
Why Cats Like To Scratching Carpets ? Here Is The Answer !

The thing that our pet cats like to scratch is generally the carpet. Strangely cats always scratch in the same place and cats will do this every day when they are free. Because of this, it is not uncommon for our carpets to become damaged.


Why Cats Like To Scratching Carpets

Seeing the behavior of this cat, of course, we will ask ourselves why cats like to scratch the carpet so much and is there any action that can prevent cats from doing it.


Why Cats Like To Scratching Carpets ? 

There is few reason why cat like to do this. That reason is :

1. Keeping Nails Healthy

One of the main reasons why cats like to scratch carpets is to keep their nails healthy. Cats are animals that have a natural instinct to groom their nails. In the wild, cats will sharpen their nails by scratching a tree or other rough surface. By scratching the carpet, cats can wear down the tips of their nails so they stay sharp and keep them clean.


2. Marking That Place Are Its Home Base

Cats are very territorial creatures. They tend to look for a place that they perceive as their home base or comfort zone. Scratching carpets is a way for cats to mark their territory with scent from the sweat glands on their paws. This smell signals to other cats that the territory is occupied and needs to be respected.


3. Show Cat Possessions And Its Territory

Apart from the 2 reasons above, cats also do this to indicate an object that this object is theirs. This marking is a marking that can be said to be one-sided from a pet cat. Cats mark objects using the sweat glands on their paws while they are clawing at the carpet.

This smell will signal to other cats that the object is his and that this area is an area he controls.


4. Bladder Care

Carpet-scratching behavior in female cats can also be related to the need to care for their bladder. When female cats scratch at the carpet, this motion can help trigger a sensation similar to when they dig cat litter in a sandbox. This helps stimulate bladder function and assists them in the process of excretion of urine.


5. Overcoming Stress And Boredom

For cats, the act of scratching the carpet can be used as an act of entertainment when the cat is feeling stressed. Cats who rarely move because they have no friends to play with or no animals to hunt also often claw at carpets or chairs.

This the cats do as an alternative measure for them to release their energy as well as kill some of their time. As info, scratching the carpet can reduce stress in cats and provide pleasant stimulation for them



Scratching carpets is a natural behavior for cats with many purposes. From maintaining healthy nails to marking territory and dealing with stress, cats use these actions for many reasons. If you have cats in your home and they tend to scratch carpets, it may help to provide alternatives such as cat trees or special scratching boards to meet their instinctive needs.

By understanding the reasons behind this behavior, we can better understand and provide a suitable environment for our beloved cats.

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