
9 Ways To Make Cats Fat Fast Naturally

Who doesn't want their cat to be fat and healthy ? Many of the cat owners who certainly want their favorite cat to be fat and big. The desire of these cat owners is not without reason. For cat lovers themselves, fat cats are considered more cute, funny and adorable.


How To Make Cats Fat Fast Naturally


This is the reason why it is not uncommon for cat owners to compete to fatten their pet cats. In addition to funny reasons, fattening a cat is also commonly done by cat lovers when the cat becomes thin due to illness.

Diseases such as intestinal worms, diarrhea, shortness of breath and the like can make cats thin. But even though the goal is to fatten cats, cat owners don't want their cats to be unnaturally fat. They think the natural method is better for cats and more healthy than the unnatural and instant method.

Now for those of you who want to fatten your kitten or cat quickly and naturally, you can listen to the method in the following Angora article.


9 Ways to Get Cats Fat Fast Naturally

To fatten a cat there are 9 ways you can do. Here are 9 ways to quickly fatten a cat naturally, the Angora version :

1. Find Out Cat's Favorite Food

The first thing we have to do so that cats get fat fast naturally is to find out what foods our cats really like. Look for foods that are liked by cats but these foods must be healthy foods such as special cat food, fish, meat, chicken, beef and the like.

We do this so that the cat can eat more voraciously and not get bored with the food we serve him when we serve the food continuously throughout the day.


2. Ensure Good Food Nutrition For Cats

In addition to food must be liked by cats, cat food must be healthy. Quoted from that cats are carnivorous animals that need to get nutrition from animal meat so that cats are always healthy.

Cats will get as much as 55% animal protein, 45% fat and 1 to 2% carbohydrates from small prey such as mice. Although the energy source of mice is relatively small, around 1 to 2%, cats are generally able to use 40% of carbohydrates from their food as a good source of energy.


3. Create Food Variations

After finding the type of food that the cat likes. Then the next step is to do a variety of foods. For example, today the cat eats cooked fish mixed with carrots. The next day replace the fish with chicken, beef or other types of fish.

This substitution of food types is called food variety. In this way, the cat will definitely eat voraciously, his appetite will increase and he will not get bored easily or lose his appetite.


4. Adjust Cat Feeding Portions

Give the cat food with a portion that is more than the portion you usually give and feed the cat 3 times a day. You can feed the cat twice as much or you can increase the portion gradually each day. Avoid giving too much food to the cat because it can make the cat vomit after he finished eating.

If you feel this method is not healthy, you can consult a veterinarian about a good and healthy portion of food to fatten a cat. Veterinarians will usually help us determine the portion of cat food, but of course this consultation is not free.


5. Give Food Little By Little

If your cat is the type of cat that eats little then you can do this. You can give the cat food a little but as often as possible, i.e. once every hour. A cat who eats little is not a sick cat if he does not have certain symptoms of a disease that appear on him.

This happens because the size of a cat's stomach is only the size of a ping pong ball. Not only that, there are indeed some cats that when they feel full, they will not eat anymore even though they only eat a little food.


6. Give The Cat A Snack

Between main meals, your cat will sometimes ask for extra food. Give the cat a snack every hour. You can give a snack in the form of wet food or dry food as a cat snack.


7. Reheat Cat Food

If you want to give food to the cat, try heating the food first. Cats who lack appetite will usually be more eager to eat when they smell food. The smell of fragrant food will also attract cats to eat the food.

You can reheat wet cat food using the microwave for a few seconds, while cat food, such as fish, chicken and the like, can be boiled or re-baked so that the food smells good again.


8. When Cats Eat Don't Disturb

Cats are animals that do not like to be disturbed when they eat. So let the cat eat quietly so as not to disturb his appetite and so that the cat can enjoy his food well


9. Give Appetite Enhancer

The last way is to give the cat an appetite-boosting supplement. You can buy this supplement at the nearest pet store, you can also ask the vet when you visit there. Before giving supplements to cats be sure to look at the directions for use.


What If The Way Above Doesn't Work ?

The above method will usually work, but if it doesn't work, it's highly likely that your cat has worms. Try deworming your cat while reapplying the above method. Trust me a few weeks later you will see changes in your cat's body. The cat's body that was thin will gradually become big and fat naturally.

That's a quick and easy way to naturally fatten a cat. With this article, hopefully it can help in fattening your cat naturally, well and healthy and increase your knowledge and can be useful for you.

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