
What To Give A Cat That Won't Eat Or Drink

A healthy and cheerful cat is something normal for ordinary people. But for cat lovers this is something that pleases the heart. How not, if a sick cat doesn't want to eat, it certainly makes the owner feel sad and hurts in his heart.


What To Give A Cat That Won't Eat Or Drink


Not only that, a sick cat also makes us have to pay more attention, take extra care and close supervision of the cat. We will do all that so that the cat who doesn't want to eat and is sick gets well soon.

So what if our cat doesn't want to eat and only drinks and how do we deal with and treat it? Check out the full explanation here.


Has Your Cat Ever Refused To Eat And Only Drank ?

Certainly not. Angora herself often finds that my cat doesn't want to eat whiskas or other food and only drinks. This often happens among cat lovers. We will certainly find kittens, adult cats, pregnant cats or our old cats in this one condition.


What Causes Cats Don't Want To Eat And Just Drink ?

There are many reasons why cats don't want to eat and drink all the time. The most common cause is usually pain and the pain tends to be in the mouth or throat. Pain in the mouth is usually due to cancer sores, thorns or bones stuck in the gums, teeth or injuring the tongue and throat.

Or maybe there is inflammation in the cat's throat and mouth due to a virus or bacterial attack. But the cat doesn't want to eat and only drinks doesn't mean the cat is just sick. There are several other reasons cats just drink constantly.

For pregnant cats, sometimes cats also only drink, this happens at certain times. The cat that gives birth will also not want to eat because he has eaten the placenta or his child is born with a disability. Cats who like to wander around may also not want to eat and come home just drinking.

Maybe out there he has eaten leftovers or preyed on animals such as lizards, chicks, mice and others that make him full. To make sure the cat doesn't want to eat because it's sick or not, you can check its mouth whether it's injured or not, see if the cat sleeps often, is quieter and see if the cat is weak.


How To Deal With A Cat Who Only Wants To Drink, Doesn't Want To Eat ?

So, to overcome this condition, you can follow some of the ways below :

1. Give Medication For Inflammation And Sprue Special For Cats

The first step is for the cat to want to eat again, you can give the cat an inflammation medicine and sprue medicine for cats to treat pain in the mouth and throat. You can find this medicine at a pet shop or you can order it online at an online shop. The price is cheap, it's only around 3 dollars and above for the market price of this drug.


2. Replace Cat Food With Wet Food

The second step is to get the cat back to want to eat by changing the type of food. Usually the cat will be lazy to eat because the food served is food that hurts when it touches his mouth and throat. Replace the food with wet food to make it easier for your cat to eat the food.

Or if you lack funds then you can use fish or meat that is mashed and diluted with water as cat food. Usually after a food change, the cat will start to want to eat, the food you serve him.


3. Give Bear Milk Or Young Coconut Water

The third step so that the cat wants to eat again is to give bear milk or young coconut every 2 hours. Bear milk or coconut water is very good to give to a cat who is sick. Besides being able to treat poisoning, these two types of drinks are considered to be able to increase the cat's energy and stamina. Also serves as additional nutrition for cats who are sick.


4. Give Cat Vitamins

The third step so that cats want to eat is to give vitamins. Giving vitamins for cats aims to help the cat to stay strong against the disease and to meet the nutrients that he does not get because of the lack of food that enters the cat's body.

Give special vitamins for cats by following the recommendations listed on the vitamin drug packaging label.


5. Give The Cat A Cooked Drink

The fifth step is to get the cat to eat by giving him boiled water. Although cat saliva has anti-bacterial properties, you should still give the cat drinking water that has been cooked. Because the raw water in it can contain bacteria or parasites that allow it to worsen the condition of mouth sores or inflammation experienced by cats.


6. Check Cat's Mouth

The sixth step is to examine the cat's mouth. Check carefully the gums, between the teeth or the cavity above the mouth. See if the cat's mouth has bones or thorns stuck in it. If there is, immediately remove it slowly using tweezers.

If you have trouble pulling it out, you can take it to the nearest vet. The cost is cheap, how come the sum is around 10 dollars if it doesn't include medicine, hehehe.


7. Go To The Vet

The last step if your cat doesn't get better after doing some of the ways above is to take him to the doctor. The doctor will check the cat's condition, give the right medicine and teach you how to properly care for your sick cat.


What To Do After The Cat Wants To Eat Again ?

Once your cat has recovered, be sure to continue to monitor his condition. See if the cat only wants to eat one day or if it wants to continue to eat every day. If the drug is still remaining then continue giving the drug until the drug runs out. Do not stop taking the drug even if the cat's condition has improved.

Also check with the doctor after the cat recovers to further confirm that the cat's illness has completely disappeared. 

Maybe that's all about how to deal with cats not wanting to eat and just drinking. If you find this article useful, please share it with your relatives or on your social media. May be useful.

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