
7 Reasons Cats After Giving Birth Won't Eat Dry Food

When a cat is pregnant, as owners, of course, we can't wait to give birth to a cat. And when the time came, the cat managed to give birth to a cute cat baby safely.


My Cat Won't Eat After Giving Birth


Everything is going according to our expectations but there is one thing that becomes a problem and worries us, namely the mother cat loses its appetite and the cat does not want to eat at all.

Starting from wet food, dry food, fish, chicken, beef and other food that is offered does not make the cat have an appetite. In the end we can only sigh and wonder why our beloved cat is like this.

For those of you who are confused and want to know the answer about a cat that after giving birth does not want to eat dry food or other food at all. You can get the answer by listening to the explanation below.

Listen to Angora's explanation below until the end, good reader.


7 Reasons Cats Don't Want To Eat Dry Food After Giving Birth

Animals are living things that will prey on or look for food when they are hungry. But why didn't the mother cat act like that? The mother cat who does not want to eat of course has its own reasons and reasons.

Then what are the reasons why a cat who has just given birth does not want to eat dry food. The following are some of the causes based on Angora's experience.

1. Cats May Be Stuffed

After the cat gives birth, the cat will usually lick her child's body from the placenta or placenta. Usually after licking and eating a kitten's placenta, the cat will feel full all day, that's why the cat will not want to eat the dry food that we provide.

This is a natural and normal thing to happen and will not interfere with the cat's health problems. However, monitor the cat for up to half a day or up to 24 hours. If after that the cat still does not want to eat too.

It means that there is something wrong with the cat's health. Immediately take him to the doctor for medical treatment.


2. Inflammation In The Cat's Womb

Cats don't want to eat dry or wet food, this could be the result of a problem in the cat's womb. This problem may be due to inflammation of the uterus. Inflammation of the uterus will make the cat feel pain in his stomach and make it uncomfortable.

As a result, cats lose their appetite and prefer to lie down and take care of their children instead of eating. Inflammation of the uterus is generally caused by chemical compounds released in the blood when the cat is about to give birth.


3. Cats Eat Their Kittens

This may sound cruel but in fact there are various reasons why cats eat their own children. One reason is that his son was born with a disability. After eating their own kittens as well as the kitten's placenta, the cat will feel full.

Usually a cat will feel full for up to half or a day after he has devoured the placenta and kittens.


4. Big Bleeding

The risk of major bleeding in cats is something that is still normal. When this bleeding occurs, the cat's feces that come out will also have a reddish-brown color because the blood comes out excessively. This bleeding will make the cat weak and won't eat for a while.

If you feel this bleeding is too excessive and unnatural then you should check the cat to the nearest vet. Because there could be problems in her womb or blood clotting problems.


5. Baby's Placenta Is Left Behind

Generally a cat that comes out of its mother's body will be covered by a placenta or what we usually call the placenta. But not infrequently the placenta does not come out with the baby and is even left in the mother cat's womb.

This condition is dangerous for the mother because the placenta can be a place for bacteria to grow and cause inflammation in the uterus.


6. Hypocalcemia

Hypocalcemia is a condition in which the amount of calcium in the cat's blood decreases after the cat gives birth. Hypocalcemia will cause the cat to breathe quickly, body stiff and tremors. And this condition is one of the reasons why cats don't want to touch and eat the dry food we provide for them.


7. Cats Are Stressed

Cats who have just given birth will sometimes become stressed and he becomes very protective of the children he just gave birth to. Cats will prefer to take care of their children than to eat.

To eliminate this condition, one thing you can do is place the cat and its baby in a room that feels quiet, safe, comfortable and there are no other animals in the room.


Then How To Get The Cat To Want To Eat Again ?

How to deal with cats not wanting to eat after giving birth so they want to eat dry food again, you can try the following ways. Do it step by step from start to finish to find the right solution.

1. Wait Until Half Day Or 24 Hours

The cat's habit after giving birth is that he eats the placenta or the placenta. Not infrequently also some cats eat their own children. Cats that eat their kittens or their placenta will usually feel full within a few hours or even a full day.

Therefore we need to wait 12 hours or 24 hours before giving the cat food in the form of dry food and other food. A healthy cat will usually return to eating after half a day or a day has passed from the time he gave birth.


2. Place The Cat In A Quiet And Safe Room

Cats will feel stressed, scared and easily worried when they feel that there are many other animals hanging around their kittens. This makes him feel that the animals intend to prey on his young and make him have no appetite or eat little.

To fix this, simply move the cat and the baby to a new place that you feel is safe, quiet and there are no cats or other animals roaming in the room. When the cat feels that her child is safe, your cat will start to crave to eat the dry food that we offer him.


3. Place Cat Food Near The Cat

As explained above, cats will become very easily stressed and worried if they are not near their children. The solution to this is to place cat food close to where the cat and its kittens are. Besides providing food nearby, don't forget to also provide drinks nearby.

So that when the mother cat is thirsty, she will not hold back her thirst for fear that her child will be lost when she is left and she doesn't have to bother going far to just drink.


4. Love Honey

Giving honey is very good given to cats who are sick or have no appetite. Honey can be an energy booster as well as a supplement for a sick cat. Not only that honey is also useful as a natural appetite enhancer for cats.


5. Give Egg Yolk Mixed Fish

Give a mixture of egg yolks and fish as a cat appetite stimulant. Give after 12 hours after the cat gives birth. A hungry cat will then return to its appetite when it smells fish and eggs. Alternately giving a mixture of fish eggs with dry food alternately.

When you feel that your cat has returned to its appetite then you can stop giving eggs and fish and give dry food only.


6. Give Vitamins Or Supplements

Although honey can be used as an energy booster as well as a supplement for cats, giving cats vitamins or supplements is necessary to speed up the cat's recovery after giving birth.


7. Force The Cat To Eat

Cats need a lot of nutrition when they feed their young. That's why cats have to eat a lot. If it turns out that after 12 hours or 24 hours the cat still doesn't want to eat, then inevitably we have to force the cat to eat.

Use wet food and force feed the cat with a syringe through its mouth. Use the thumb of the left hand to open the cat's mouth and use the right hand to enter the food using the syringe. Give food from the side of the cat's mouth with the tip of the syringe in the center position in the cat's mouth.

This will make it easier for the food to enter the cat's throat and give it little by little. Then cover the cat's mouth with his hands forcibly for a few moments, so that the cat does not vomit up the food we have just given.


8. Take The Cat To The Vet

The last way is to take the cat to the vet if it turns out that the seven ways above don't work at all. Because usually a cat that doesn't want to eat after we apply some of the methods above, it's likely that the cat is experiencing a serious illness.

Or if you find it inconvenient to apply the seven methods above, then you can step over it and immediately take it to the vet so that it can find a solution quickly and the cat can be treated immediately if it turns out that he is sick.

Those are some of the reasons why cats don't want to eat dry food after giving birth and how to deal with them. With this article, I hope that it can help you to act appropriately when your cat who has just given birth does not want to eat.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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