
Is It True That Cat Sad When Its Owner Leaves ? Here Is The Explanation !

Like humans, cats can feel feelings of sadness, joy, fear, anxiety and other emotions. As cat lovers, of course, we know how cats convey their emotions to us or the people around them. In conveying their emotions, cats will usually wag their tails, meow, hiss, develop their fur or be silent and so on.


Cat Sad When Its Owner Leaves


So what about the cat who is sad at the owner's residence ? Check out the explanation by Anggora here.


Sad Cat Left By Owners

Even though cat lovers always joke that cats are masters and they are cat slaves. But in reality, humans are still masters. There will be times when an irresponsible owners throws the cat away.

Usually this is triggered by economic reasons, disapproving families, families who secretly dump cats and neighbors who object because of the presence of a pet cat. Throwing a cat is wrong, the cat owner should not throw it away but give it to other cat lovers for adoption.

When the owners wants to throw away or leave the cat that has been cared for so far, usually the cat will seem to understand that he will be dumped by his owners. The cat will be sad because the cat loves his master and does not want to be separated from him.

Cats want to always be like other cats, namely every day the cat follows the master, the cat protects the master, the cat massages the master but that will disappear when the owner wants to throw him away.


What Are The Characteristics Of A Sad Cat At The Owner's Residence

Based on the experiences of some cat lovers that Angora heard in the community, those who want to throw their cats away because they are forced to, usually find cats with the following characteristics :

  • Look weak and lose spirit

  • The cat used to be active to be quiet

  • The cat that was once cheerful looks gloomy

  • The cat looks sad

  • Cats sleep more

  • Cats prefer to be alone

  • Cats love to hide

  • Cats stay away from their owners or other people in the house

  • Cats are lazy to play and prefer to stay silent

  • The cat's appetite is reduced or the cat doesn't want to eat

  • Cats seem to be looking at us and begging not to be thrown away

  • The worst thing is that the cat suddenly gets sick

  • The worst thing is that the cat wanders and never comes back


Usually these things happen right after the cat hears that we or our family members are about to throw him out and leave him. I myself was wondering if it is true that cats are able to understand human speech and do not believe that cats can understand human language.

But after hearing the experiences of other cat lovers and experiencing it myself, I also believe that cats have sad emotions and are strangely able to understand our language or words when we talk that we want to leave them or throw them away.


What To Do When A Cat Is Sad But We Don't Throw It Away Or Leave It ?

When we don't leave or throw away the cat, the cat's behavior will remain like a sad, quiet, lack of enthusiasm for life and others. I don't know why this will continue even if we don't throw it away. Even the worst thing is that the cat becomes sick or runs away and never comes home again.

To overcome this the way is quite easy, namely we apologize to the cat and say that we will not do it again. Maybe this sounds ridiculous to you or people who are not cat lovers. But rest assured then see what happens the next day to your cat.

The cat will return to being cheerful or return to its original attitude as if it understood what you said the previous day.


How Can We Avoid Throwing Away Our Pet Cats ?

The method is quite easy. You only need to do the following things so that in the future you will not be forced to throw away your beloved cat. Here are some ways:

1. Understand Your Finances

First, really understand your financial condition before starting to adopt or raise a cat. For those of you who have a mediocre budget, you can keep a village cat. But if you have excess funds, then you can choose to keep a purebred cat whose maintenance costs are more expensive when compared to keeping a domestic cat.

Understand your finances well because that way in the future you will not be forced to throw away your beloved cat because you are having financial difficulties.


2. Keep Only One Cat

Keep only one cat, don't keep too many cats. Even if there are stray cats that come to your place, you should just feed them and not let them into the house. Don't because you are a cat lover, you pretend to want to keep a lot of stray cats or keep a cat because someone else is asking for help.

Unless you are rich or feel capable of keeping many cats at once then the above is not a problem.


3. Keep Male Cats Only

Male cats will not breed quickly like female cats will breed even if we don't have other cats in the house. This is because female cats that are freed in and out of the house will mate with wild male cats in the environment around the house without our knowledge.

As a result, even if we don't have a male cat at home, the female cat will still get pregnant and will give birth to many children. This is very inversely proportional to when we keep a male cat.

Actually, it doesn't matter when we want to keep only female cats, it's just that we have to cage or sterilize them so that cats don't often get pregnant and give birth. This is done so that later we don't have to worry about taking care of more and more kittens.

4. Sterilize Cats

In order to avoid cats breeding and making more cats in the house, cat sterilization is mandatory. The cost of sterilizing cats can be said to be quite cheap, which is around 35 dollars and above for female cats. While for male breed cats usually range from 20 to 25 dollars.

For domestic female cats, the cost is cheaper than purebred female cats. Ranging from 20 to 22 dollars, the price of cat sterilization may vary from city to city. But generally the price of cat sterile is as I described above.

Maybe that's all I can say about a sad cat living in an employer or owner's house. If you find this article useful, please share it with relatives, other cat lovers or your social media accounts.

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