
8 Reasons Why Cats Make Purring Sound

Cat lovers surely know that their favorite fur pal can purr like a human. But unlike humans, cats purr not only when they are asleep, but also when they are awake. When a cat purrs, signals are sent to the voice box muscles and the diaphragm, which expand during breathing.


Why Cats Make Purring Sound

This signal will stimulate the vocal cords to vibrate. So, you can say that air moves across the muscles that move when the cat is breathing or exhaling. As long as the cat is purring, the cat will purr during the inhalation or exhalation process, so the snoring sound occurs without pause.

So far, most of us think that cats purr because cats feel happy or satisfied. When in fact a cat purring is not just purring. But there are other reasons why cats purr. Then what are the reasons cats purr ?

For Good Readers who are curious and want to know what the reasons are, you can read Anggora's article below to find out. Read to the end, dear readers.


8 Reasons Why Cats Make Purring Sound

Cats can purr like humans and cats can purr occasionally. But cats can't just purr, usually cats will only purr for certain reasons.

So, what are the reasons, here are some of them :

1. The Cat Wants To Be Given Food

The first reason is that the cat wants to be given food. A cat asking for food will purr while rubbing its body against its owner's body. The cat will continue to do this until the owner gives it food.

If the owner ignores it, the cat will continue to rub its body and even follow its owner to walk here and there. After being fed, usually the cat will stop snoring and stop following us wherever we go.

So, if your cat is snoring and after the cat is given food it stops snoring and stops following you, then you can be sure the reason the cat is snoring is because it wants to be given food.


2. Cats Feel Comfortable

Not only because the cat wants to ask to be given food, when the cat feels comfortable the cat will purr. For example, when a cat is sitting or lying near us, then we stroke its head, the cat will then purr. This means the cat feels comfortable when you are petted.

In addition, cats also often purr when they are on your lap or near you. This purring is also a sign that the cat feels very safe and comfortable when you are around.


3. Cats Feel Happy

Another reason cats purr is because cats are happy or satisfied. This is similar to how a dog wags its tail when it is happy or satisfied.

Purring is a form of non-verbal communication between cats and their owners. This communication lets the owner know that their beloved cat is very happy with the current situation. When cats are happy sometimes they also wag their tails while purring.


4. The Cat Is Medicating Itself

Cat lovers must have seen a mother cat purring after she gave birth. What does snoring mean? According to experts, purring is one way for cats to treat and control the pain they feel.

This conjecture is based on research by researchers who found that a cat's purr at a certain frequency will stimulate healing, especially healing of tendons and bones. This snoring also has a certain ability. These abilities are like :

  • Ease of breathing

  • Reduce pain

  • Build muscle

  • And others


5. Guiding Their Children

The next reason is that cats purr because they want to guide their newborn kittens. The vibrations generated by the cat's purr will help guide the child whose eyes are not yet able to see ( blind ) towards the mother.

Vision and hearing kittens with time they will acquire. Usually cats will get normal vision and hearing when cats are over 2 months old. Well, as long as the cat has not got its sight, the kitten will only depend on its mother's snoring.


6. Calm Itself

Another reason cats purr is because the cat is trying to calm itself down. This often happens to cats who are in animal hospitals. These cats purr because they want to calm themselves down.


7. Frightened Cat

When a cat is scared, the cat will also purr. This is what cats do to suppress their fear and reduce their stress. A frightened cat purring, you can see if you visit an animal shelter.


8. Keeping The Bones And Muscles Of The Body

The latter is a cat purring to maintain the bones and muscles of the body. According to experts, this purr is part of the mechanism for keeping a cat's bones and muscles in prime condition.


How To Determine The Meaning Of A Cat's Purring?

We need to know that a cat's purring can have different reasons or meanings, as Anggora explained above. Then how do we determine the meaning of our pet cat's purr ? The method is actually quite easy, you just need to adapt it to the behavior of the cat and where it is.

For example, if a cat purrs when sitting on your lap, it means that the cat is comfortable with you. If a cat purrs because you are petting it and it wags its tail, that means the cat is happy and satisfied.

If a cat approaches you suddenly and always follows you everywhere while purring, that means your cat is asking for food. You can easily determine the meaning of your cat's purring based on its behavior and location.

At first, it might be a little difficult for you to distinguish the meaning of one cat's purr from another. However, as time goes by and you are more experienced like Anggora, you can easily understand the reason or meaning of a cat's purring.

When you understand the meaning of a cat's purr, you can indirectly communicate non-verbally with it. Oh yes, if your cat purrs but he is acting strange and different from usual or looks scared and hurt. It is recommended to take the cat for treatment to the vet to get treatment immediately.


Those are 8 reasons or causes why cats make sounds like purring or the meaning of cats making sounds like purring. Hopefully this article can help answer your questions about the reasons why cats purr.

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