
1 Effective Way to Help Cats Vomit

Cats are very active and curious animals. That's why they often bite and eat something that they think can be used to clean dirty teeth and fill their stomachs. If they bite, chew and even eat things that are not harmful to their health such as grass then this is not a problem. 


How To Help Cat Vomit


The problem is if they turn out to be accidentally biting, chewing, licking or eating dangerous objects. Cats can fall ill due to attacks or infections of certain diseases, experience mild and severe poisoning and even the worst thing is that the cat can die instantly a few moments after he does this.

Of course, we all don't want this to happen. We need to prevent the cat from doing this and if the cat continues to lick it or eat it we are forced to make the cat vomit what it just swallowed. Then how do you prevent cats from eating dangerous objects and how do you help cats vomit their food ?

Good Readers can listen to Angora's explanation below until the end to find out.


11 Causes Why Cats Vomit

A little about vomiting, vomiting is the release of contents in the stomach through the mouth. This usually begins with nausea in the body and then the body forces all the contents of the stomach out of the body through the mouth.

There are many things that may be the main cause of why a cat vomits. Some of these common causes include :

  • The cat just ate the grass

  • Cat is pregnant

  • Cats have indigestion

  • Cats lick certain drugs or chemicals

  • Cats swallow certain drugs

  • Cat licks pest poison

  • Cats eat certain animals that make them nauseous and have stomachaches

  • Cats eat certain objects such as rope, plastic, thread and the like

  • Cats eat too much chocolate

  • Cats eat food that has been given medicine or poison

  • Cats Eat Poisonous Plants


When Should We Must Make Our Cats Vomit ?

The right time to make a cat vomit is when the cat drinks or eats objects that are dangerous when it enters the body. Examples include :

  • Plastic, rope, thread, twigs and the like

  • Swallowing medicine that is not for cats

  • Ingestion of certain chemicals

  • Swallowing pest poison

  • Eating food that has been poisoned

  • Eating small animals that have been poisoned

  • Eating poisoned grass

  • Eating poisonous plants


How To Prevent Cats from Eating Dangerous Objects ?

As explained above that most of the causes of cats will experience health problems is when the cat eats foreign or toxic objects. So that cats do not eat this dangerous object we need to know how to prevent it.

If you want to prevent your cat from vomiting from accidentally eating dangerous objects. Then you can try some of the ways below to prevent it :

  • Store chemicals and poisons in a closed place and hard for cats to reach

  • Do not allow cats to eat small animals inside or outside the house. Because there is a possibility that the animal is infected with certain microorganisms or there is a possibility that the animal has been exposed to pest poison

  • Objects such as rope, plastic, thread and similar objects that are not in use should be thrown away or stored in a closed container if they are still going to be used.

  • Do not feed cats chocolate and other foods that are harmless to humans but harmful to cats

  • If the cat is taking certain drugs for treatment and experiences frequent vomiting, stop treatment and consult a veterinarian whether the drug needs to be stopped, continued or needs to be replaced with other drugs that do not have side effects such as vomiting.

  • Don't let your cat eat expired, rotten or food from other people you don't know or from your neighbors

  • Don't grow poisonous plants at home


Some Plants That May Be Toxic To Cats

In addition, Angora includes several lists of plants that are toxic to cats. You can avoid growing this plant at home to avoid making your cat vomit due to poisoning.

Here's a list of some plants that are toxic to cats. :

  • Water hyacinth
  • Blueberries
  • Ornithogalum (part of the water hyacinth family)
  • Allium sp. (Shallots, Shallots, Garlic)
  • Fir
  • Umbrella Tree
  • Zebra Plants
  • Elephant ears
  • Fern
  • Azalea
  • Christmas Cherries
  • Melia ( Mahogany Family )
  • Tobacco
  • Peach
  • Turmeric
  • Jasmine flower
  • Wisteria
  • Cherry tree
  • Oak
  • Apricot Tree
  • Christmas Roses
  • Opium
  • Rubber plant
  • Potato
  • Tomatoes
  • Lobelia
  • Atropa
  • white lilies
  • Avocado

How To Help A Cat Vomit When A Cat Has Swallowed Dangerous Objects ?

You can do this when your cat has accidentally swallowed a dangerous and toxic object or substance. Keep in mind that you should not use this method carelessly until you are sure that the cat has actually ingested something very dangerous.

Follow this method according to the instructions and don't overdo it. How to make or help a cat to vomit a dangerous object that has just been swallowed is to use hydrogen peroxide with a purity level of 3%.

How To Use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide For Cats

Give the cat 5 ML Hydrogen peroxide with a purity level of 3% or the equivalent of one teaspoon. Do not give an excessive dose because it can damage the digestive organs of the animal. Cats who are given this substance will then expel all the contents of their stomach.

Wait a moment and make sure the cat's condition is calm. When the fur buddy looks a little better, immediately take the cat to the vet for further handling. Use this method when you feel that the cat has swallowed something dangerous or poisonous and feel that this is the only first aid you can give to save the cat's life.


Where Can I Find 3 Percent Hydrogen Peroxide ?

You can buy it at the nearest pharmacy. This product is usually sold freely in pharmacies and you can buy it without having to use a doctor's permission or use a doctor's prescription. For the price itself varies according to the size of the contents of the bottle.

Generally, hydrogen peroxide on the market is sold from 6 thousand to over 20 thousand. You can choose it according to your needs.


If A Cat Doesn't Want To Vomit After Being Given Hydrogen Peroxide, What Should We Do ?

For cats with poisoning cases, there is a possibility that the cat will not vomit if given 3% peroxide after 1 hour from the time the cat was poisoned. To overcome this we can use activated charcoal or norit which is widely sold in pharmacies.

Activated charcoal will work to absorb toxins in the intestines and help remove them in the body. How to give it to a cat is quite easy, you just need to crush the activated charcoal tablet then mix it with wet food.

Then put it in a syringe and give it slowly to the cat who has been poisoned. Give every one or 2 hours every day until the condition of the cat who has been poisoned improves. If the cat does not improve then you should take the cat to the vet.

Meanwhile, for cats with cases of swallowing certain objects and are unwilling or unable to vomit, the only way to remove these foreign objects is to perform surgery.


When Should We Not Make Our Cats Vomit ?

Cats don't always eat certain objects that will endanger their lives. One example is that cats eat small animals such as crickets, lizards, cockroaches, lizards or grasshoppers. Eating these animals does not always make the cat poisoned and endanger his life.

Eating grass in the yard is also not always harmful to cats, as long as the grass is not poisoned. Although sometimes harmless and cause poisoning, it is necessary for us to monitor the condition of cats as soon as they eat these objects.

If the cat doesn't get poisoned shortly after eating it, then we don't have to bother making the cat vomit. Poisoning in cats is generally characterized by foaming or foaming at the cat's mouth and the cat staggering.

Maybe that's all the discussion about how to help a cat vomit. With this article, hopefully it can make you understand what causes cats to vomit and how to help or force cats to vomit dangerous foreign objects that enter their bodies.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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