
9 Ways To Treat Cats Affected By Panleukopenia Virus

Panleukopenia virus is a virus that causes health problems for cats. This virus is a virus that is dangerous for cats because it can cause sudden death. Not only that, panleukopenia is also a type of virus that can spread very quickly.


9 Ways To Treat Cats Affected By Panleukopenia Virus


Panleukopenia is a disease caused by the parvo virus. If a cat is infected with this virus, it will easily pass it on to other cats. Transmission is fastest in places where many cats congregate, such as cat farms, pet stores or animal care centers.


How To Treat Cats Affected By The Panleukopenia Virus

When our cat is infected with the panleukopenia virus, the cat's life expectancy to recover is 1 percent. The rest is death. Because until now there has not been found a drug that can cure this panleukopenia disease. Cats affected by panleukopenia will be weak, lazy to eat and sleep more often.

To treat panleukopenia, all we can do is try several ways. Here's how the angora usually do when my cat is seriously ill.

1. Give Food And Drink Every 2 Hours

The first way to treat virus panleukopenia is to give the cat food and water every 2 hours. For food, give wet food or watery wet food that makes it easier for the cat to swallow it. You can use a special cat syringe to make it easier to give cat food and drinks.

For drinking water, make sure to give a drink that has been cooked. Because boiled water is safer than raw water. The provision of food and drink every 2 hours aims to make the cat energetic and able to fight against the disease.


2. Give Young Coconut Water

Coconut water is often used as a poison medicine for cats. But in addition to poisoning drugs, young coconut water can also be used as a supplement or vitamin to help cats so their bodies are able to defend against disease, especially severe diseases such as panleukopenia. 

Give young coconut water every 2 hours to a sick cat.


3. Give Honey + Egg

Honey plus eggs can be given to cats to increase the stamina of cats who are sick with panleukopenia. Give a mixture of honey plus eggs 2 times a day ( morning and night ). Use a syringe so that the cat does not choke and makes it easier to give this honey plus egg.


4. Give Vitamins

Give vitamins 2 times a day to help the cat's health and so that the cat is strong in fighting this panleukopenia disease. If you have done method numbers 2 and 3 then you can ignore this method.


5. Sunbathing

The last way is sunbathing. Dry the cat in the morning and when the sun is not too hot. That is 11 to 12 o'clock every day. Dry briefly for about 5 minutes. After that, give the cat water to drink because he may be thirsty after sunbathing.

Why do I recommend sunbathing, because humans if they are sick and sunbathe usually their bodies will feel better. This also applies to cats and is also recommended by veterinarians.


6. Put The Cat To Sleep In A Warm Place

Put the cat to sleep in a warm place. Like near a lamp, or a cardboard box with a cloth inside. This is to keep the cat's body warm and make it feel comfortable and not cold when sleeping at night.


7. Pet The Cat's Head

When your cat is sick, keep stroking his head and body as if he was healthy. This petting will make the cat understand that you are sad because he is sick and he knows that you love him and want him to get well soon.

Stroking the cat's head will also make it struggle to fight the disease and the spirit of survival.


8. Clean The Cat's Body

When a cat is sick with panleukopenia, the cat will not be able to clean its body anymore. Clean the cat's body with a clean, slightly wet cloth and then wipe the cat's body parts that are smelly or dirty.

We do this so that the dirty body of a sick cat does not become a new nest for viruses or other bacteria, as well as so that the cat's body does not smell and be infested by flies. A cat's body that is smelly, dirty and has lots of flies can reduce the cat's enthusiasm for life and worsen its health condition.


9. Pray fFor Our Cats

Although the recovery rate is very low, there is still hope that the cat will return to health if the god will. Pray for our cats to stay healed according to our respective religions. If you believe in praying, surely your prayers will be answered and the cat who was sick with panleukopenia will recover and be healthier than before.


Is This Way Cats Can Recover From Panleukopenia Virus ?

As angora said at the beginning that the cat's recovery rate is only about 1 percent, the rest is death. But by applying the method above, the cure rate for cats with panleukopenia can be increased.

Of my 6 cats affected by panleukopenia 2 of them managed to survive after applying the method above.


Is It Necessary To Take A Cat To The Vet?

You can take your cat to the vet, this action is actually good for the cat. You can ask for vitamins, injections or any medicine that can reduce the cat's pain. You can also ask what treatment can be done for the cat.

But you need to know that the doctor will also say that the cat's recovery rate is low, so before you go to the vet, you need to prepare your heart to accept it.

Those are some of the ways I usually do when my cat is seriously ill such as panleukopenia and some of them have recovered. Thus the article on how to treat a cat affected by the panleukopenia virus. If you find this article useful, you can share it with your relatives or on your social media.

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