
7 Ways To Help Cats Breech Birth

A breech birth is an abnormal birth. Where when a woman gives birth breech, the baby's position will be in an inverted condition. The head that used to come out of the vagina has now become the legs that came out first.


Cat Breech Birth What To Do


Of course this is a problem and makes the birthing process even more difficult. Although there are many mothers who give birth vaginally even though she gives birth breech but most of the normal breech births cause many babies to be born with disabilities or die.

Not only the baby is affected, the mother is also at risk of losing her life. That's why many doctors decide to choose to do a caesarean section considering the big risk because it can endanger the mother and child.

Giving birth to a breech can not only be experienced by humans, it can also be experienced by cats. There are many cases where cats give birth breech. This breech birth process can be experienced by both domestic cats and wild cats.

Now on this occasion Anggora will discuss about giving birth to a breech cat, the causes of a cat giving birth breech, how to help a cat give birth breech and things related to this.


What Is Breech Birth In Cats ?

As Anggora explained above that breech delivery is the process of giving birth in an inverted condition ( not head first ). Unlike humans, the cat itself is the first tail that comes out of the cat's vagina.


Does This Condition Often Occur In Cats ?

Based on Anggora's own experience, this rarely happens but it does not rule out this happening to our beloved cat. When this happens to our beloved cat, there are many things we must do so that the birth process goes smoothly and the mother and child are safe.


What Causes Breech In Cats ?

The reason why cats give birth breech is caused by several factors. Some of them include :

1. First Birth

The first reason is because the cat gave birth for the first time. In addition to giving birth for the first time, the age of the cat can also be a factor that affects the birthing process. Cats under the age of 1 year also often experience breech delivery.


2. The Effect Of Amniotic Fluid

The amount of amniotic fluid in the womb will also affect the position of the baby in the womb. Whether it's a little or a lot, the amount of amniotic fluid will also result in a breech birth. The amount of amniotic fluid will make the baby's position change.

While the lack of amniotic fluid will make it difficult for the baby in the womb to move. As a result, the baby cannot change its position and when giving birth the cat's tail is the first to come out of the cat's vagina.


3. Twisted The Umbilical Cord

The baby will be active even though he is still in the womb so that entanglement in the umbilical cord is possible. This causes the baby cat to not be in its proper position when it is about to be born


4. Due To Placenta Position

The position of the placenta will also affect the process of giving birth to a cat. When the position of the placenta is not in the proper position it will make it difficult for the baby to get out of the way it should. As a result, the baby cat will stay away from the exit and make the tail in the exit position.


5. The Number Of Babies To Be Born

The number of babies in the womb also makes the baby cat lose its movement. This puts some babies in an inappropriate position during delivery, this makes the cat will give birth breech.


6. The Presence Of Fibroids In The Womb

The presence of fibroids or benign tumors in the form of protrusions in the womb can also be one of the reasons the baby's position in the womb is in the right position so that the birth process becomes breech.


When Cats Breech Birth What Should We Do ?

The most appropriate step that we must take is to take the cat to the vet to immediately get the right treatment. Even if it is necessary, actions such as caesarean section need to be carried out considering the high risk of breech delivery.

The risk if a cat that will give birth in a breech is forced to give birth normally if the conditions are not possible can make the baby cat born in a state of disability or death. Not only that, the mother cat is also at risk of losing her life.


Can We Help Cats Breech Birth At Home ?

Some readers may think that cats can only give birth at home. It's not that we don't want to take him to the vet, it's just that the situation just doesn't allow it to be done. Maybe it's because there's no vet around where we live or maybe it's because the vet is hours away from where we live.

Inevitably we are forced to help our beloved cat give birth breech. If you want to help your cat give birth breech you can use the method below.

You need to know that when doing this method there is a possibility that the baby cat will not survive and there will also be times where you have to choose between the mother or the baby cat.

  • If you are prepared with the risks, you can follow the steps below :

  • Put on gloves first

  • Let the cat try to get the child out first, after seeing the legs then we try to help pull it.

  • Before starting to pull the kitten, grease the genitals and hands with oil to make the process of pulling the kitten easier.

  • Just pull gently and slowly so as not to hurt the kitten and increase the chances of the baby being born safely.

  • When pulling a baby cat, pull at the same time as when the cat pushes (pushes). Even though it's breech if the cat pushes hard and we help pull it then chances are the birthing process will be successful.

  • While gently pulling the kitten in, pet the cat's head or belly to soothe it.

  • After the baby is successfully pulled out, bring it closer to its mother so that the kitten is licked and cleaned by the mother and to stimulate the kitten that looks dead to breathe immediately.


I'm Afraid To Do It To Baby Cats, Afraid If The Baby Dies

By pulling slowly, there's a good chance that the newborn kitten will survive, so don't be too afraid to pull it. But what if the baby turns out to be dead? It's sad but it's better than leaving the kittens there. Some of the consequences of letting a baby cat get in the way of the exit are as follows :

  • The baby cat will prevent other kittens from getting out of the mother's body

  • Another kitten that can't get out will die because it can't breathe

  • The dead baby will become poison in the mother's body

  • The mother cat will be affected by the poison and then die

  • If the cat is not removed immediately, there is also a possibility that the mother cat will die from exhaustion


That's why above Angora mentioned that you must be prepared to accept the risk of losing one of the baby cats or their mother by using this method. If this method fails and the baby is not born safely, don't be sad.

Because even though the baby died but you managed to save another baby and also save your beloved fur friend who is the mother cat.


If After A Long Wait And The Cat's Body Or Paws Don't Come Out At All, What Should We Do ?

This is rare but does not rule out the possibility that it can happen. Even after we waited for hours and there was no sign that the kitten seemed to be coming out of the mother's body soon. When we are faced with a situation like this, the only best solution we have is to take our cat immediately to the vet to be saved.

When this happens, the doctor will usually give a DL stimulant and then pull the baby cat. If the DL stimulation does not work, the doctor will immediately recommend a cesarean section.


Baby Cat Looks Dead Should We Bury Him Immediately ?

A baby cat that we managed to attract but looks dead should not immediately intend to bury it immediately. Try to bring the kitten closer to its mother so that the mother bites into her baby's pouch and licks her body.

Baby cats will usually move alive. This may be a stimulus from the mother so that her child immediately breathes while cleaning her beloved child's body from the remnants of amniotic fluid and feces. But if the method above doesn't work, try the method below :

  • Open the cat's mouth then try to breathe

  • Pump the baby cat's chest with one finger

  • Hold the front leg down while opening his mouth

  • If the baby does not respond and there is no movement at all, it means the kitten is dead


Maybe that's all the discussion about cats giving birth to a breech, the causes, how to deal with it and things related to it. With this article, hopefully it can make you understand about giving birth to a breech cat.

Being able to take appropriate action for the cat and increase your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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