
How To Take Care Sick Domestic Cat ?

When a cat is sick, as a good owner it is our duty to take care of our sick cat. That's why it's important for us to know how to care for a sick domestic cat. Especially for those who have just raised a cat, it is very important to know how to care for a sick cat.

How To Take Care Sick Domestic Cat


Then how do you treat a sick domestic cat ? See how in Anggora's article below.


How To Take Care Sick Domestic Cat ?

To take care sick domestick cat, you can do this way :

1. Recognize Signs Of Sickness

Recognizing the signs of a sick cat is an important first step in caring for them. Some of the common signs in a sick cat include decreased appetite, weight loss, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, watery eyes, runny nose, or changes in behavior such as unusual withdrawal.

If you see these signs in your cat, consult a veterinarian immediately.


2. Provide Medical Care

Visiting the vet is an important next step. The vet will be able to diagnose your cat's disease or condition and provide appropriate treatment. Follow your vet's instructions regarding the use of any prescribed medications, dosages given, and schedule of administration.

Be sure to give the medication as directed and complete all recommended treatments.


3. Provide A Cozy Place

When your stray cat is sick, they may need a quiet, comfortable place to rest. Provide a soft and warm bed for them. Make sure your cat has easy access to clean water and food. Put everything they need within reach so they don't have to make the tiring journey.


4. Keep Clean

Keep the environment around your cat clean. Clean the litter box regularly and make sure their bedding is kept clean. Avoid direct contact with cats if you or other family members are sick, to avoid disease transmission.


5. Give Cats to Eat and Drink

Even though a sick domestic cat won't have an appetite or won't want to eat at all, we still have to give our cat food. Giving cat food must be forced using a syringe ( syringe without a needle ).The same goes for cat drinking.

Giving cat food is usually done just before the cat takes the medicine and is done three times a day. This is similar to feeding a sick person.


6. Give Attention And Affection

During a period of illness, your stray cat may feel weak and uncomfortable. Give them extra attention and affection. Give them time to rest, but also gently play with them if they feel good enough to do so. Gentle touch and your presence can provide comfort and speed up their healing process.


7. Sick Domestic Cats Must Be Taken To The Vet

Even though the cats we care for are domestic cats and not tasteless cats, when a cat is sick it is recommended to take the cat for treatment to the vet. Why? Because veterinarians can directly analyze cat diseases precisely.

This allows the doctor to provide appropriate medication for cat diseases so that your beloved domestic cat can recover more quickly. Taking a cat for treatment to the vet is far better than treating a cat independently at home.



Caring for a sick domestic cat requires extra attention and care. Make sure you recognize the signs of illness, consult a veterinarian, provide the recommended medical care and create a comfortable environment. In the process, give your cat attention, affection and support.

With proper care and lots of love, your domestic cat will recover quickly and become your loyal friend again.

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