
6 Reasons Why Cats Are Hyper Active At Night You Need To Know

Surely we often wake up at night. Maybe we wake up because we want to drink, feel hungry and most often we wake up at night because we want to urinate or defecate. When we wake up, sometimes we see our beloved cat being hyper active or waking up at night.


Why Is My Cat Hyper At Night

A cat that sees us, the owner wakes up, is likely to start asking to be petted, asking to be fed, meowing loudly, asking to play, Some even asked to be opened the door so they could roam freely outside the house. Seeing our active cats, it's not uncommon for many cat owners to ignore cat requests.

Maybe because we still sleepy plus our minds say that it's still early so it's not time for the cat to get all that. If the cat did all that at eight or nine in the evening, maybe we can give what cat want.

But if the cat is active at 12 at night or 1 in the morning, of course whoever it is will be lazy to accept the request of our favorite fur friend. Although there are, at most only a few cat owners will be happy to accept the cat's request.

Then why can cats suddenly be active at night ? For Cat Lovers who are curious to know what caused it, you can read Anggora's article to the end.


6 Reasons Why Cats Are Hyper Active At Night

Why can cats be hyper active at night ? Actually there are several reasons that make cats that used to behave normally now become active at night. You can see the reasons for this below :

1. Cats Are Crepuscular Animals

Cats are crepuscular animals. What is a crepuscular animal ? Crepuscular animals are a class of animals that become very active at dusk and at sunrise Which means cats become very active animals when the sun starts to set or when the sun is about to rise.

This is because the cat's natural prey is also active at these times. Isn't my cat a local cat and what does this have to do with natural prey ? They have been fed enough so why are they hunting other animals again ?

You could say this is a behavior that has been passed down from generation to generation so that this habit still sticks even though the cat is not a wild cat or a pet cat.

This behavior is a behavior that is embedded in the cat's DNA or genetics which makes this behavior persistent and difficult to get rid of. This behavior is an innate behavior from cat ancestors. So, if your pet cat suddenly becomes a cat that is active at night, this could be the cause.


2. Cats Take Too Many Naps

Cats that nap too much during the day will find it difficult to sleep at night, as a result the cat inevitably becomes active. This is because a cat that has woken up is bored if it just sits there doing nothing.

This makes the cat think about spending its time with whatever it finds interesting to do. Cats can play alone here and there, scratching furniture, meowing loudly, catching or hunting small animals such as mosquitoes, rats, cockroaches and the like.

Not infrequently this active cat's behavior will wake us up when we are having a sweet dream with the noise it makes and make it difficult for us to go back to sleep. So, if your cat is active at night it may be because he sleeps too much during the day.

But in some cases, cats that often sleep especially during the day are cats that experience certain health problems with the following conditions :

  • The cat doesn't want to eat at all

  • The cat just wants to drink

  • Weak cat

  • The cat smells bad

  • Cat eyes look empty and glazed

  • Cats have difficulty moving and walking


If a cat does not have all of the above characteristics and still wants to eat and drink, it is even active at night. You can be sure that the cat just sleeps too much during the day so that the active time that should be during the day instead shifts to night.


3. Cats Need Attention

Cats that need attention will usually become active at night. This is because cats feel that they are lonely and there are no friends to interact with so cats feel bored and cats become less active. As a result the cat will become very active at night.

Coupled with the presence of small animals that always come out at night, this lonely cat has an entertainment and a friend to play with. Because it feels that the night is much more fun and has friends to play with, the cat prefers to spend the night playing, chasing its prey, meowing while during the day it prefers to be quiet and sleep.

Lack of owner attention is one of the reasons why cats become more active at night. Often this is caused by the owner who is busy working or doing activities during the day. If you have a cat at home, you should pay attention and interact with it frequently.


4. Cats Feel Fear

The next reason is that cats feel scared. This feeling is a natural thing that is owned by every living creature, including cats. A cat that feels scared usually has a very fast heartbeat and it's hard to sleep. When a cat is shocked and scared, it usually wakes up and then runs to hide in a certain place.

