
4 Body Parts That Cats Like When They Are Petted That You Must Know

Does your cat often run away or scratch when petted ? If so, this is probably because cats don't like your petting. Maybe before you thought that cats don't like you or cats are bad, but what you think is actually wrong.


Body Parts That Cats Like When They Are Petted

The cat stays away from you and doesn't like you petting it because cat just doesn't like when you pet it. Most likely you stroked wrong so that the cat doesn't feel comfortable being by your side.

That's why if you want your cat to be comfortable by your side when you stroke it, then you have to understand which body parts the cat allows and likes to be petted. Then which parts do cats really like to be stroked by us ?

For those of you who want to know which parts of the cat like to be stroked, you can find out the answer in Anggora's writing below.


Signs Cats Like Our Hands Stroking

If you pay close attention, you can tell whether the cat likes our strokes or not. You can tell easily by looking at some of the signs a cat shows when it is happy to be petted. Most cats will show this sign. Generally these signs include :

  • When a cat is petted, instead of moving away, it gets closer to us

  • The cat's tail was wagging up and down

  • The cat wags its tail right and left

  • If a cat likes your stroking, cat will purr

  • Some cats will also sometimes do a light massage on your body

  • Cats look comfortable and will not leave you

  • When petted, the cat will usually lean more and more towards the hand that is stroking it. This often happens when you stroke a cat's cheek or chin.

  • Cats will close their eyes or fall asleep when petted

  • If you stop stroking it sometimes some cats will catch your hand as if they want to say "don't stop stroking it".

  • If you stop stroking the cat, the cat will usually push its body to where you are


If you see some of the signs above in your cat. That means the cat likes the petting you give and feels comfortable with this. You can also continue stroking your cat until you are satisfied with it.


Signs That A Cat Doesn't Like Our Hands Stroked

If earlier we just talked about the signs that cats like to be stroked by us, now we will talk about some of the signs that cats generally show when they don't like being stroked by someone. When a cat doesn't like you stroking it, it usually shows behaviors such as :

  • It runs away from you the moment you just petted it

  • There was no sign of the tail wagging up or down

  • Cats don't wag their tails left and right

  • Cats don't purr at all

  • The cat looks uncomfortable

  • Looking at you with disapproving eyes

  • Push your hand to caress it

  • Cat ears move backwards

  • The cat doesn't care about you, it's busy taking care of its body

  • If you keep petting him when he doesn't like it, often the cat will catch and then bite or scratch your hand


4 Parts Cats Like To Be Petted

In order not to stroke it wrongly and make the cat uncomfortable, you must know which parts the cat likes to stroke. There are several parts of a cat's body that cats like when you stroke them. So what are the parts you can see below :

1. Top Of The Cat's Head

The first part is the cat's head. Cats love it when their heads are stroked gently and repeatedly. Quoted from IDN, Nicholas Dodman, who is a scientist, discovered an interesting fact regarding the petting of a cat's head.

This fact, among other things, is that a cat's head can make a cat fondle its childhood memories. The memory is a time when the mother often licks the cat's head.

Nicholas managed to find this fact from the results of his research related to this matter. Oh yes, apart from head strokes, it can stimulate memories of a cat's past, this petting can also provide a sense of security and comfort for our fur friends.

The cat will also feel that cat is very loved. That's why it's not surprising that cats like to rub their heads on the bodies of people they care about. This is a code for us to understand that the cat is asking to be stroked on its head.


2. Neck To The Base Of The Tail

Apart from the head, cats really like it when you stroke them from the nape to the base of their tail. If when you stroke this part and the cat stretches its body by lifting the back of the body and shortening the front of the body, this means that the cat likes to be stroked in this part.

To stroke the cat in this area, you should just pet it in the same direction, because the cat doesn't like it when you stroke it back and forth. When stroking a cat, make sure you stroke it slowly and gently.


3. Right And Left Cheek Cat

Cats also really like being stroked on the cheeks. This is because in this section there are scent glands. This gland will later emit a certain scent that cats like and only cats can smell this scent.

Now to activate this gland, the gland must be rubbed by our hands. Apart from the presence of these glands, cats also like to be stroked on their cheeks because they feel that this area is very pleasant and pleasant for them to caress.


4. Area Around the Chin

The area around the chin is one of the parts that cats like and allow us to pet. Similar to the cheek area, this area also has glands that produce pheromones. But that's not the only thing that makes cats like to be stroked on the chin.

Another reason is that this part is a very difficult part for cats to scratch or lick and is also a safe place for fleas to gather. That's why when we rub this part with our hands, the cat will feel the sensation of pleasure.

The cat will feel that our stroking in the chin area can really relieve itching in this area and make itself comfortable.


Some Parts Of The Body That Cats Don't Like Being Stroked

Cats also have several parts of their bodies that cannot be touched or cats really don't like it when you touch them. Cat lovers who have experience in keeping cats know which parts Angora is talking about.

For those of you who don't know which parts cats don't like to be stroked the most, then here Anggora will tell you which parts are :

1. Cat Stomach

It's not uncommon for cats to hate being touched by their bellies. Cats don't like to have their stomachs touched or stroked because it's so ridiculous, it gives the cat too much stimulation and also the cat feels that actions like petting the cat's stomach are dangerous.

When you touch a cat's stomach reflexively the cat will push or scratch and bite your hand or run away from you.


2. Cat's Tail

Not only the stomach, the tail is included in the list of body parts that should not be touched and cats really hate to be stroked. For a cat stroking the tail is tantamount to disturbing himself or intending to hurt him.

This is because the tail is the part that the cat really protects because it contains a lot of bones, nerves and muscles that are prone to damage if the tail is injured. That's why you should not occasionally hold this part if you don't want to be hated by your beloved cat.


3. Cat's Feet

The next part of the body that cats don't like to be touched or petted is the cat's feet. Whether it's the front legs or the hind legs, both cats don't like being touched. The reason may be that the cat just feels uncomfortable and also the cat feels that this interferes with its movements.

Not only that, if you hold a cat's paw and he feels that he has lost his footing, the cat will panic and make him struggle and move away from you as soon as possible. It's best not to touch the cat's feet unless it's urgent.

After all, it's strange if someone likes to hold a cat's paw just to stroke it.


How To Stroking A Cat In Right Way

Even though it seems trivial, stroking a cat should not be done carelessly because it can make the cat being petted feel uncomfortable, disturbed, and even this can make the cat hate us.

So that this doesn't happen, we have to stroke the cat properly and correctly. Then how ? The method is as follows :

  • Before stroking the cat, greet your cat first

  • Make sure the cat you want to pet is not busy with its daily activities, such as licking its body, playing or the like

  • Pet the cat where it is allowed or likes to be stroked

  • Gently stroke the cat's body

  • Don't stroke the cat too vigorously or quickly because this action is very annoying for cats

  • For certain parts such as the cat's back, you should not do back and forth petting because this is very uncomfortable for cats

  • If the cat is satisfied being stroked, it's best to let the cat go because if you keep stroking it, it will just rebel

  • Don't force a cat to be petted when it doesn't want it



After reading Anggora's article, now you know which body parts do cats like when petted. These sections include :

  • The top of the head

  • The nape to the base of the neck

  • Cheek section

  • The area around the cat's chin


Now you know some of the parts that cats like when petted and now you will be more able to pamper cats with your petting. Keep abreast of the latest information from us for free by pressing the subscribe button on the subscribe menu at the bottom of this site.

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