
10 Ways How To Found A Lost Kitten Outside

Maybe you are currently confused because your kitten is missing. Your cat has been missing all day and is not coming home. Of course this will make us panic, especially if the missing kitten is a cat race such as Angora, Persian, Spinx or others. But don't panic and be afraid because you can search and find a lost cat in several ways.


How To Found A Lost Kitten Outside


How to Find A Lost Kitten Quickly

When our cat is lost then all we have to do is hurry to find it. And to get a lost cat we need to search in certain ways. Here are some common ways Angoras always do find lost kittens quickly.

1. Find A Cat As Soon As Possible

When you realize that your cat or kitten is missing, immediately find your cat. Usually a cat that has just disappeared is not so far from our house. The sooner we look for it the better and the easier it will be for us to find it.

Do not procrastinate in searching for your lost cat. Because your rate of finding a lost cat will be lower and you will have a hard time finding it. Because the longer we search, the missing cat may be farther away from our house.


2. Find A Cat While Calling His Name

Look for the lost cat by calling his name loudly. Look in the yard of the house, the neighbor's yard, places with lots of grass and trees while calling his name and in other places.

A lost cat will be curious and look for the person calling his name. If the cat recognizes that the person calling it is its owner, the cat will immediately run to you.


3. Bring Cat Food

While looking for a lost cat, bring cat food. Call your cat with an open cat food package. You can use cat food such as whiskas and others. The smell of cat food that comes out will make many cats come to you.

This smell will also make the cat that hide, looking for the source of the smell and the person who calls his name.


4. Search While Listening To Cat Sounds

Listen for the sound of a cat meowing while looking for a lost cat. Approach the sound to know if the sound is coming from your cat. Sometimes the sound of a cat meowing is a sign of a cat asking for help because it is sick and hungry.

Or maybe the meow is because the cat is trying to attract the opposite sex. Usually cats do it when in heat and want to mate.


5. Ask Your Neighbors Or People Around

Ask the cat or people you meet if they have seen your lost kitten. Usually when they see your cat they will tell you where they last saw a lost cat.

This method is fairly effective for finding a cat that has just disappeared. Even if a cat that has been missing for days can be found this way.


6. Ask Your Neighbors Or Community For Help

When looking for your cat, you may have time to ask people you meet if they have seen your kitten. Ask for their help. Ask them to pick up and lock the cat when they see your missing cat and let you know if your cat has been found.

This method is often done by Angora and the success rate is up to 70 percent. This method can also be used to find a cat that has been missing for days. If your neighbors have found a cat, you should give them a gift in the form of money, fruit or whatever it is as our gratitude.

Apart from being a thank you, this will also create good relations with neighbors and make it easier for us to ask for their help again in future if our cat is lost again.


7. Search Back In The Night

After looking for a cat that went missing during the day and can't find it, don't despair. Try to come back looking for the kitten at night. Usually cats will be more often wandering at night.

Because at night the cat feels safer to move without fear of being chased by other animals, enemies or humans. Look in the area around where you live. Oh yeah, when you're looking for a lost kitten, use a flashlight and get permission before entering your neighbor's yard.

I'm afraid that if you don't go in with your permission, you might be considered as a thief and get beaten up by the folks like teenagers in Indonesia. Even though the intention to look for the missing cat was actually killed by the folk judges.


8. Visit Animal Shelter Or Petshop

It's possible that your lost cat was taken to an animal shelter. If there is an animal shelter in your area, there's nothing wrong with visiting. Who knows the lost kitten can be accommodated there.

Also visit a petshop in your area that sells kittens. It could be that a naughty person stole your kitten and then sold it at the nearest pet shop.


9. Search Facebook Group Buy And Sell Cats

If the missing kitten is a purebred cat, try to join the buying and selling group on Facebook. Usually the thief or the person who finds the missing cat will sell the cat in a place where many people are interested in buying it, one of which is a cat buying and selling group.

When you see your cat being sold at the market price in the group, don't get emotional and think calmly. Call the person who sold the cat and ask your friend to meet the person. Because usually the perpetrator will know the owner of the cat so it's impossible for you to find him.

While you and your other friends wait until the culprit appears. When the perpetrator has appeared with your cat. Catch him and have your cat returned. Threatened to call the police if he didn't want to return it.

When doing this, bring lots of relatives or male friends to look after you and detain the perpetrator at the scene.


10. Do Not forget To Pray

Effort without prayer is not complete. It's like eating rice without side dishes. Praying will increase our chances of finding a lost cat. You can pray according to the teachings of your respective religion.


Where Is The Usual Place For A Lost Cat To Be?

Lost cats are usually in a certain place. Based on the experience of angora cats are usually often found in the following places :

  • Hidden places in the house or yard

  • Hidden place in the neighbor's yard

  • Under the parked car

  • In between the bottom of the car engine

  • On the tires of a parked car

  • Under the parked motorbike

  • Empty house

  • Among the grass or flowers

  • In an area with lots of trees and grass

  • On the tree

  • In high places

  • Between the dry ditches

  • Where a lot of cats usually gather

  • In an area where there are a lot of cats

  • At the garbage dump

  • In the usual place, the cat likes to play and hang out

Look in the places above because these are places with a high chance of finding a lost cat.


Are There Other Ways To Find Cats Other Than The Way Above ?

In addition to the method above, there are also other ways according to the beliefs of ancient parents. Maybe for the layman this method is ridiculous and makes no sense. But this method has often been used by my family and I from the past and this method often works.

The easy way is to talk to cat who often wanders around or the cat you meet when looking for a lost kitten or cat. Just say to the cat, "If you see Ruby ( name of cat ) tell her to come home" or "If you see Ruby, take her home.

Speak slowly enough as long as the cat you're talking to hears, so you don't think it's weird with your neighbors hehe. After me or my mom did this, often cat that we talked to the next day came home with the missing cat.


Then What If The Lost Cat Is Not Found Too?

Don't give up and try to search for a few weeks, doa prayer as you search. Based on my case, my cat was lost and only found about a week or even a month after he disappeared.

He was found or returned in good health except that his body and legs were very thin. But thankfully until now he is healthy and his body is gradually getting fat again.

Maybe that's the only way to find or how to find a lost cat easily and quickly. Hopefully by applying the method above you can immediately meet your lost cat or kittan. If you find this article useful, please share it with your relatives or your social media accounts.

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