
Why Cats Hide When Sick ? Here Is The Answer !

When a cat falls sick, cats usually have some strange behavior that cats don't usually do when cats fall sick. This strange behavior can be a cat likes to sleep in wet places, cats like to isolate themselves and be alone and also cats like to hide when they are sick.

Why Cats Hide When Sick


In this article, Anggora will not discuss all of the above, only discussing the behavior of cats who love to hide in certain places when they are sick. For those of you who are curious about this, you must read it to the end.


Why Cats Hide When Sick ?

This article will explain some of the reasons why cats tend to hide when they are sick :

1. Survival Instinct

Cats are natural predators that hunt prey in the wild. In the wild, animals showing signs of weakness or illness make easy targets for other predators. Therefore, when cats are feeling unwell, they instinctively try to hide their condition to protect themselves from harm.


2. Decreased Energy And Fatigue

Illness or unwell can result in decreased energy and fatigue in cats. A cat that feels weak may not have the strength to interact or move as usual. They may prefer to hide in a safe and comfortable place, where they can rest undisturbed.


3. Avoid Attention

Cats have natural instincts that prevent them from appearing weak in the presence of other potentially threatening creatures. This is the reason why every time cats are sick they will choose a hidden place for them to be quiet and rest.


4. Feelings Of Insecurity

When cats feel sick, they may feel insecure and uncomfortable. This can be caused by feelings of vulnerability due to physical weakness or changes in their emotional balance. By finding hiding places, cats are trying to create a safer environment and reduce external stimuli that might make their condition worse.


5. Self-Healing

Cats are renowned for their amazing natural healing abilities. In some cases, cats may choose to hide and be alone when sick because they want to deal with their health problems on their own. By finding a quiet place, the cat can focus on healing and recovery without distraction



When cats are sick, their behavior that tends to hide is a natural response driven by their gut and instinct. While this can make it difficult to detect signs of illness in cats, owners who understand this behavior can provide a safe and supportive environment for their cats.

If you have any concerns about your cat's health, it is always recommended to consult an experienced veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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