
9 Ways How To Treat Cat Stress

Cats are actually just like humans. Cats can feel stress too. When the cat is stressed, there will be signs that appear in our pet cat. These signs of stress usually differ from one cat with another cat. But the most common changes are changes in cat behavior.


How To Treat Cat Stress


When we already know that our cat is experiencing stress, as a good owner we need to help the cat in relieving his stress. There are many things we can actually do in an effort to relieve cat stress. You can do some efforts so that the cat is not stressed anymore by using the following Angora methods.


1. Relieve Stress In Cats By Playing Together

Playing with cats is considered to be able to relieve stress on cats. Set time to play with the cat every day on a regular basis and do the types of games that make the cat's body move or interactive games. You can play with your cat using any type of toy he likes.

Can use lasers, mice, dusters, ropes and so on. Play at least 20 minutes with the cat every day. Playing with cats will keep the cat's mind stimulated and make him forget his stressful feelings. Not only that, the cat will also move more and make his body much healthier.


2. Relieve Stress In Cats By Hugging And Stroking Cats Every Day

Stroking and hugging a cat can relieve or relieve a cat's stress. This is also an action that cats like. When you stroke or hug your cat, the cat will feel comfortable and feel loved by its owner, this activity can be the best thing to deal with stress problems in cats.

This routine can also help you observe changes in the cat's movements and behavior. If you feel something is wrong with him then you can take immediate action.


3. Relieve Stress In Cats By Providing All Their Needs

Stress levels in cats can be minimized by completing the cat's needs. Put all the cat's needs in a place that is easy to reach and close to each other. And put it in a place where cats usually find it. It is recommended not to move the cat's equipment too often every day.

This will make the cat confused, sometimes even the cat will pee and poop in any place. And make sure the place or cat cage is far from noise


4. Relieve Stress In Cats With A Quiet Room

Place the cat in a cage or room away from noise. Because even though cats are the type of animals that like to wander, cats really don't like noise. Cats tend to avoid places that are crowded with people and noisy places.

Especially if the cat is wanting to rest or sleep, often the noise makes them startle, so they are forced to move away because they are afraid and can't sleep. Cats who don't get enough rest can cause increased feelings of stress in cats.

So as much as possible prepare a room or cage at home in a location where you judge it is not too noisy, quiet and safe for cats.


5. Relieve Stress In Cats With Nutritious Food

Ensuring cats get nutritious food is one way to keep cats from stressing out. Nutritious food also ensures that the cat will grow up healthy and happy. Make sure to always provide nutritious, quality and balanced food every day.

But even though the food given is nutritious food, if it is given to much it will cause health problems such as obesity. Make sure to give your cat food regularly and not excessively.


6. Relieve Stress In Cats With Their Favorite Foods

When you have more money there is nothing wrong with giving your cat the food he likes. This will make the cat happy and eat the food voraciously. Similar to humans, feelings of pleasure and happiness have been proven to be able to suppress and even eliminate stress in the mind.

This also applies to cats and other animals. Therefore, it is not a problem for us to occasionally pamper the cat with the food he really likes. Especially if our cat is experiencing stress. As old people say, good food is able to please the stomach, heart and mind.


7. Relieve Stress In Cats By Giving Him Friends

When we work or are doing other routines outside the house, cats are often left alone at home. When the cat is alone, it may circle the house and play with the toys we leave behind or other objects that he considers toys. This will not last long because usually the cat will also be bored and prefer to sleep.

If a cat sleeps too much it will have an impact on his health and stress levels. Giving it a friend by adopting another cat, this is a great way to deal with cat stress. Stress will be reduced and the cat will be more active when he has a friend by his side.


8. Relieve Stress In Cats By Mating Her

You need to know that cats who are in heat can be exposed to stress too. Usually the result is he can't channel his lust which makes the cat experience stress. Signs of stress due to lust include changes in the cat's attitude and behavior.

Cats that were active and cheerful become quiet, sleep continuously and don't want to eat.The solution to dealing with this type of stress is only by mating it with other females. You can adopt another female or ask other cat lovers to marry their female cat with your male cat.

Usually before the marriage is carried out between cat, there will be a discussion about who will be the adoptive father for the kittens born in the future. Maybe this is a bit funny for ordinary people or beginner cat lovers.

The reason this is done is to ensure that in the future the kittens that are born can grow up healthy and get a guaranteed life. This way you can deal with cat stress problems and at the same time have a new family member.


9. Relieve Stress In Cats By Keeping Him Away From Certain Objects

Maybe we have teased a cat with cucumbers or other things that made him scared and act funny. Once or twice may not be a problem doing this, but if you do it often it can stress the cat. Cats will think the area it live in unsafe and feel uncomfortable being in it.

This condition can also make the cat more awake so that he gets poor quality sleep. Cats will also feel anxious, often surprised and frightened if the object or animal they fear is in the vicinity. Therefore, as much as possible keep away or remove objects that are making afraid of cats in order to maintain the cat's mental stability.

Maybe that's the only way to treat stress for cats that Angora thinks is the most effective way to do it. Hopefully by reading this article you can relieve stress on your cat. If you find this article useful, there is nothing wrong with sharing it with your relatives or on your social media.

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