
5 Reason Why Cat Doesn't Want To Eat Whiskas

Cats are very active and avid eaters. Therefore, whens ours cat becomes lazy and doesn't want to eat, something must have happened to our cat. Especially if the food you serve him is a whiskas brand.


Cat Doesn't Want To Eat Whiskas

Surely we will wonder why our cats do not want to eat whiskas ? Even though the whiskas product itself is a type of food that is very much liked by cats. Whether it's a purebred cat or a domestic cat, they're love to eat whiskas.

Whether it's dry food or wet food whiskas, no cat can resist eating it. So why our cats dont want to eat whiskas ?


5 Reasons Why Cats Won't Eat Whiskas

There are many reasons why a cat won't eat whiskas. According to Angora's own experience, there are 5 reasons why cats don't want to eat whiskas. Here are some of the causes :

1. Sick Cat

Sick cats are less likely to eat, even if we give them whiskas or another expensive cat food. The pain will make the cat lose its appetite. Especially in cats who suffer from diseases that affect their sense of smell such as flu, colds, asthma and others.


2. Wiskas Expired

Look at the food expiration date. Sometimes a expired whiskas makes a cat lazy or doesn't want to eat it.


3. Whiskas Smell Changed

Cats are animals that have a super strong sense of smell. When the food is not fragrant or the smell has changed, this will be clearly smelled by the cat's nose. The smell of whiskas that changed made whiskas into bad food that cant eat in cat eyes.

This makes the cat will not want to eat the whiskas that we serve him.


4. Cats have Different Tastes

Maybe your cat is a picky cat, aka has its own taste. Try substituting whiskas for another food brand ( bolt, royal cannin ) or a food he likes. If he eats these foods, you can be sure that he doesn't like whiskas.


5. Cats Don't Like Certain Whiskas

Try replacing the whiskas product that you use with another whiskas. Suppose you use a dry food whiskas, then switch to a wet food whiskas and vice versa. Or it could be by changing the product variant or the whiskas flavor variant. Some cats after doing this, they return to eating whiskas cat food.


So What To Do If The Cat Doesn't Want To Eat Whiskas ?

There are many things we can actually do to solve this problem. We can start with some of the things listed below:

  • Replacing the old whiskas food with a new one

  • Changing from whiskas dry food to wet food and vice versa

  • Changing the taste of whiskas

  • Changing the whiskas brand with another food brand

  • Taking the cat to the vet


Are Dangerous For Cats Eating Whiskas ?

Whiskas is a cat food made from natural ingredients and guaranteed quality. Its ingredients include: corn flour, soybean meal, palm stearin, soybean oil, poultry and poultry by products, marine fish, milk powder. And also contains a variety of multivitamins and mineral substances in it.

From the ingredients in it, we can be sure that whiskas is cat food that is safe for consumption.


Why Do Cats Often Meow And Don't Want To Eat Whiskas ?

Cats often meow usually because the cat is in heat. A cat in heat will show signs such as the following :

  • Frequent meowing, spraying for male cats

  • Male and female cats will be more willing to roam outdoors

  • The female cat will lower her head and raise her hind legs

  • Male cats will be more passionate about fighting

  • Female cats will be more aggressive about their territory


Usually cats that are in heat will rarely eat and prefer to roam outside the house to find a mate. Cats do not want to eat whiskas is a natural thing when the cat is in heat. And this is not a disease or other health problem.


Why Don't Cats Want To Eat After Eating Whiskas ?

Whiskas is a premium cat food, nutritious and guaranteed quality. If our cat is sick and doesn't want to eat after eating whiskas, we can't blame the food. It could be that the cause of the cat's illness is the result of us buying whiskas that has expired or we have kept whiskas food for a long time in an open package.

Or it could be that without our knowledge, cats eat mice, lizards, lizards, grass insects and other animals that make them infected or poisoned.


Why Do Cats Have Diarrhea After Cats Eat Whiskas ?

Maybe you just replaced your cat's main food with the whiskas brand. Because diarrhea usually occur after changing food. This will usually happen until the cat's stomach has completely adapted to the new food.

Maximum diarrhea will last for a week. If the cat continues to have diarrhea after more than 1 week, immediately check the cat to the vet. Because this may occur due to cats suffering from digestive disorders.


Why Do Cats Vomit After Eating Whiskas ?

This is common when cats eat spoiled or expired food. Other causes include indigestion, stomach problems, or the cat has just eaten grass and insects. If vomiting occurs only once or does not happen often and this only happens a day then you do not need to be vigilant.

But if the cat vomits every day, you can be sure that your cat is sick and needs to be taken to the vet.

If A Cat Is Sick After Eating Whiskas, What Should We Do ?

It's best to take your cat to the vet immediately. By taking the cat to the vet, our cat's recovery rate will be higher and we can ask whether the main reason the cat is sick is because of eating whiskas or because of poisoning or other diseases.

After the examination, the vet is usually happy to answer our questions about the health of our beloved animal.

Maybe that's all the discussion about why cats don't want to eat whiskas. Hopefully with this article you can understand more about cats who don't want to eat whiskas and can help with the problems that exist in your cat. If you find this article useful, you can share it with your relatives or on your social media.

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