
Can A Pregnant Cat Be Bathed ? Here Is The Answer !

For someone who has just kept a cat, especially a pregnant cat, there are bound to be sources of concern, such as whether a pregnant cat can eat this food, why a pregnant cat rarely eats, why a pregnant cat often sleeps, can a pregnant cat be bathed, why a pregnant cat meows and why does a pregnant cat keep pulling other cats towards her.


Can A Pregnant Cat Be Bathed ?


Because of these concerns, we will find the answer by asking other cat lovers or browsing the internet. Well, you happened to stop by this site and this article. Because here I will share my experience and knowledge about bathing pregnant cats.


Can Pregnant Cats Be Bathed?

Maybe you feel anxious and worried because you just got a cat and it happens that the cat you keep is a female cat. This concern is natural because of our affection for our pets. But there are also other factors that make us even more anxious because of rumors of bathing a pregnant cat.


Rumors About Bathing Pregnant Cats

For those of you who have had a pregnant cat for the first time, maybe some of the rumors about bathing a pregnant cat have worried you. Some of these rumors include :

  • Pregnant cats get fever easily when bathed.

  • Pregnant cats should not be bathed because it can cause a pregnant cat to miscarry.

  • Pregnant cats should not be bathed because cats have bathed by licking their own fur.

  • Pregnant cats should not be bathed because it can make a pregnant female cat stressed, anxious and sick.

  • Pregnant cats should not be bathed because it can interfere with the development of a pregnant cat's fetus.


Maybe the rumors about bathing a pregnant cat above are what make us afraid to bathe our cat. But don't worry because if we bathe our pregnant cat properly then the things that are worried about above will not happen.


The Right Time To Bathe Cats

You need to know that a cat's pregnancy cycle is generally around two months. In my own experience, the right time to bathe a pregnant cat is when the cat's womb is under 3 weeks old. Because at the time of pregnancy, cats are 4 weeks old, their stomachs are getting bigger and at the fourth week cats are very easy to experience stress and anxiety.

When you notice that your cat's belly is getting too big, which is at week 5 of pregnancy, it's best not to bathe it because it can lick itself. If you insist on cleaning his body then you should just clean his body with a wet cloth.


How To Let Us Know That Our Cat Is Pregnant

Here are some of the easiest ways to determine whether your female cat is pregnant or sick :

1. Check Cat Nipples

To find out whether a cat is pregnant or not, the first thing we can do is see if the female cat is weak and doesn't want to eat about 2 weeks after mating. If yes then check the nipples. A pregnant cat's nipples will appear swollen or enlarged and pink in color. Sick cats will not have big, pink nipples.


2. Pay Attention To The Cat's Diet

At the beginning of pregnancy the cat will look limp like a sick cat. The female cat's body is actually developing a uterus for blastula growth. Therefore a lot of energy is absorbed from the cat's body for the construction of this uterus.


3.Unusual Behavior

In the early days of pregnancy, the cat's attitude will change suddenly. Pregnant cats who were active will become quiet and don't move to much. If after being checked it turns out that he does not have any disease, you can be sure your cat is experiencing the early stages of pregnancy ( young pregnancy ).


4. Do An Ultrasound At The Vet

If after doing the 3 steps above but you still doubt whether your cat is pregnant or not, this step can be the last step as well as an accurate step to determine whether our beloved cat is pregnant or not.

After 2 weeks of pregnancy, take the cat to the vet and ask for an ultrasound examination. If the cat is pregnant, an examination will reveal a blastula the size of a cherry seed. This way your doubts about whether your cat is pregnant or not will be completely answered.


How to Bath A Pregnant Cat ?

To bathe a pregnant cat is the same as bathing a normal cat. You can bathe it using shampoo and anti lice. However, there are some things you should pay attention to before you bathe a pregnant cat. Here are some things you should pay attention before you want to bathe a pregnant cat :

Make Sure The Gestational Age Of The Cat Is Under 3 Weeks

Bathing a pregnant cat at 3 weeks gestation or under a week is a safe time based on Angora's own experience. This is because the gestation period is still young, the cat is still calm and not too restless and timid, and the cat's body weight is still relatively light because the pregnancy is still young.

Use Anti-Fungal Shampoo Or Cat Fleas

The use of anti-fungal and cat flea shampoo is intended so that when bathing the cat, the shampoo does not sting the body or cat's eyes. This will make the cat feel comfortable and safe in the bath and will make it less likely to struggle.

Bathing your cat with anti-flea shampoo a month before birth will also get rid of fleas and fungus. So that when a cat gives birth and breastfeeds her child, we don't have to worry about parasites and fleas and bacteria moving into the kitten's body which can cause various disturbances for the baby cat whose immune system is still not fully developed.


