
How To Treat A Poisoned Cat With Bear Milk

HIs your cat currently poisoned ? If so, don't panic because there are many ways we can treat poisoning in our cats. We can treat poisoned cats by giving coconut water, honey or milk.


How To Treat A Poisoned Cat With Bear Milk

On this occasion we will not discuss how to treat poisoned cats with young coconut water, honey or milk. We will only discuss how to treat a poisoned cat with bear brand milk.


Why Can Cats Be Poisoned ?

Many things may be the main cause of cat poisoning. Common causes of cat poisoning based on Angora's own experience are :

  • Cats eat expired food

  • Cats eat stale food

  • Cats eat mice that have drunk or eaten poison

  • Cat eats grass sprayed with grass poison

  • Cats eat plants that have been sprayed with anti-pest poison

  • Cats eat insects that have been sprayed with insecticide

  • Poisined by neighbour

Can Bear Brand Milk Cure A Poisoned Cat ?

Based on medical opinion, milk including bear brand milk is considered not to cure poisoning in cats. Medical experts say that each poison has its own antidote and milk is not clinically proven to cure various kinds of poisons.

But based on my own experience, many cats have recovered from poisoning. Not only me, other cat lovers also agree about bear brand milk or young coconut water as a cure for poisoned cats. They themselves have proven it. If you don't believe it, you can ask a cat lover forum or group about this.

And I make sure that if you ask how to treat a poisoned cat, they will simultaneously answer "Try using young coconut water" or "just use bear brand milk, my cat recovered from the poison using this milk" and other similar answers.


What Is The Dose Of Bear Brand Milk For Poisoned Cats?

The dose for bear brand milk that is usually given by cat lovers or myself is 2 tablespoons or just enough. You don't have to force the 2 tablespoons into the mouth of a cat who is sick with poison. If you see your cat is tired or unable to drink it anymore, 1 tablespoon of bear milk is enough.

Be sure to use a baby syringe to make it easier to give bear brand milk to a poisoned cat.


How To Treat Cat Poisoning With Bear Brand Milk ?

To treat cats with bear brand milk, you can follow the steps listed below :

  • Clean the cat's mouth with a wet cloth until clean

  • Put the milk in a syringe or a special cat bottle

  • Give bear brand milk every hour

  • If the cat's condition is getting better, give it every 2 hours

What if My Cat Doesn't Get Well With Bear Brand Milk ?

After trying to treat a cat who was poisoned with bear  brand milk and the cat did not recover, the next step we can take is to take him to the vet.


Veterinarians VS Bear Brand Milk, Which is Better ?

Which is better to go to the vet or just use bear brand milk to treat poisoned cats. Angora's personal opinion, going to the vet is a better step and highly recommended if the cat is poisoned or sick from poison.

Giving your cat bear brand milk as medicine is only an alternative if you don't have extra money and it's hard to find a vet near you.


How To Prevent Cats From Being Poisoned ?

Avoid poisoning we can do in various ways. In my opinion, the most effective method is the followingn :

Always Supervise Our Cats When Playing Outdoors

When your cat is playing outside, keep an eye on him at all times. Make sure the cat doesn't eat anything outside the house so it doesn't get poisoned. Maybe if he eats grass in the yard then this doesn't matter because the grass is guaranteed to be safe. It's also good for cats to clean their stomachs.

The problem is when he eats animals such as insects, mice and other small animals outside the house. We don't know whether the animals were poisoned or not. If you can't keep an eye on them outside, you can keep them indoors.

But it's best to spend a little time outdoors with your cat so that the cat doesn't experience stress.


Pay Attention To The Food He Eats

When giving your cat dry or wet food and other packaged foods. Look first when the expiration date. If it turns out that the food has expired, you should not give it to the cat and throw it away so that the cat is not poisoned. Throw it in a place where the cat can't reach it.


Don't Give Stale Food

Stale food can also be a major cause of cat poisoning. Therefore, if the food is spoiled or stale, never give it to the cat. It's better to just throw the food away by putting it in a plastic bag and throw it where the cat can't find it.


Flag Your Neighbor

This method can only be done if your cat is poisoned and it turns out that your neighbor is the culprit. Neighbors who hate cats even hurt them when we are around or not around can be the cause. Try not to let your cat be near him or in his yard to avoid if your cat is poisoned by him again.


After The Cat Recovers From Poisoning What Should Be Done ?

After the cat recovers from its poisoning, you should not immediately stop giving the bear brand milk. Give the bear brand milk until a week after its recovery or until you feel that your pet cat has completely recovered from the poisoning problem he suffered.

After the cat recovers from its poisoning, you can immediately stop giving the bear brand milk whenever you want.


What If The Cat Does Not Recover And Even Dies ?

Cats do not recover and even die when we have given food. So why did this happen? Cat poisoning may be so severe that the cat can no longer be saved. And this death, of course, is not because his condition is getting worse due to the cat's milk, but it is purely because of poison.

We can only accept the fact that our cat died from poison and give him the best burial possible.

That's how to treat a poisoned cat using bearbrand milk. Hopefully by using this method your cat will soon recover from poisoning. If you find this article useful, you can also share it with your relatives or share it on your social media.

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