
How To Get Rid Of Dead Kitten Inside Cat Stomach ?

Cats are mammals that reproduce by means of pregnancy and childbirth. The process of giving birth in cats is done independently by the cat. When giving birth, cats generally give birth to many kittens at once. A maximum of 6 kittens and a minimum of 3 to 4 kittens.


How To Get Rid Of Dead Kitten Inside Cat Stomach


But not always the birth process will run smoothly without any problems. Sometimes there will be kittens that will die at birth and some will die in the stomach without being able to remove it from the stomach at all by the mother cat.

Kittens that die at birth may be sad but this will not harm the health of the mother cat. This is different from a kitten that dies in its mother's stomach and is not immediately released. If this is allowed, then this kitten can later become the cause of disease and poisoning to the mother.

So how to overcome or remove a dead kitten in the mother cat's stomach? Get the answer by listening to Angora's explanation below until the end.


Causes Of Dead Kittens In Mother's Stomach

There are many reasons why a kitten may die in its mother's womb. Generally this is caused by the mother cat itself or the kitten's body which may be very weak. Death caused by the mother cat is usually the result of several things. Based on Angora's own experience, this death occurred due to:

  • Cat belly collision

  • The cat's stomach is shaking violently

  • Mother cat that just eats something

  • Mother cat who eats small sick animals

  • The nutritional needs of food are not met so that it has an impact on the child in the womb

  • The mother cat's stomach was accidentally stepped on by a human

  • Accidentally eat expired food

  • Eating junk food

  • Accidentally drinking chemicals or poisons

Apart from the effects of the mother cat itself and because the condition of the baby in the womb is really very weak. The death of a kitten can also be caused by irresponsible humans.

Those who hate cats may, without our knowledge, kick also hit the cat with a certain blunt object right in the stomach area. Even worse, they can poison cats so that not only kittens die, even their mothers are threatened with death.


Signs Of A Dead Kitten In The Mother Cat's Stomach

Knowing if there is a dead kitten in our cat's stomach is actually quite easy. To find out, you just need to know some of the following signs :

  • The cat's stomach is still big even though she has finished giving birth

  • When pressed on the cat's stomach feels hard as if there is still something in it

  • The cat looks restless

  • The cat looks uncomfortable

  • There's a bad smell coming from the cat

When you find some of the signs above in your pet cat, you can be sure that there is a dead kitten in your cat's stomach.


What Are The Consequences If A Dead Kitten Is Left Alone ?

If left alone without doing surgery. It is feared that this dead kitten will later become a carcass and over time it will rot in its mother's stomach. Of course this will be dangerous for the mother.

Because this carcass will be absorbed by the mother's body which can cause the mother cat to be poisoned, experience reproductive disorders, the cat's body odor becomes very rotten and disease or other health problems.


Can You Get A Dead Kitten Out Of The Stomach Without Surgery ?

Some sites or videos may teach that pressing on the cat's stomach can stimulate or help the cat to expel the dead kitten in its mother's stomach but this is not true. In order for kittens that die in the stomach to be immediately removed, surgery is needed by experts such as veterinarians.

This action must be done as soon as possible to prevent a kitten that dies in the stomach from causing health problems to its mother. Although the solution requires surgery but based on my own experience, my cat used to experience this. The cat that had a big belly even though it had given birth.

A week later his stomach shrank again. Perhaps the birth of the child who died was too late or it was possible that he naturally forced it out of his body. But although sometimes this can happen, but it only happens to some cats.

And letting the cat experience this for too long in my opinion is very risky for the cat's own mother's life. The best course of action I recommend is to take the cat to the vet for immediate surgery.


Then The Right Way How ?

As I explained above that how to remove a dead kitten in the stomach without surgery is difficult to do. The right action for this is to take him to surgery immediately by a veterinarian.

The operation was carried out to remove the remaining dead babies in the cat's womb so that later it would not cause health problems for the baby's mother. Then how much does it cost to remove this dead baby ?

The removal of the dead baby will use the caesarean section method. As far as I know the cost needed for this cesarean section on cats is around one million rupiahs and above. Quite affordable for those of you who like to keep pure breed cats.


That's a discussion about kittens that die in their mother's stomach and how to get them out. With this article, I hope that it can help you to act appropriately when your cat has a dead child in its stomach.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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