
8 Foods That Persian Cats Shouldn't Eat

Having a cat breed like a Persian cat is a very pleasant thing, especially for those of you who are cat lovers. Persian cat is a type of cat breed that is cute and funny. This cat is also very adaptable, calm, doesn't like noise and doesn't meow much compared to some other cat breeds.


Foods That Persian Cats Shouldn't Eat


Persian cat is also known as a cat who likes to relax because of this attitude he is even included in the category of less active cats. Although keeping a Persian cat is fun, it's just that keeping this cat is not as easy as imagined.

Surely there will be some important things that we need to pay attention to in caring for Persian cats. One of these things is to pay attention to what foods can be given and what foods should not be given to Persian cats. On this occasion, Angora will discuss what foods Persian cats should not eat.


What Persian Cats Shouldn't Eat ?

As we know that Persian cats are carnivores, which are meat-eating animals. This is the reason why Persian cats cannot eat all kinds of food carelessly because later it can be bad for their health. In addition, the human digestive organs are different from the digestive organs of cats.

So the food that can be consumed by humans may not necessarily be consumed by cats. If the cat continues to consume it then his digestion can have problems. That's why as good owners we must know what foods should not be given to Persian cats to keep cats growing well and staying healthy.

So what foods should Persian cats not eat? Here are some of them :

1. Fish, Eggs And Raw Meat

The first foods that Persian cats should not eat are fish, eggs and raw meat. Although cats like these three types of food, it is best not to even give cats these three types of food in raw conditions.

The reason is because these three foods still contain harmful types of bacteria or parasites that can infect cats if they are given in a raw state or have not been cooked until cooked. Raw eggs contain Salmonella bacteria or Escherichia Coli bacteria.

These two bacteria are the cause of cats experiencing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness. While raw meat and fish contain parasites in the form of worms. Often cats who are given raw meat and fish experience worms.

Even some of my own cats have worms from this raw food. If you want to give a Persian cat fish, eggs or meat, you should give it cooked. Also make sure the fish, eggs or meat that you want to give to the cat are not given certain spices.

For humans, spices are safe to eat, while for cats, spices can be toxic to their bodies.


2. Bread And Yeast

Bread is not a food that is too dangerous if given to our beloved Persian cat. It's just that the nutritional content in bread is only carbohydrates and this cannot meet the cat's daily nutritional needs.

Even bread cannot be used as an energy source because cats are not able to properly convert the carbohydrates in it into an energy source. To be given as a cat snack may be okay but if it is made as the main feed you should not.

In addition to bread, yeast should not be given to cats because once digested it can rise again and block the intestines. Giving yeast to a pregnant cat can also cause a cat to miscarry or a kitten born later to be born with a disability.


3. Chocolate

The third food that Persian cats should not eat is chocolate. Chocolate, which is made from cocoa beans, turns out to be dangerous when eaten by cats. Dangerous because chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine.

A Persian cat that you accidentally feed chocolate or he eats chocolate without your knowledge can be at risk for certain health problems such as :

  • Frequent Vomiting - Vomiting

  • Having Diarrhea

  • Heart Beating Fast

  • Fever

  • Convulsions


Seizure disorders themselves usually occur in cats who eat too much chocolate. This is a sign that the cat is experiencing severe poisoning due to too much chocolate he has eaten. Cats that experience severe poisoning are at high risk of losing their lives.


4. Onion And Garlic

The next is the onion and garlic. Both are basic spices that we often use in various types of dishes that we usually cook in everyday life. Onions and garlic are dangerous if consumed by Persian cats. This is because both of these basic cooking ingredients contain Allium.

Allium is a substance that can destroy red blood cells in the cat's body. This substance will make the cat experience anemia (lack of blood). Cooking garlic before giving it to Persian cats will not remove this Allium substance.

In addition to making cats anemia, garlic and red can also cause digestive problems for cats who eat them. Such as stomach pain, vomiting food, diarrhea and experiencing nausea. This is one reason why cats should not be given fish, meat or eggs that have been seasoned.


5. Tuna

Tuna is one of the foods that Persian cats should not eat if this fish is continuously fed to Persian cats every day. Persian cats that constantly eat them can be at risk of mercury poisoning. If you want to give your Persian cat tuna, you should only give it occasionally and make sure to give cooked tuna to the cat.


6. Dog Food

Some of us may have dogs and cats too. Cats that are kept with dogs, make cats often eat dog food. This is not so dangerous if the cat only eats it occasionally. However, if the cat eats dog food continuously then the cat can suffer from malnutrition.

The reason is due to the incompatibility of the nutrients in dog food with the nutrients needed by the cat's body. In addition to malnutrition, cats who often eat dog food are also at risk for certain health problems. These health problems include :

  • Blind eyes

  • Skin disease

  • Muscle degeneration

  • Dull fur

  • Heart disease

  • Hair Loss

  • Decreased visual function

  • Liver and kidney disorders


7. Milk And Other Products Made From Processed Milk

Most cats are usually intolerant of lactose content contained in milk. Cats who drink lactose milk will usually experience digestive problems. Digestive disorders can include vomiting and diarrhea. This also applies to various products containing lactose such as cheese and the like.

How about kittens? Can we give kittens milk, especially kittens that are left dead by their mother? The answer is no. This could endanger the kitten's life. If you want to give milk to kittens, you should give milk that is specifically for kittens or at least milk that is not lactose like bearbrand milk or etc.


8. Raisins

The last food that should not be given to Persian cats is raisins. Raisins are very dangerous if eaten by cats. Cats that eat it can be poisoned and cause Persian cats to experience kidney failure.


Thus a discussion of what Persian cats should not eat. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand the types of food that should not be given and are dangerous for Persian cats.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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