
7 Ways To Prevent Cats From Poop In Home Yard

Keeping a cat is not always fun there are times when we are sad and also upset because of the cat. We are sad that a cat might get sick, while we are upset that cats often do nosy things.


How To Prevent Cats From Poop In Home Yard


Such as dropping the furniture in the house until it shatters, scratching sofas and train seats, stealing food and also defecating in the house and in our yard. Even though cats are often nosy, often we can't be angry with our fur friends.

Talking about defecating, both house cats and stray cats often defecate in our yard. This of course will make us upset and think how the hell can these cats no longer defecate in our yard. Maybe you have tried various ways and the result is nothing.

Also you have followed the methods of various articles on the internet and also followed the advice of other cat lovers but to no avail. Now on this occasion Anggora will share an easy way to prevent cats from defecating in the yard. Good Readers can follow the method below.


7 Ways To Prevent Cats From Pup In The Home Yard

Cats defecating in the yard are a bit annoying and add to our work as owners. We have to clean and remove dirt from the yard so that the stench doesn't bother our noses, and so that one day we don't accidentally step on it.

Then how do you keep the stray cat and pet cat from urinating and defecating in the yard. You can try the following ways to prevent cats from urinating in the yard :

1. Prepare A Litter Box

For those of you who keep domestic cats, one way to keep your cat from defecating is to provide a litter box. After the litter box is provided at home, the next step is to get the cat to defecate and urinate in it.

After the cat gets used to it, the cat's habit of frequent urination in the yard will eventually disappear. Although sometimes cats will defecate in the yard but cats will rarely do it. Getting used to the cat urinating in the litter box may take a long time, which is about 1 to 2 months.

In fact, it is not uncommon for cats to get used to defecating in the litter box for up to 3 months. The speed at which a cat gets used to defecating in the litter box usually depends on the age, breed of cat and the behavior of the cat itself.


2. Wearing A Certain Scent

Surely we know that cats have a keen sense of smell. A cat's sense of smell is even stronger 9 to 14 times that of humans. We can take advantage of the advantages of this one cat so that cats no longer defecate and urinate in the yard.

Use a pungent aroma such as the aroma of peppermint, lavender, cinnamon and the like to be sprayed in the yard or on the terrace of the house. The cat who smells the pungent aroma and does not like it will certainly stay away from the place.

Although this method can only be used for a short period of time, it is effective enough to prevent stray cats and house cats from defecating and urinating in our yard.


3. Utilize The Sun's Light

Cats are animals whose eyes are very sensitive to light. In order to prevent cats from littering outside the house, we can use used water bottles and then fill them with water. Place these bottles on the fence of your house, garden or areas where you don't want your cat to pee inside.

Position it vertically or horizontally. The reflection of light that bounces off the bottle will make the bottle glow slightly. This irritates the cat's eyes when approaching the area and the cat will prefer to stay away from the area.


4. Using Orange Peel

Another way that you can try so that the cat does not carelessly defecate and urinate in the yard is to use orange peel. Cut the orange peel into small pieces and place them around your garden or yard. Just like the smell of peppermint and lavender, cats don't like and hate the smell of orange peel.

Apart from oranges, you can also use other fruits such as lemons and limes instead of citrus fruits.


5. Covering The Ground In The Yard

When a cat wants to defecate, the cat will usually choose a place that has soil, the soil is soft and easy to dig. In addition to places where there is soil, cats also like to defecate in places where there is a lot of sand.

So, cover the soil with gravel, river stones, grass and the like and remove the sand in the yard. This method is able to make the cat will not defecate in that place and also beautify our yard and garden.


6. Flush With Water

This one method may be a bit cruel, which is to flush the cat with water every time he wants to pee in the yard. But this method is effective enough to make the cat give up not going to waste again in the yard.

So that when the cat is flushed it doesn't get sick, just flush its face with a little water. Don't flush the whole body as this can make the cat cold and catch colds, fevers and the like. Watering only the face will make it easier for the cat to move away and remember that the area should not be soiled.

Not only that, watering your face will also make it easier for you to wipe your face with a dry cloth and prevent your cat from getting sick.


7. Putting Sand On The Edge Of The Yard

After trying the method above and it didn't work, you can try this method. This method tends to direct rather than prevent. You do this by placing a lot of sand on the edge of the page. Cats will usually choose a soft and comfortable place such as dirt and sand to defecate.

When a cat sees sand, the cat will defecate and urinate there, not in the yard or in the park. For this method to work, you have to let the cat know that there is sand on the edge of the yard. The trick is simply to lift the cat on the sand once a day until you see the cat defecating and urinating in the sand.

So that the yard does not smell, fill the sand with other sand so that the smell of feces and urine cannot be smelled. Then remove and replace the sand once a week.


So that's how to prevent stray cats and domestic cats from defecating in the yard. With this article, hopefully it can help you prevent your cat from defecating and urinating carelessly in the yard.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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