
Why Are Pregnant Cats So Fierce ? Here Is The Cause !

One of these things is a change in the behavior of a pregnant cat. Pregnant cats will generally turn out to be very fierce. Fierce towards fellow cats and to the people around him including the owner. Actually, why did the cat suddenly become like this ? See the explanation in Anggora's article.


Why Are Pregnant Cats So Fierce

Why Are Pregnant Cats So Fierce ? 

The reason why cat so fierce when they are pregnant is :

1. Hormonal Changes

During pregnancy, cats go through significant hormonal changes. An increase in the hormones progesterone and estrogen can affect a cat's mood and behavior. This often makes them more susceptible to mood swings and can even lead to more aggressive behavior.


2. Become More Protective

Having a baby in their stomach makes cats very protective. Cats will be very aware of their surroundings to keep themselves and their babies from getting hurt. Cats will keep their distance from other people or creatures around them.

When he has kept his distance but still there are other creatures approaching, this will make the cat feel threatened so that the cat will attack until the target is away from itself.


3. Physical Discomfort

Pregnancy in cats can cause physical discomfort such as increased abdominal size, nausea or pain. An uncomfortable cat may tend to be more irritable and snappy. They may respond with aggression if any touch or action exacerbates their discomfort.


4. Environmental Changes

In addition to internal changes in the body, pregnant cats can sense changes in the environment around them. The presence of a fetus and the preparation for birth can be stressful for cats. Disturbances in their daily routine, changes in scent or sound, or the presence of strangers can irritate pregnant cats and increase their grumpy response.


How To Deal with A Fierce Pregnant Cat

You can deal with your fierce pregnant cat using below tips :

  • Provide a safe environment : Make sure the pregnant cat has a quiet and safe place to rest. Limit access to areas that can make him more stressed or anxious.

  • Keep the routine consistent : Try to maintain as much of the cat's daily routine as possible. Sudden changes can add stress to a pregnant cat and exacerbate her grumpy behavior.

  • Don't disturb the cat excessively : As pregnant cats become more aggressive, it's important to provide privacy and avoid disturbing them too much. Let the cat feel comfortable and safe by choosing the right time to interact with it.

  • Consult a veterinarian : If the change in a pregnant cat's behavior is drastic or concerning, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. They can help assess a cat's health condition and provide appropriate advice.



Changes in aggressive behavior in pregnant cats can be caused by a combination of factors such as hormonal changes, instinctual protection, physical discomfort, and environmental changes. It is important for owners to understand and respect the needs of a pregnant cat during this period.

By providing a safe environment and understanding the changes that occur, owners can help reduce stress and make pregnant cats feel more comfortable during their pregnancy.

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