
Why Cats Stick Their Tongues Out ?

There is one cat behavior that we have definitely seen and makes us wonder. The behavior is that the cat sometimes sticks out its tongue all the time. Seeing a cat sticking out its tongue all the time, this will make most of us wonder why the cat is behaving like this ?


Why Cats Stick Their Tongues Out

Now, for those of you who are curious about this and want to know what is the reason behind this cat's behavior, you must read Anggora's writing below.


Why Cats Stick Their Tongues Out ?

Cats have a variety of interesting behaviors and habits, including the habit of sticking out their tongues. You've probably seen cats stick their tongue out in a variety of situations, and this often begs the question of why they do it so much.

This article will explain some of the reasons why cats stick out their tongues a lot. The reason is :

1. Self-Cleaning

One of the main reasons why cats stick out their tongues is to clean themselves. Cats are very clean animals and keep their fur clean by licking their bodies with their rough tongues. A cat's tongue has a rough surface and acts like a natural brush that can help remove dirt, grime, and dead hair from their fur.

When licking themselves, cats will automatically stick out their tongues to reach parts of the body that are hard to reach.


2. Temperature Regulation

Cats use their tongues to help regulate body temperature. Like humans, cats sweat too, but they do so through sweat glands located in the pads of their paws. Therefore, when cats feel hot, they stick out their tongues to help dissipate the heat by evaporating saliva from the surface of the tongue. This helps cats keep their body temperature stable.


3. Dehydration

Sticking out the tongue can also be a sign that the cat is dehydrated. When cats are short on water, they may lick their lips and mouth to try to rehydrate themselves. It is a natural response to try to restore moisture to their bodies.

If you notice that your cat is constantly sticking out their tongue and seems thirsty, make sure they have adequate access to fresh water and consider having your cat checked by the vet if this behavior persists.

4. The Cat Sticks Out Its Tongue Because It's Too Hot

Is the air temperature around you still hot enough when the cat is sticking out its tongue? Has your cat just returned from outside the house and the air temperature is also very hot? If yes then this is the main cause.

Your current pet cat may be hot so he is forced to stick out his tongue. Sticking out the tongue is one of the cat's efforts to help stabilize its body temperature. The cat sticks out its tongue so that the cat can evaporate heat by evaporating the water on the surface of its tongue.

In this way the cat will be able to lower its body temperature and then keep its body temperature more stable.


5. Stress Or Anxiety

Stressed or anxious cats may also stick their tongue out excessively. Stress can cause unusual behavior in pets, including licking and sticking out the tongue. If your cat is experiencing a stressful or stressful situation, such as a change in environment or the presence of a new pet or person in the house, they may show signs of stress by sticking out their tongue.

Identifying the cause of stress and creating a comfortable environment for your cat can help reduce this behavior.


6. Oral Health

Some oral health conditions, such as tooth problems or sore gums, can cause a cat to stick out its tongue more often. Pain or discomfort in the mouth may make the cat lick the area more frequently or stick out its tongue in response to the discomfort.



Cats stick out their tongues for many reasons related to natural behavior, temperature regulation, health, and response to certain situations. If you notice that this behavior persists or is accompanied by worrying symptoms, you should consult your veterinarian for further examination and to ensure your cat's health is being maintained optimally.

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