
7 Causes Of Bloated Stomach In Kitten

7 Causes Of Bloated Stomach In Kitten | For us cat lovers, we really want our cats to grow up well and healthy. Because it'common for us to give them the best, starting from providing nutritious food, milk, vitamins and even taking good care of them.


Bloated Stomach Kitten
Ilustration Of Bloated Stomach Kitten


We don't just do this for adult cats. Even kittens do not escape our attention. That's why when we see something wrong such as a bloated stomach in our kitten or cat, of course we worry that the bloated stomach is a disease.

As cat lovers, of course, we will try to find out as deeply as possible about stomach problems in our kittens. Starting from what causes it, is it dangerous and how to overcome this bloated stomach. On this occasion Angora will help you in answering all these things.

Because in this article Angora will discuss in full about the bloated stomach problem that occurs in kittens. Check out the full explanation of the bloated bellied kitten, below!


7 Causes Of Bloated Stomach In Kitten

Kittens have a bloated stomach is actually a natural thing, provided that there are no signs of symptoms that the kitten is infected with a disease, virus or parasite. There are several possible reasons why a kitten's stomach can become bloated, ranging from eating too much, parasites, intestinal worms and the most several possible disturbances in the digestive organs.


What Causes a Cat's Stomach To Be Distended ?

As explained above, there are many things that can be the cause of this. Some of these causes include :

1. Full Kitten

A cat that gets excessive milk or food from its mother or owner will fill it up. Kittens can also be full from eating animals that are larger than their body size, such as lizards, crickets, mice and insects.

As a result, the kitten's stomach will become distended and enlarged. But you don't need to worry about this because later on the cat's stomach will shrink again if he poops.


2. Fat

Maybe you are someone who likes to pamper your cat with fatty foods. You need to know that the excessive accumulation of fat that enters the cat's body can make the cat's stomach become very distended. That's why it's important for us not to just give food to our cats.

To solve this problem, what you can do is do a fat diet for your cat. For example, only give cat food, fish, chicken meat, eggs, low-fat milk, and other foods that are low in fat content.


3. Gas

The accumulation of gas in the cat's stomach can also cause the cat's stomach to become distended. Usually this occurs due to disturbances in the digestive tract. Usually the cat's stomach will return to normal when he has passed gas.


4. Worms

Kittens with worms, whether they are over two weeks old or over two months old, will make their stomachs distended. Cats with intestinal worms usually have a voracious nature, often eat but only the belly bulges while the rest of the body looks thinner.

To find out whether a kitten has worms or not, you can see the complete sign of a dewormed cat here.


5. Bowel Blockage

If your cat who was thin suddenly in a few days becomes fat then you should be wary. It could be that your cat has a blockage in the intestines that makes him suddenly fat and distended.


6. Kidney Stones

Kidney stones in cats can also make the stomach become distended. This stone will block the urinary tract or waste disposal which can cause fluid to accumulate in the stomach. Severe conditions of kidney stones, can cause cat urine to bleed when it comes out of the body or even risk death.


7. FIP Virus ( Feline Infectious Peritonitis ) Wet Type

This virus is a virus from the Coronaviridae family, is a group of single-stranded RNA viruses with envelopes that are capable of infecting various species of living things. In the wet type this virus will cause the lungs and stomach to become swollen or look distended.

Usually this disease does not make the cat feel sick but the cat will feel shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.


How Do We Know A Distended Kitten Doesn't Hurt ?

The method is quite simple. Angoras themselves usually see if there are certain symptoms such as changes in attitude or if the cat is in pain. In my experience, a sick cat will usually :

  • More quiet

  • Skinny body

  • Often meows because of pain

  • When poop comes out worms

  • Bloody poop

  • Bloody urine

  • Cats have difficulty breathing ( suffocation )

The above symptoms do not mean that all of them will be present in a distended cat who is sick. Usually there will be a few that appear in our cat.


Is Distended Stomach In Kittens Dangerous ?

Talking about whether or not a distended stomach in kittens is dangerous, we have to look at the cause first. If the cause is a natural thing such as satiety, eating too much meat, gas or drinking too much, then this is not a dangerous condition.

However, if the cause is disease or health problems, it is clear that this is really dangerous. If it is not immediately treated, the cat's life might be at stake.


How To Overcome A Distended Stomach In Kittens ?

The way to deal with it can be said to be easy and difficult. First you have to know what causes it. Once you know the cause, all you have to do is find the right treatment. For example, your cat has a distended stomach because of worms, so you just need to give him deworming medicine.

If the cause is intestinal blockage then you just need to take him to the vet for immediate surgery. Or maybe you can ask the doctor what treatment is best for our kitten.


What To Do If A Cat With A Distended Stomach Hurts ?

The only thing we can do is take him to the vet and hope that the disease that caused his distended stomach is a minor one. Because if the cat's condition is severe, more intensive care will be needed and the risk of the cat surviving is minimal.



Distended stomachs in kittens are harmless and can be dangerous too. This is seen based on the main cause. Generally a distended cat is caused by the following things :

  • Filled Kitten

  • Fat

  • Gas

  • Worms

  • Bowel Blockage

  • Kidney stones

  • FIP Virus ( Feline Infectious Peritonitis ) Wet Type

If you see a cat having problems with its stomach, you should immediately take the cat to the vet. As an effort to be on guard at the same time so that you can take treatment if your cat is diagnosed with a certain disease.

Thus the article for a cat with a distended stomach, what causes it? . If you feel this article helped you, then there is nothing wrong with sharing it with your relatives or on your social media.


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