
11 Reasons Cats Runs Alone

Even though the cat sleeps a lot in a day, it turns out that when he wakes up, the cat is one of the most active animals. Cats like to roam here and there to do certain activities. Such as hunting small animals, playing with other cats, chasing females for mating and various other activities.


Why Does My Cat Run Around Crazy


When the cat is busy alone, sometimes we may occasionally catch our cat running alone. Not only once, but this happens often and is something that commonly seen by someone who kept a cat for a long time.

But what is common in the eyes of cat lovers is certainly different for people who have just started raising cats. The behavior of cats running alone as if for no apparent reason, of course, will invite a few questions in their minds.

Why do cats run alone, are cats sick and similar questions will arise looking for answers. So that your questions are answered and you are not curious anymore. Find out the answer by reading the article below.


11 Reasons Why Cats Runs Alone

There are many reasons why cats suddenly run around alone. Based on Angora's experience, the main cause is usually not related to medical problems, so you don't need to worry. Generally what causes a cat to run alone is as follows :

1 Catching Small Animals

The first reason why cats like to run away on their own and jump here and there is because maybe the cat is busy catching small animals such as mosquitoes, flies. cockroaches, ants and the like. The size of this animal is quite small and if we look at it from a distance it may not be visible to the eye.

Especially for those of you who are nearsighted, the cat will look like he is busy running around alone and seems to be acting strange. If it turns out that the cat is indeed trying to catch a small animal and manages to catch it, it is better to throw away the catch.

This is to prevent cats from being infected with bacteria, parasites or viruses because it could be that the captured animal is a host (carrier) of the 3 harmful microorganisms that can cause disease in cats.


2. Seeing Scary Things

The second reason why cats sometimes run away on their own is that they may see scary things. Not only humans can be afraid when they see scary things but cats can feel the same way.

They will run when it approaches them then when it feels safe the cat will look back and then run again with the aim of finding a safe place to hide from what it fears.


3. Hearing Horrible And Weird Sounds

The third is that the cat will run suddenly run if there is a terrible and strange sound that is clearly heard around him. For example, if a cat hears the sound of a chainsaw near the house, the cat will usually run here and there confused and scared.

Sometimes the cat will also try to find the source of the sound. Once when someone was sawing a tree near the house, my cat ran here and there and then hid under the cupboard like she was scared.

Because of his strange face and confused face that he expresses when he is scared I laughed out loud but after that I found out the reason why he was scared and tried to calm him down by stroking his head, giving toys, and snacks to distract his mind from what he was afraid of.


4. Seeing Ghosts Or Being Disturbed By Ghosts

The fourth reason why the cat suddenly runs away is that the cat may be seeing a ghost and being disturbed by a ghost. When a cat sees a ghost or is disturbed by a ghost, usually the cat will show several reactions, one of which is running suddenly and his face looks confused or scared.

When you see a cat for no apparent reason it runs away on its own, it could be that your cat is running due to being disturbed by spirits or ghosts.


5. Seeing Strangers

Now the fifth is the cat sees a stranger he doesn't recognize. For some cats, especially cats who are cared for at home and only allowed to play in the yard, the arrival of strangers can scare them and run into the house alone.

This fear arises cause he is afraid because he doesn't know the person, thinks that the person's attitude is threatening and could be a result of the trauma cat experienced with strangers.


6. Seeing People Who Often Scold Him

Avoiding people who often scold him or make a big high-pitched voice is the sixth reason why cats run away on their own. Based on a research Galvan and Vonk Research from the University of Oakland in the City of Rochester.

They found that cats would run away from people who were unfriendly, angry, had high voices and liked to hit them. This is tested from 12 behavior patterns of cat behavior when they are faced with several people with different attitudes, voices, tone of voice and others.


7. Seeing Another Male

A cat will run when it sees another male, this is the seventh reason why cats sometimes run alone. The male is usually a stronger male than him. This is common in cats who have grown up and are in a state of heat.

Cats who were young and were not considered enemies of other cats, now as adults are considered as rivals and enemies for even other cats due to the struggle for territory and due to the mating period.


8. Playing

The 8th reason is that the cat is having fun playing. Generally this often happens to kittens because adult cats will not like to play and even if we just play, adult cats will tend to ignore it. You must often come across kittens who are busy playing alone while running to and fro.

He plays even when no other cat is with him. Cats usually play chasing small animals, body shadows, small ropes or hair and other small objects.


9. Feeling Threatened

Cats who feel threatened is the ninth reason that makes cats run suddenly. When a cat senses a threat that could hurt or kill it is nearby, it will spontaneously run away from the source of the threat.

When it feels safe, the cat will stop and be aware of whether the source of the threat has disappeared or is approaching it again.


10. Seeing Objects Or Strange Things

The ten reasons why cats run away is that cats see strange things or strange objects. In the past, when I wanted to bring a mattress that had just been cleaned of cat urine and wanted to enter the house.

The funny thing is that my cat looks scared and surprised to see me lifting the bed. He looked at me with piercing eyes and didn't seem to recognize me. Maybe he saw me as an object or strange thing when I lifted the mattress.

So as soon as I approach this cat, he immediately takes a thousand steps to run away from me.


11. Seeing Other Animals

The last one is the cat sees another animal that is bigger than him or sees another animal that is an enemy or threat to him. When he sees his enemy and the animal that scares him, the cat will get excited and run as hard as he can and hide from his enemy.


When This Happens What Should We Do ?

When this happens, try to see what is the source of why the cat ran away on its own. If the cause is because the cat is happy to play or because it sees strange objects and catches small animals then leave it alone.

Then if the cause is because they feel afraid and threatened, then we must eliminate the source of the problem so that the cat becomes calm, no longer afraid and does not experience stress. Wow, there are many reasons why cats like to run alone.

Maybe that's all I can say, I hope this article is useful for you. Don't forget to also share it with your relatives, friends, cat lovers and social media.

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