
What Happens When A Cat Eats A House Lizard ? Here Is The Answer !

Talking about cats, cats are animals that are widely kept, especially in Australia. Cats are carnivorous animals that still have hunting characteristics, but even so, cats are harmless and very tame. Cats love to hunt small animals around them.


What Happens When A Cat Eats A Lizard
Ilustration Of What Happens When A Cat Eats A House Lizard


Cats will immediately hunt animals such as cockroaches, crickets, mice, insects, frogs, birds, squirrels, lizards or any small animals around them. When in the house, cats love to chase lizards on the walls of the house.

When a cat sees a house lizard on the wall, it will make giggling sounds and prepare to hunt it. After getting the prey, the cat will immediately play it or eat the lizard.

The wild nature of cats who like to prey on lizards will be very difficult to eliminate even if we give enough cat food to our cats. This is because basically cats are carnivorous animals that have hunting instincts.


What To Do When We See A Cat Hunting / Eating Lizards ?

Lizards are natural prey for cats. Therefore, when you see your cat hunting for lizards, let it be. House lizard hunting will make cats use and maintain their hunting instincts.

In addition, when a cat is hunting it will move its body muscles while running, train its eyes to focus on its target and stretch its leg muscles when it jumps. Which is actually good for the health and physical growth of cats.

But when the cat is preying on the house lizard, keep an eye on him so he doesn't run away and jump anywhere. The problem is that cats are very messy when playing with lizards, cockroaches, flies or mosquitoes, they often crash or jump on valuable objects such as glasses, tv, plates and others.

Of course we don't want our valuables to be damaged because of the house lizard hunting by our beloved cat.


Can Cats Eat Lizards ?

Cats can eat lizards, because lizards are not dangerous animals if eaten by cats. Whether it's a race cat or a village cat, they can eat lizards. Angora said that not without reason, because many of the cats that I keep myself have eaten lizards.

Until now, or a few days after my cat ate the house lizard, there were no signs of illness or poisoning.


Is There A Danger Of Cats Eating Lizards ?

The fact that cats eat lizards is not harmful to cats. But it's a different story if the house lizard is infected with a dangerous disease or parasite. Because if the cat eats the house lizard, the cat could be infected with it.

But you don't have to worry because this condition rarely happens. Especially with lizards sleeping and eating in our clean homes. Plus, lizards only eat mosquitoes or other small animals, so the danger of cats eating lizards is very small.


Are There Signs Of An Infected Cat When Eating A House Lizard ?

To find out if a cat is infected after eating a house lizard, there will be several symptoms that may arise. Here are some signs and symptoms that may occur when a cat is infected:

  • Cats Become Weak.

  • Cats Lack of Appetite.

  • Stomach Pain Cat

  • Cats Feel Itchy.

  • Cats Vomit Often.

  • Cats Be Quiet

Maybe that's the only symptom that can occur when a cat has eaten a diseased house lizard.


Cats Are Sick After Eating Lizards, What's The Solution?

Many cat lovers suggest that a sick cat after eating a house lizard should be given a drink of young coconut water or brand bear's milk. They believe that the cause of the cat's illness is poisoning. Maybe you can follow this method to treat your cat.

But Angora himself prefers to take the cat to the vet. A sick cat after eating a house lizard will be difficult for us to know what causes it. This could be due to parasites, viruses or not from the house lizard itself.

It could be that the cat is sick not because of eating lizards but because she is pregnant so she is lazy to eat. Or it could be due to other diseases such as calici, panleukopenia, allergies, getting hit, colds, intestinal worms and so on.


Benefits of Cats Eating Lizards

Actually, when cats hunt and eat lizards, there are several benefits that the cat itself gets. But with the condition that the house lizard that the cat eats is not a diseased lizard or infected with bacteria or viruses.

Here are some of the benefits of lizards for cats :

Train Cat Muscles

When the cat runs and jumps up and down trying to catch the house lizard on the wall, the cat's muscles will move. This is very good for the growth and health of cats, especially for cat's feet.


As Food And Protein Source

Lizards can be said to be food with natural protein for cats as long as the house lizard they eat is not a diseased lizard.


Keeping And Training Cat's Wild Instinct

Catching lizards is a natural way for cats to maintain and train their wild instincts. This will be useful when the cat doesn't know the way to the house, so its wild instinct to survive will make it survive when outside the house.

My hometown cat once didn't come home for a week. And when he returned home he was in good health even though he was a bit thin. I was confused about what he eats out there. FYI this cat is still healthy until now.


As a gift

When a cat loves its master, it will bring various objects or animals as gifts for its master. The gifts of these animals can be in the form of cockroaches, lizards, chickens and even dangerous animals such as snakes.


As Toys

Have you ever seen a cat that caught a house lizard and then just played it and didn't eat it. After the lizard stops moving, the cat will leave it. Some cats just use lizards as entertaining toys.

Maybe that's all Angora can say about cats eating lizards. If you find this article useful, then there is nothing wrong with sharing it on Facebook and other social media.

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