
Toxoplasmosis In Cats And Pregnancy

In the community, maybe we have heard of bans or maybe the advice of parents about infertility due to keeping a cat. Don't keep a cat, you'll have trouble having children, don't keep a cat, you'll be barren, don't keep a cat, you won't be able to get pregnant.


Toxoplasmosis In Cats And Pregnancy


Such may be rumors or advice from parents or in our society. Not only that, the cause of infertility itself is closely associated with a parasite called Toxoplasma.


Toxoplasma Virus In Cats, Causes Infertility?

What exactly is Toxoplasma itself and is it true that Toxoplasma is really related to the cause of infertility in humans. The following is a detailed explanation of Toxoplasma.

What Is Toxoplasma ?

Actually Toxoplasma is not a virus but a kind of parasite. This parasite is named Toxoplasma gondii, the parasite that is the main cause of toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasma parasite itself is not so dangerous for the human body because the human immune system can ward off it.

However, this Toxoplasma virus is still dangerous if it attacks people with low immune levels such as pregnant women because it can cause serious complications. Therefore, people with low immunity who infected by toxoplasmosis should immediately be taken to a doctor quickly to get the right treatment.


Where Did This Contagion Come From ?

Toxoplasma parasite itself comes from cat feces. This transmission does not occur from humans infected with the Toxoplasma virus to other humans but occurs between animals and humans. With the exception of pregnant women who have been infected, transmission can occur between the mother and the child in her womb.

Pregnant women who are infected are at great risk of miscarriage and fetal death.


Symptoms Of Toxoplasmosis

The following are some of the symptoms of toxoplasmosis in patients with toxoplasmosis with normal immunity:

  • Fever

  • Muscle ache

  • Fatigue

  • Sore throat

  • Swollen lymph nodes


The above symptoms will immediately gone after a distance of 6 weeks.


Meanwhile, in people with immune disorders, the symptoms of toxoplasmosis are as follows :

If the parasite invades the brain:

  • Difficulty speaking

  • Vision becomes impaired

  • Hearing impaired

  • Often dizzy

  • Daze

  • Seizures

  • Risk of coma.

If spread throughout the body:

  • Skin rash appears

  • Fever

  • Weak

  • Shivering

  • Hard to breathe

Meanwhile, for infants, the symptoms of toxoplasmosis are as follows :

  • Anemia.

  • Hydrocephalus or microcephaly

  • Hearing loss

  • Infection behind the eyeball

  • Retinal infection

  • Skin turns yellow

  • Enlargement of the liver

  • Spleen enlargement

  • Seizures

  • Skin rash

Is It True That The Toxoplasma Virus In Cats Causes Infertility?

From the explanation of the Toxoplasma parasite above, we can see that this parasite only attacks certain body parts and cannot attack people with strong immunity. Toxoplasma parasite itself does not attack the human reproductive system.

So it can be confirmed that the Toxoplasma virus in cats is the cause of infertility is a hoax or just a rumor.


How To Prevent Toxoplasmosis If We Have Cats

If you are part of a cat lover like me then you can follow some of the tips below so that our beloved cat does not infected by Toxoplasma:

1. Keep Cats Inside The House

This is to avoid physical contact between cats and other animals that have contracted or contracted Toxoplasma. When you're not at home, it's best to lock the cat in a cage so it doesn't run out of the house.


2. Avoid Touching Cat Litter

Cat litter can be a nesting place for the Toxoplasma parasite, so when we want to clean the litter box or clean cat litter, we should use gloves when cleaning it.

After that, wash your hands with soap. Clean the cage and litter box at least once a day. We recommend that for those of you who do not have a litter box for cat feces then you should start using it to minimize the transmission of Toxoplasma.


3. Use Fast Food

Fast food such as dry food or wet foot usually contain ingredients to kill parasites in feces and reduce cat poop odor. Avoid giving the cat food that is still raw because it can cause intestinal worms and others.


4. Regularly Bathing The Cat

Be diligent to clean your cat at least once a week by using a special cat shampoo. And after bathing the cat, dry the fur using a hair dryer or a clean cloth so that the fur dries quickly and the cat doesn't get cold and moldy.


5. Give Vaccines

You can treat your cat at the nearest vet to avoid infection with the Toxoplasma gondii virus. In addition to the toxoplasma vaccine, you can also give your cat a rabies vaccine, parvovirus vaccine and others to make it stronger and immune to various deadly diseases.

That's an explanation of the Toxoplasma virus in cats, what causes infertility and how to prevent its transmission if we keep cats. So this article may be useful.

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