Bathe The Cat Gently And Carefully

When bathing a pregnant cat we should do it gently and carefully so that we don't hurt the cat and the fetus. 


If The Cat Struggles Too Much, You Should Stop Bathing It

When bathed, a pregnant cat may potentially struggle with fear of water. If she struggles too much then it's best to stop bathing her and try cleaning her body with wet cloth instead. Because if we force, there could be a collision with the fetus when it struggles.

And the worst case could be that he jumped in a panic and slipped so that his stomach hit the floor or wall while he was being bathed. Of course this will potentially make the prospective baby will be born with a disability or maybe a risk of miscarriage and death at birth.


Do Not Bathe A Cat With A Gestational Age More Than 1 Month

 If a pregnant cat has a gestation period of 1 month or more than 1 month then you should not bathe it directly. Because at this time pregnant cats tend to be more easily stressed and panicked so they may fight or struggle when bathed. It's better to just take a bath by cleaning his body using a wet cloth so that its body is not dirty and smelly.


Bathe The Cat When The Weather Is Sunny

Cats are animals that always try to keep their body temperature conditions stable. So it is highly recommended to bathe non-pregnant cats and pregnant cats from 10 to 11 A.M. Because at these hours the air temperature is neither too cold nor too hot.

Do not bathe the cat if it is cold or it is raining because it is feared that the cat will have a fever and the fur is at risk of mildew due to the humid air temperature.


Why Is Bathing A Young Pregnant Cat Easier Than An Old Pregnant Cat ?

It's simple, the answer is based on weight and mood. Cats that are pregnant young have a light weight because there has been no body weight gain due to their young gestational age. A pregnant cat's light body will certainly make it easy for us to lift her body when washing certain areas

Meanwhile, old pregnant cats experience weight gain or body mass due to the development of the fetus in the womb. As a result, it is difficult for us to lift the body when in the bath and have to wash the body slowly, especially in certain areas such as the stomach.

A young pregnant cat also has an ordinary mood. Therefore he will not fight too much when he is being bathed. This is very different from bathing a pregnant cat. Old pregnant cats have moods that are volatile and easily stressed, so when bathed they can struggle and fight because of panic and fear.

Understandably, maybe this is also the result of motherhood feeling threatened and this trait is common in every living creature.


Can Pregnant Cats Be Given Anti-Flea And Anti-Fungal Shampoo When Bathing ?

The use of anti-flea and anti-fungal shampoos may be given because they are only used outside the body, but make sure to rinse the cat's body after bathing it to avoid cat licking the rest of the shampoo when the cat licks its fur.

Cat shampoo may be specially designed to be safe when accidentally swallowed by cat but it is better to try not to swallow the shampoo or lick it. Because it could be that cat shampoo is safe for adult cats but not safe for cat fetuses.

Then what about anti-lice and anti-fungal drugs and other drugs? You must first consult with the nearest veterinarian to find out whether the drug is safe for consumption when a cat is pregnant and does not interfere with fetal development.


Pregnant Cat Fleas When Pregnant Old How to deal with it ?

When the cat is pregnant, it may be difficult for us to bathe him and we may only be able to bathe him with a wet cloth to clean his dirty or smelly body. To get rid of fleas on older pregnant cats, you can try using the Revolutioner & Frontline Plus brand of flea medicine.

Its use is quite easy, which is enough to put a drop on the skin of the cat's nape area. Anti-flea drugs Frontline Plus and Revolution are drugs that are specially formulated to kill cats and work by spreading themselves throughout the oil gland tissue in the cat's body. That's why you only need to put this medicine on one area.

This remedy will get rid of the fleas quickly and protect the cat for a full month. Follow the rules listed on the packaging so that the drug is safe to use. This drug is also safe to use for pregnant cats. When a pregnant cat does not give injections of fungi and fleas because the way the drug works is considered to affect the development of the fetus because it spreads through blood and flesh.

If you want to inject, then consult a veterinarian first, so that your pregnant cat will be safe when injected.


So, Can Pregnant Cats Be Bathed ?

Based on my explanation above, pregnant cats can be bathed. But to bathe we must see the gestational age of the cat. If the cat is young, it is permissible to bathe it, but if the cat is old, then we can only bathe it by cleaning its body with a wet cloth.

When bathing a pregnant cat you can use an anti-flea and anti-fungal shampoo. But after bathing make sure the pregnant cat's body has been rinsed clean with clean water and does not leave cat shampoo residue on its fur. This is to avoid ingesting shampoo when the cat licks his body.


Maybe that's all the information I can give about whether pregnant cats can be bathed. May be useful.

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