
Cats See Us As What ? Here Is The Answer !

Cat vision is very different from humans. In the world of cat vision, the color of the surrounding area is different from the color we have so far observed. What cats observe is somewhat less colorful than what we humans observe.

This ostensibly makes the cat appear color blind. You can see what the cat observed in this photo.


Cats See Us As What

Besides that, cats also cannot clearly distinguish human faces, as if we all have flat faces and all people look the same. They see that humans are the same as each other and classify them in one self-identity that is human.

Which humans are also classified into 2 parts, namely among humans who are good and humans who are not good. Good humans tend to be liked by cats and cats will be happy to be with them. This is far inversely proportional to evil humans.

For evil human cats it is a threat, they can moreover categorize humans of this type uniformly with predators who can snipe them at any time.Oh yeah, maybe you are confused about how cats can divide humans between good and bad.

Cats can do it easily by identifying someone's voice and body odor. By using this method, the cat can know who is a good human and who is a bad human.


Cats See Us As What ? 

The notion of befalling good and evil humans above is just a universal thing for cats. There is another thought that is more special. This idea is only owned by cats that are kept at home. Some of these other types of thinking include:

1. Humans Are Parents

For some cats that are cared for by humans, they think cats are their real parents. Even though in their eyes we have quite different forms, this is not a problem. Cats will be very close to us and often do not want to be separated from us.

Cats will be happy to be near us. Usually cats think of humans as parents when we take care of cats since they are small and take care of them without the presence of their mother.


2. As Strange Brothers And Sisters

If we have cats that have kittens then it's not impossible for these kittens to mistake us as one of their brothers and sisters. That's why the kittens won't worry about being with us who are giant creatures nearby.

In fact, this kitten will be happy to invite us to play or happy to be invited to play by us. It's just that for cats it could be that we are strange brothers and sisters because they have a different form from them even though they don't have a problem about this.


3. Life Friends

Apart from being relatives, cats may also think of us as life friends. Friends for life here means friends to spend life together until the end of their lives, not friends for life like bride and groom hehe.


4. Savior

The last is that cats may think of us as rescuers, this usually happens when we help cats who are dying on the streets, adopt stray cats, treat stray cats and the like and then we take care of them as pets at home.

When cats think of us as helpers, cats will be very, very obedient and try to play nice to us. Not only that, cats also really don't want to be away from us.


Maybe that's enough for the cat to see what we are like. Hopefully this post is useful for those of you who read it.

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