
7 Easy Ways To Overcome Cranky Cats

Playing with cats is fun especially if we tease them by acting a little naughty. But when teasing our cat, we accidentally get carried away and make the cat cranky. When a cat sulks, its face looks even funnier and looks adorable.


How To Overcome Cranky Cats

Even though cats look more attractive when they are cranky, this should not be allowed to go unnoticed. Because if the cat is allowed to continue to sulk, it is worried that the cat will experience stress. Of course we do not want this to happen to our beloved cat.

When the cat is getting annoyed we should immediately stop teasing the cat. Then try to deal with the sulking or cranky cat earlier. How to do it ? The method is actually quite easy. You can use the method that Angora usually does for cranky cats.

The way you can see in Anggora's writing below. Read to the end ok !!


7 Easy Ways To Overcome Cranky Cats

When a cat is sulking or cranky, don't let it. Because this can stress cats so that their mental health can be disrupted and can cause cats to behave abnormally such as Coprohagia, Aggressive behavior, and others.

That's why it's important for us to immediately deal with a cranky cat. So, the way to solve this is as follows :

1. Let The Cat Alone

If you are annoyed at someone, of course you want to spend your time alone. You do this to get rid of anger, annoyance and to calm down. Well, the same thing applies to cats. When a cat is cranky, let it be alone first.

Don't disturbed even though your intention to disturb him is just to entertain him so he won't be annoyed by hugging him or stroking the body parts he likes.

The problem is that entertaining a cat won't make the cat melt like it does with humans and won't improve feelings at all. So if he's cranky, stop teasing him, let him be alone first and dont bother him for a while.


2. Keep Him From Things That Make Him Angry

The second way to deal with a cranky cat is to keep him away from the things that make him angry. Sometimes cats don't sulk at you but at things around them. An example is a cat that is cranky due to kittens playing around it, or a new cat that you have adopted that always approaches it.

These things can make a cat get annoyed by itself and then sulk. Now, to overcome this, you just need to keep the cranky cat away from other cats that bother him or keep things that irritate him away from him. By doing this usually the cat will no longer be cranky and the mood will return to normal.


3. Make Cats Feel Comfortable

The next way to make a cat stop cranky is to make it feel comfortable. You can give him catnip, hug him or stroke his head or certain parts of his body to make him feel comfortable. A cat that feels comfortable will usually forget its feelings of annoyance if you make it feel comfortable.

Even after that maybe he will be spoiled with you which makes him comfortable again. Oh yes, if you want to make your cat feel comfortable, but the cat rejects you by rebelling or clawing when you hold it, then it's best not to make it comfortable and let it be alone until it calms down.


4. Invite Him To Speak Softly

When the cat is cranky and you have left him alone for a while then try to speak gently to him next. Talk to persuade him not to be angry anymore. You can persuade him by telling him the reason why you teased him and promise not to make him angry again.

While talking to the cat, you can stroke its body to make it feel comfortable.


5. Apologize To Him

Have you ever seen that there is pet cat who is cranky because he wants to be thrown away by his owner. Why do you know the cat is cranky ? This is because the cat suddenly became withdrawn and looked gloomy for a while after cat heard that cat was going to be abandoned.

But the owner, who already loved him, did not throw him away and felt strange seeing the cat's drastically changed attitude. After he apologized to the cat, do you know what happened ?

The cat's attitude changed, he returned to being active, cheerful and happy to interact with humans. It's as if the cat understands what the owner says. Cats do not understand human language, but cats understand what humans say through the feelings in sentences that are conveyed to them.


6. Give Him Food He Likes

The sixth way to deal with a cranky cat is to give the cat the food it likes. This is similar to when we are annoyed, eating the food that we really like can make the feeling of irritation be relieved or even eliminated.

This also applies to cats. When a cat is annoyed then try to give him the food he likes, such as dry food, wet food, fish, chicken and the like. A cat that sees the food it likes being served before it will make it forget and rush to eat its food.

This method is one of the most effective of the six methods that Anggora mentioned above. Indeed, this method is quite effective, it's just that it has its own negative side, namely the cat will often ask for food outside its main hours.

Which if we continue to follow his wishes then the cat can gain excess weight and get obesity.


7. Take The Cat To the Vet

Cats that are cranky are often caused by certain factors that come from outside the cat itself, but not infrequently the cause of a cat being cranky and angry is because it is sick.

Here's a little story, there used to be a pet cat, Anggora, who suddenly became angry towards anyone who approached him, even his own owner. Not only that, the cat also tends to be quiet.

Anggora also felt suspicious of the cat and felt something was wrong with him. It turned out that after checking, there were thorns stuck between his teeth and making him feel uncomfortable and sick.

After the thorns are removed, the cat returns to behaving as usual and likes to pamper its owner. So if your cat is cranky, try to check what caused it before. If he is cranky not because you or someone else is ignorant, it could be because he is sick.

When you feel that the cause is because the cat is sick, it is advisable to immediately take the cat for treatment to the vet.


Maybe that's all the discussion about easy ways to deal with a cranky cat. Hopefully this article can help you answer your questions on this matter. As well as add insight and can be useful for you.

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