
5 Ways How To Bathe A Cat Properly

As cat owners, of course, we must maintain the cleanliness of our cats. We do this to keep cats healthy and have beautiful fur. Not only that, clean cats also make us comfortable and safe when interacting with them.


How To Bathe A Cat Properly


One way to keep it clean is to bathe it every 2 weeks or at least once a month. Bathing a cat is something we must do for any breed of cat, including cats or domestic cats. Therefore, it is important for us as owners to know how to bathe breed cat or bathe domestic cats. Because if we just bathe the cat, we might get scratched by a cat or the cat will get sick.


How To Bathe A Cat

Actually bathing a cat is an easy thing if we know how. There are only a few things we need to do when we are going to bathe a cat. these include :

  • Preparation Before Bathing Cat

  • Procedure When The Cat Is Bathing

  • What To Do After The Cat Takes A Bath

The three things above are some things we need to know when we want to bathe breed cat or bathe a domestic cat.


Preparation Before Bathing Cat

Before bathing the cat, we need to prepare or do the following first :

Find The Right Time To Bathe The Cat

Cats are animals that tend to maintain a stable body temperature, because it is important for us to determine the right and good time to bathe our cats. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. is a good time to bathe your cat. Because at that time the air temperature was not too cold nor too hot.

Don't bathe your cat at 5 pm or at night. Because if bathed at night, the cat can be at risk of developing hypothermia.


Cut The Cat's Nails Before The Cat Takes a Bath

When bathing a cat, you may be clawed when the cat doesn't like being bathed. Cats will even scratch anything nearby, even cats do not hesitate to scratch their own master. So before bathing a cat, it's better if we cut the nails first.

Cut the edges of the milky white nails only, don't cut the nails that are reddish in color because inside there are cat nerves. If you cut it, your cat will get hurt and the nails will stick out. So be careful when trimming your cat's nails if you don't want your cat to get hurt.

Use Cat Shampoo Or Baby Shampoo

When bathing a cat, use a special cat shampoo or baby shampoo. A special cat or baby shampoo is a product that is safe when bathing a cat and will not sting when it comes into contact with a cat's eyes. And of course this shampoo is safe if a little goes into the cat's mouth.

It is highly recommended to use a cat shampoo. Moreover, the shampoo is an anti-fungal, anti-flea or anti-parasitic shampoo. This product is sure to make the cat's fur healthier and shiny and prevent the cat from being exposed to various skin health problems and various other diseases.


Prepare Cat Bath Tools

Prepare tools first before bathing him. This is done so that you can focus on bathing your cat and don't have to go here and there taking cat tools when you are bathing your cat. Prepare the following tools when you want to bathe the cat:

  • Warm water

  • Water basin

  • Dipper, hose or water spray

  • Cat shampoo or baby shampoo

  • Towel

  • Hair drye

  • Cage or cat basket


Procedure When The Cat Is Bathing

Here's how to bathe a cat at home :

1. Take The Cat To The Bath

Take the cat to a place where it will be bathed. Then hold it at its nape with one hand to prevent the cat from fighting back or running away. When holding the cat's nape, make sure the cat's paws touch the floor. If the cat resists being bathed, then ask a family member to help hold the cat during the bath.


2. Wet The Cat's Body

Wet the cat's body slowly with the warm water earlier. Wet slowly starting from the position of the head to the tip of the tail. Do not rinse the cat's body with a lot of water at once, do not also wet the cat's face by splashing or spraying water. This can make the cat panic and struggle with all his might when bathed.

When washing the cat's face, sweep a small amount of water with your hands and avoid getting water into the cat's eyes, nose or mouth.


3. Cat Body Shampoo

If the cat's entire body is wet, the next step is to shampoo the cat's body. Pour a little shampoo into your hands and then rub it all over the cat's body gently and slowly until the cat's body is slightly foamy.


4. Rinse The Cat's Body

After the cat's entire body has been shampooed, then rinse the cat's body with warm water, rinse until the cat's body is completely clean from shampoo. If not rinsed clean, shampoo can make dirt stick to the cat's body and cause skin irritation.


5. Clean The Cat's Face

After rinsing the cat's entire body, now all you need to do is clean the cat's face with a wet cloth. Gently clean the cat's face from any remaining shampoo or dirt. Be careful when cleaning around the eyes and ears, these areas are very sensitive for cats.

What To Do After The Cat Takes A Bath

After bathing the cat, the next step is to dry the cat's body.

Drying the Cat's Body

Use a soft, dry towel or washcloth. Wipe the cat's body with the cloth or towel until no more water drips from its fur. Then dry your cat's fur with a hair dryer.

If you have trouble drying your cat with a hair dryer because he is afraid and runs away when he is brought near the hair dryer. Then you can lock it in a cage to make it easier to dry the cat's body with a hair dryer.


Confining Cats

Confine the cat in a clean cage or warm room until the cat's fur is completely dry. Because if the cat's fur is not completely dry, it is feared that dirt and parasites will easily stick to the cat's fur. If the cat's fur is completely dry, you can remove your cat from the cage or room.

After the cat leaves the cage, invite your cat to play or give him his favorite toy so that the cat is relaxed, calm and happy.

Maybe that's the only way to bathe a native cat that you can do at home. By following the method above, hopefully you can bathe your cat more easily and the cat can be healthier and cleaner after being bathed. If you still have other questions about cats, please leave a comment in the comments column.

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