
8 Reasons Why Cats Don't Like Us Holding Their Tails

Of course, as cat lovers, we know that most cats don't like being touched by their tails. When we hold their tail, they will get angry by meowing or scratching our hand that is holding their tail.


why cats don't like their tails touched

Their actions are as if they are saying something like "Hey, don't hold my tail, it really annoys me and makes me angry". That's why we should not hold a cat's tail or hold it suddenly because we might even be clawed, or bitten by a cat.

Cats don't like or get angry when they are held by their tails, not without reason. Actually they do not like or angry for some reason. Then what are the reasons that make cats don't like their tails being held ?

For Anggora friends who are curious to know the answer, you can find out by reading Anggora's writing below


8 Reasons Why Cats Don't Like Us Holding Their Tails

There are several reasons why cats don't like us holding their tails. Some of these reasons include :

1. Cats Can Get Stressed If We Touch Their Tails

As explained above, cats are very protective of their tails. This is because the tail is a fragile body part that is also very sensitive. If we continue to tease the cat by holding its tail, the cat will feel disturbed and the cat might get stressed.

Especially if we hold the cat's tail with the aim of preventing the cat from leaving, the cat can become very stressed so that the cat will not hesitate to act aggressively by clawing and biting our hands so that we let go of its tail.


2. For Cats, The Tail Is A Sensitive Part Of The Body

For cats, the tail is a sensitive part of the body. This is because the tail is an extension of the spine. Besides being sensitive, the tail is also a fragile part because it contains lots of small bones, muscles and nerves.

It is for this reason that cats are very protective of their tails and always make sure that they are kept secure. So when we touch the tail with his knowledge or without his knowledge, the cat can get angry.


3. Cats Feel That They Are In Danger When We Hold Their Tail

When we hold the cat's tail, the cat feels that cat is in danger. That's why cats don't like it when its tail is held. Regardless of whether it's a human or a cat, if they hold their tail, the cat whose tail is being held will often strike back at those who disturb their tail.

After the tail is released, a cat that feels that it is in danger will immediately run to get away from humans or cats holding its tail.


4. Cats Don't Trust Us

The fourth reason is that cats don't trust us. If a cat trusts us, when we hold its tail, the cat will not appear to dislike or be angry with us. Cats will instead just be quiet and let us stroke their tail.

But if the beloved cat doesn't trust the person holding its tail, the cats will stare at those holding their tail sharply and then meow angrily. If we ignore the meowing of a cat, a cat will scratches or bites us.

Not infrequently the cat will run away from us for a moment when we hold its tail. This happens when the cat not only doesn't trust us, but the cat also feels that someone who holding its tail are a threat.


5. You Are Holding The Tail Of A Cat That Has A Wound

If you usually hold a cat's tail and the cat has no response, doesn't like or is angry at you, then suddenly it gets angry when you hold its tail, this could be because there is a wound on the cat's tail.

Check the cat's tail. If there a wound, then this is the main reason why cats don't like us holding their tails. Treat the cat's wound with the appropriate medicine so that the cat's wound heals quickly.

If you don't know how to treat it, try asking for help from the nearest doctor in your city.


6. You Are Holding A Cat's Tail That Has Moldy

This is similar to what Angora just explained above, only here the cat's tail that you are holding is a cat's tail that has moldy on it. So that when you hold the cat's tail, the cat feels itchy and thinks that you are the one who makes its tail itch.

As a result, the cat will stare at us with hateful eyes and scold us by meowing. When in fact this is not because of our fault but because of the fungus in the cat's tail that makes the tail itch.


7. Cats Don't Like This

Each cat certainly has things he likes or dislikes, this is very similar to human behavior in which each of them has different things between things he likes or dislikes.

So, if a cat doesn't like holding its tail, then the reason could be simple, that is, cats really don't like its tail being held.


8. Holding The Tail Can Disturb A Cat's Balance

The cat's tail serves as a balancer for his body when he is in a narrow place, at a high place  or when cat is running. That's why if you hold a cat's tail, the cat will not like it because the body's balance is disturbed.


Those are 8 reasons why cats don't like their tails being held. We hope that this article will be useful for you.

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