
9 Ways To Save A Cat From Dying

As creatures created by the almighty God, we are aware that our beloved fur friends are living things. Which living things themselves have lives and can die without waiting for old age.


How To Save A Cat From Dying

This death can be caused by a cat's age which is not long or because of certain diseases or because the cat has an accident. Whether it's an accident caused by himself or an accident caused by humans.

When a cat nears death, most cats will dying first before the cat will finally die. At the time the cat is dying, the cat is actually in 2 states between life and near death.

That's why before a cat dying, don't give up first, try as much as possible to save our dying pet cat. Who knows the destiny of the creator, it could be that a cat that is dying and almost dying can recover and then be normal as before.

Then how can we save a dying cat ? Good Readers can find out how by reading Anggora's writing below. Read to the end so you don't get it wrong.


9 Ways To Save A Dying Cat

When a cat is dying, we can't just give up. As much as possible we must try to save the cat. Because maybe fate said otherwise, a cat that seemed to be dying and looked like it was about to die could have been saved and returned to health as before.

For some people who don't believe that cats will recover even though they are already dying, maybe what Anggora says is like false hope or just nonsense. But if you've experienced it then this thing can happen.

As Anggora has experienced, one of the cats that Anggora takes care of manages to recover even though previously he was in a dying condition. You may be wondering how did Anggora save him ?

Here are some ways that Anggora always does to save cats that are dying :

1. Stop The Bleeding

Bleeding is common in injured cats. These wounds are often caused by cats having accidents or being injured by other people. Cats that have external bleeding wounds, it is mandatory for us to stop the cat's bleeding.

To stop a cat's bleeding, it's best to clean the blood around the wound area first while checking where the wound is. After knowing the position of the wound, the next step is to cover the wound with gauze so that the blood stops.

You can also stop the bleeding that occurs by lifting the injured part of the cat's body to a higher position than the heart, then cover the wound using gauze.

If the wound is too deep and wide and the bleeding is difficult to stop using the method above, medical action is needed, such as stitching the wound. But before taking medical action, you can still do the method above as a first aid measure.


2. Clean The Cat's Body

Not only when a cat is bleeding, the cat's body needs to be cleaned. Even when the cat's body looks dirty and smells, the cat's body must be cleaned. This is to make the cat feel comfortable with its body and not feel the smell that is caused by its body.

Even though Anggora doesn't understand cat language, I think this method can increase the cat's enthusiasm for life. It's not just cats who are sick, but this can also increase the spirit of life for cats who are dying.

A cat whose body is cleaned will feel that the owner really loves it so much that the cat's desire to recover gets stronger. Don't think it's useless to do this because as long as it can make the cat lively, then do it.

Even do it even though in the end the dying cat fails to be saved. At least in the last moments the cat knows that its owner loves it very much. And cats can leave the world in a happy and calm state.


3. Wiping And Combing Cat Fur

After cleaning the cat's body, dry the cat's body with a cloth and then comb the fur on its body so that it looks neat. By combing the cat's fur, the cat will look neat and also helps him to relieve itching on his body.


4. Place The Cat In A Soft, Comfortable And Warm Place

The next step is to place the cat in a soft, comfortable and warm place. When a cat is dying, of course, the cat will feel pain that can be said to be excruciatingly painful. We can reduce the pain felt by the cat as well as make his body feel comfortable by placing the cat in a soft and comfortable place.

Also make sure the place where the cat is warm enough. Because some cats that experience certain diseases usually feel that their bodies are cold.

You can also do this method for cats that look like they are dying from hypothermia, this is effective in making the body of a dying cat who is experiencing hypothermia heal.


5. Make Cat Eat And Drink

Keep giving the cat food and drink even if it seems difficult to swallow it. Give just a little, at least so he has the energy to survive. To make feeding easier, use a syringe with a smaller tip than the cat's mouth.

When giving your cat food or drink, give it slowly. If only a little food or drink is entered and the cat starts to struggle, giving food or drink should be stopped immediately. Every time food and drink is given to cats ?

Food and drink can be given every 1 or two hours based on the condition of our beloved cat.


6. Always Clean The Cat's Body

Unlike method number 2 which is only done when the cat's body is bleeding or really feels dirty, this sixth method needs to be done regularly to keep the body of a dying cat clean.

As we know, cats that are dying can be caused by various diseases, in which some of these diseases themselves make cats secrete certain fluids that contaminate their bodies. One example of a disease that makes cats emit dirty and smelly fluids is the Feline Calici Virus.

This disease is a type of flu which often affects cats in addition to the herpes virus. When a cat has calici disease, the cat will often have discharge from their eyes, nose or mouth. And this liquid can be said to be rather smelly.

This smell not only disturbs our sense of smell but also the cat's sense of smell. This will make the cat uncomfortable and feel disturbed by its current condition. So, if your cat who is dying has a dirty body and secretes certain fluids, then clean the liquid thoroughly.

Do this repeatedly every time the fluid comes out of the cat's body. So what does a dying cat have to do with always cleaning the cat's body ? By doing this you will keep the cat's body clean, make the cat feel comfortable and increase her zest for life.


7. Immediately Take The Cat To The Vet

It will be difficult for us to treat a dying cat independently, the only way to treat a dying cat is to seek veterinary assistance. Even though this method is ultimately still difficult to cure cats because their condition is very severe and dying.

But as long as there is still a little hope, this method is worth trying. There's nothing wrong with trying your best for your beloved fur pals, whom we have grown to feel like members of our own family.


8. Talking With Cats

Try talking to the cat and encouraging it as humans usually do with their sick relatives. Even though the language is different, cats can still understand what you are doing.

There are many cases where the owner encourages his ill cat and then the sick cat, eager to fight against the disease and successfully recovers.

This is indeed a strange thing, but the fact is that many cat owners have experienced this method working, even Anggora herself has also experienced it.


9. Pray

No matter how hard humans struggle, in the end it is the creator who decides. Therefore pray to the creator according to their respective beliefs. Ask Him for the cat to be given healing.

If the creator wills, any disease and no matter how bad the condition can certainly be cured. But if your prayer has not been answered, don't be discouraged and have prejudice with Him because maybe this is the best for you and your cat.


What If The Cat Eventually Dies ?

Even though in the end the cat still died, at least we have tried our best for the cat by using the method above which can increase the chances of the cat surviving. When a pet cat dies, all we can do is accept reality and let the cat go.

Then after burying the cat. Don't be too sad about the death of the cat, because living things will surely die. Cats don't like it when we are sad. And rest assured that with the last effort we give to the cat, the cat knows that we really love it so much that it can go away happily, calmly and without the slightest regret.


Those are 9 ways to save a dying cat. With this article, hopefully it can help you to cure your dying cat and add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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