
8 Ways How To Make Cats Get Along

When deciding to adopt a new cat to keep at home, there will be many things that we need to pay attention to, one of which is how to get the cats to get along and not fight each other. Drama cat fights are natural.


How To Make Cats Get Along


That's why when cats fight with each other you don't have to worry too much, because this is a normal thing to happen to cats who still don't know each other. Both the old cat and the new cat who came into the house, both will think of each other as an enemy or a threat.

This naturally occurs due to their natural or wild instinct drives which are active when they see creatures of the same kind or other animals in front of them. Cat's natural instincts will automatically categorize other animals based on body size, weight, body odor and more.

Then the instinct will tell the brain that the animal is prey or predator ( enemy ). Then how do you make the cat not fight and get along? You can find the answer here.


How To Make A Cat Get Along

Getting a cat to get along can be said to be difficult and easy. Because the level of difficulty in getting a cat to get along also depends on the cat itself, there are cats who are naturally relaxed and friendly when brought into contact with other cats.

There are also cats who when met with other cats, are naturally angry and want to fight claws. For the sake of overcoming the type of cat that is angry, emotional and likes to fight boxing when met with other cats.

You can try the methods below which Angora summarizes from her own experience in making cats get along, get along well and don't fight with each other. Here are 8 ways to make cats familiar and loving each other.

1. Meet The Cats

The first step you can take to make the cat get along is to bring the cat together. Then see their reaction, whether they are friendly with each other or angry meowing and clawing at each other.

If the cats seem friendly with each other then you don't need to take the next step, because over time there will be no fighting and the cats will become closer.

But if it turns out that the cats that were met were meowing angrily and then fighting fists, then you need to go to the next method.


2. Separate The Cat And Then Enter Cat In The Cage

When a newly adopted cat after being reunited, it turns out to be fighting with our old cat, we need to separate the cat and put one of them into the cage. Put the cat that started the fight in the cat cage (mini cat cage) and place the cat near the cat he is angry with.

Let the cat get angry alone in the cage, over time the cat will tire itself out and stop being angry. This is also done so that the more aggressive and grumpy cat can calm down and over time assume the presence of other cats around him is not an enemy but a friend.


3. Let The Cats Fight

After the cat in the cage is calm and no longer aggressive, you can take it out of the cage. Watch the cat to see if he will get angry and beat the other cat again. If he's still aggressive and starts a fight with another cat, it's best to put him back in the cage and repeat step 2.

If both cats or one of them are just angry and don't get into a claw fight then just let it be. Because over time the cat will get used to the presence of other cats and will stop meowing angrily at the cat that he considers the enemy.


4. Feed The Cats Together

Feed the cat along with the cat we just adopted. Because togetherness will make the natural instinct that thinks other cats are enemies disappears. There are times when the cat is fed at the same time, the other cat is angry and the angry cat goes away and doesn't want to eat.

To overcome this, simply give the cat food in a bowl at a distance apart provided the cats can still look at each other while they are enjoying and finishing their food.


5. Put Only 1 Drinking Bowl

In addition to feeding the cat at the same time, putting just one drinking bowl can help cats get to know each other better. When cats feel thirsty, they will often pass by when they are about to drink. This will certainly make the cats get used to each other's presence.


6. Invite The Cats To Play Together

Interactions such as play are also needed in making cats get along with each other. Play with your two cats together. Play games with ropes, belts, balls or the like.

Make them play together so that they forget that the cat they are currently playing with is a cat they see as an enemy or a threat.


7. Invite Cats To Play Outdoors

You can invite your two cats to play outside. Usually one cat sometimes forgets that the other cat is the enemy when they are outside the house. This cat will try to get other cats to play with him. But it often ends in a spray of anger from other cats who still consider him the enemy.

If this happens, let it be, because over time they will certainly be friends if they feel that the other cat is not dangerous or is not an enemy to be afraid of.


8. Repeat The Same Activities Every Day

Do not despair and repeat the same thing every day over and over again. Be patient and believe that over time a hostile cat will definitely get along and make friends. Angora himself did the same thing and only 2 weeks and even a month apart the cats could get along and enjoy playing together.


Will This Method Work 100% Percent To Make Cats Get Along ?

How to make a cat get along with a new cat or get along with another cat above will be 100% successful if done patiently, confidently and done every day. Note that the cat :

Cat Is Not Sick

Sick cats tend to get angry when other cats are around them. This is due to the cat feeling that he is not feeling well and other cats are considered as a nuisance that makes him uncomfortable.

Cats also think that other cats can make them feel more sick if another cat accidentally touches or steps on a sick body part. This is almost similar to how we feel irritated and awry when we have a toothache.

Loud noises and even the presence of people chatting around us are distractions that make our teeth hurt even more.


Cat Is Not Pregnant

You need to know that when a cat is pregnant, the cat's emotions will increase. He will be angry and beat up other cats that are in the vicinity or in the area that he considers his territory. Even if the cat itself was a cat he had gotten along with, he wouldn't hesitate to beat him up.

But this is actually different from the presence of humans around him, instead of being angry, cats are even more spoiled when there are humans nearby when they are pregnant.


Cat Is Not In Heat

Both male and female cats who are in heat, both will have a high-tempered and emotional nature. Whether it's to a cat who has gotten along with him or who he doesn't know.


Cats Are Not Adult Male Cats

This method also won't work if the cat you want to get along with is an adult cat. When the cat has grown up and entered the mating period, the cat will be hostile to all the males around it.

Whether it's siblings or adopted siblings, he will fight with other males in the area that is considered his territory. That's the reason why an adult male cat won't get along even if he uses the method above.


So How To Make Adult Male Cats Get Along ?

There is no other possible way you can do to make an adult male cat get along and not fight with other cats other than sterilization. Because from some catlovers opinions that cats that have gone through the sterilization process usually tend to be quiet, don't like wandering around and are friendly to other cats, even male cats.

If you want to make your cat less fussy when it wants to mate or be in heat and don't like fighting with other males and in order to control the cat from having children, you can try sterilizing your cat.

That's a glimpse of information on how to make a cat get along and not fight. You can also do the above method as a way to make dogs and cats get along. Hopefully this article can answer your curiosity and add to your insight. Don't forget to share it with your relatives, other cat lovers or your social media.

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