get pregnant again even though cats without our knowledge are married to other stray cats.

To sterilize a cat is quite easy, just provide 400 thousand and take the cat to the vet in your city. The length of time the female cat sterilization process will usually take about 60 minutes. During the process you can leave your cat to go shopping or do other activities.

The cost of neutering cats from one city to another may vary. Maybe in my city the price is around 30 dollar but in other cities it is 40 or 50 dollar for one female cat. The cost of neutering also varies depending on the type of cat breed.

Meanwhile for male cats the cost is cheaper than female cats, which is around 300 thousand while for male cats it costs around 300 thousand. You need to know that after a cat is sterilized, it will not be able to breed and have children for its entire life.


2. Give The Cat Desire Reducing Medication

If you don't have money or don't want your cat to be sterilized for some reason. You can use another alternative, namely using cat lust-lowering drugs. This drug works by suppressing, eliminating, or overcoming the cat's lust. This drug will suppress or reduce libido ( desire to marry ) in cats.

You can easily find this medicine and buy it in pet shops or online stores. This lust-reducing drug itself is sold for 2 dollar for a 5 ml size drug. For the dose itself, it is adjusted to the cat's body weight and is only given once a month.


3. Cage Cats

Confine the cat in a certain space. This is done so that the scent that comes out of the female cat's genitals does not attract the arrival of other males, as well as so that other male cats cannot touch or mate with female cats.

Also, try to set the cage or room that confines the cat to be slightly warm so that the cat is not noisy and can get through the mating season soon. This is one way you can do to prevent female cats from mating and getting pregnant.

Thus the discussion about when cats mate again after giving birth. Hopefully this article is useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, other cat lovers or to your social media accounts.

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