This fear also makes the cat more alert so that the cat chooses to stay awake until it feels that the situation is safe. One example of a cat that cannot sleep because of fear is a cat that is afraid of the sound of rain, lightning and thunder.

Once upon a time in the evening it rained very hard. lightning flashed and lightning repeatedly lit up the sky in an instant. The frightened Angora cats couldn't sleep, they instead woke up, gathered together greeting each other while continuing to look up at the sky and the air vents which sometimes showed white light due to the lightning that appeared.

They continued to do this until the rain stopped as a result they did not sleep at night and instead slept more during the day. Why can the Angora know they are not sleeping? Because at that time Anggora was also there staying up all night with them hehehe.

When cats sleep a lot during the day, they will automatically become active at night. It is this fear that triggers this. To overcome this, it is necessary to overcome the cat's fear and rearrange the cat's sleep schedule, so that the cat does not sleep much during the day.


5. Cats Are In Heat

Cats that are in heat tend to find it very difficult to sleep, especially at night, especially if their lust is not being channeled. This is because a cat in heat secretes the hormone estrogen which triggers the estrous site which makes its body very hot.

Cats in heat have general characteristics such as :

  • Frequent spraying ( urinating carelessly )

  • Hobby rolling

  • Lazy to eat

  • Always asking to leave the house

  • Rarely go home

  • Enjoys chasing or being chased by cats of different sexes

  • Often meows loudly

  • And others


Cats that are in heat will be very active at night and can really disturb our sleep. Cats can meow loudly, spray carelessly, scratch the door to get out and also make a mess of things in the house. To overcome this there are only 2 ways, namely to marry your cat with another cat and the second is to sterilize the cat.


6. Too Pampering Cats

The last reason is that you spoil the cat too much. Every time a cat asks for food, you always give it food. Even if he asks in the middle of the night, you don't mind giving him food. As a result, the cat will always wake up at the same time and keep asking you to eat.

The cat thinks that when it is hungry, it can ask its owner for food even though the owner is asleep at that time. To wake you up, cats will do various things.

Starting from massaging, sitting on your chest, licking your face, rubbing your face, scratching and so on, the cat will do this until you wake up and feed it. When cats become nocturnal, it is not entirely their fault.

This mistake can come from us, the owner who loves cats too much and cannot act decisively towards them. If you don't want the cat to be like this, you should change the cat's habits and only feed the cat at the scheduled time or only give snacks at certain times and don't feed the cat in the middle of the night or early in the morning.


How To Make Cats Become Inactive At Night ?

Now to deal with cats that become very hyper active at night, you can try the following methods :

  • Set a regular cat feeding schedule

  • Don't make it a habit to feed cats in the middle of the night or early in the morning

  • If the cat is frightened, remove the fear so it can go back to sleep

  • If your cat turns out to be in heat, then marry the cat or sterilize the cat so that the cat is no longer active at night

  • Often interact with cats, if you don't have time to interact because you are busy at work, at least give a friend to your cat ( another cat ). Cats that have friends will spend a lot of time playing with their friends so that at night they are tired and fall asleep

  • At bedtime, feed the cat until it is full enough. This will make the cat sleep well and not think about hunting animals at night or early in the morning.

  • Cage the cat at bedtime. A cat that is in a cage will feel that its movements are limited and quickly get bored so that the cat will prefer to sleep as long as it is in the cage. This will make the cat sleep more at night and will only be active in the morning until late afternoon

  • Turn off the light where the cat is. This will make the cat's vision dark so that the cat thinks that it is still night and not yet morning. The cat will also find it difficult to move because it is difficult to see in the dark so the cat will choose to sleep until it feels that the world is brighter


Maybe that's all the discussion about some of the reasons why cats become very active at night and how to overcome them. Hopefully this article can help you understand this and add to your insight.

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