
2 Causes Of Cat Losing Hair After Giving Birth

Cats are mammals that give birth and breastfeed. When a female cat is between 4 months or 8 months for certain cat breeds, the cat begins to enter the breeding season and can become pregnant. The gestation period of a cat itself is around 2 months.


Cat Losing Hair After Giving Birth


After 2 months, the cat will then give birth to cute kittens. Sometimes there are some of the cats who after giving birth, the cat experiences hair loss. Surely cat lovers have experienced or are experiencing pet cats losing their fur after giving birth.


2 Cause Of Cat Hair Loss After Giving Birth

The question is whether hair loss in cats is normal? Yes, this is normal, because changing the cat's fur is a natural thing to happen when the cat enters the molting phase. Cats will naturally lick their bodies to get rid of the dead hair.

This loss does not only occur in male cats but also occurs in female cats, especially when the cat is pregnant. And this is a normal thing to happen to cats, it's just that if the loss is so severe that the cat is bald then this is not normal.

When severe shedding occurs, the cat is likely to have alopecia. Alopecia is baldness in which the amount of hair that falls out is greater than the hair that grows. Alopecia is a skin disease.

According to Angora, this loss itself occurs due to 2 factors, namely :

Internal factors

Loss can occur due to internal factors, namely the result of the cat's own body reaction. Some of the internal factors that cause hair loss in cats are as follows :

1. Protein allergy

Cats can experience hair loss after giving birth due to allergies to proteins from certain foods such as beef, fish or chicken meat


2. Infected With Fungus

In addition to protein allergies, mold can also cause hair loss in cats who have just given birth. When a cat gives birth, a pet cat will prefer to take care of its kittens in the house and rarely bask in the hot sun.

This makes the cat's coat moist and susceptible to fungal attack. Especially if the weather or the environment he is in is also humid, it can make the cat's hair fall out.


3. Hormone Abnormalities

Not only protein and fungal allergies, hormonal disorders are also one of the main causes of hair loss in cats after giving birth.


4. Flea allergy

Cats that have just given birth have unstable health conditions. When fleas take nutrients from the cat's body, this will have a direct impact on the instantaneous loss that occurs in the cat's fur.


5. Another Cat Bite

Bites of other cats can make the cat's body fester and cause hair loss.


External Factors

Loss can also occur due to external factors, namely the result from outside the cat's body itself. Some of the external factors that cause hair loss in cats are as follows :

1. Malnutrition

After giving birth, cats still have to breastfeed their babies. Mother's nutrition will be given to the baby through breast milk (Mother's Milk). As a result, the mother cat will lack the nutrients her body needs. This results in hair loss.

One of the causes of cat hair loss after giving birth is due to a lack of Vitamin A and E in the mother's body. These two vitamins greatly affect the growth and health of the cat's fur.


2. Excess Vitamins

Excess vitamins are also not good for cats. Excess vitamins in cats will make their skin dry, flaky and even crusty. So when the cat is pregnant or after giving birth, it is better to give just enough vitamins.


3. Drug Side Effects

Like humans, cats can also be affected by the side effects of drugs. When the drug does not match the cat's body, the cat's hair will fall out. Therefore, before giving the medicine, make sure your cat is not allergic to certain types of medicine and give the medicine according to the instructions on the medicine package.


4. Cats Are Stressed

Many things can cause stress in cats. When a cat is stressed, it is not uncommon for a cat to lick its fur more often. Frequent cat licking of fur makes the cat's hair fall out.


5. Psychogenic

Take care of the cat sparingly. Too much care for the cat will stress the cat. When a cat is stressed he will defecate and urinate carelessly and lick his body until it falls out.


6. Unsuitable Shampoo

When you want to buy cat shampoo, avoid buying shampoos that foam a lot because this type of shampoo has a high level of detergent content. High detergent content can easily irritate the skin and cause hair loss.

In addition, if the cat being bathed is a cat that has just given birth. Their fur will fall out more easily because their bodies are more sensitive than non-pregnant cats.


7. Respiratory Allergies

Respiratory allergies are also one of the causes of cat hair loss. Cigarette smoke is one of the triggers. Especially in cats who have just given birth, their bodies will be more sensitive when they smell cigarette smoke.


8. Bask In The Sun For Too Long

For a cat that has just given birth, it is not good to be in a place that is too hot and too often exposed to the sun. It's a good idea to place your cat in a cool place and try to keep the room as comfortable as possible.


How To Deal With Cat Hair Loss After Giving Birth ?

Don't worry if your cat is shedding after giving birth. You can try some of the ways below to deal with the problem of hair loss in cats. These methods include :

1. Keeping Clean

As we know that cleanliness is the main factor that is very influential on health, both for humans and animals such as cats. It is important for us to provide a clean environment free from germs, bacteria and viruses and comfortable for cats.

Especially for cats that have just given birth. Not only the cleanliness of the environment, we also need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the cat itself.


2. Shower Regularly

By bathing regularly will keep the cat's body awake and clean from several internal factors that cause hair loss in cats. Bathe a cat that has just given birth at least once a month and a maximum of once every 2 weeks.

Bathe the cat with a special cat shampoo product that has anti-fungal, bacterial or flea benefits. This shampoo will be very useful for maintaining healthy skin and keeping hair beautiful, healthy and strong.


3. Cat Hair Comb

Comb the cat's fur at least 3 times a week. Combing cat hair aims to make the cat's fur neater, eliminate hair loss that can cause hairballs in cats and clean cat hair from dirt or parasites attached. Combing cat hair can also get rid of fleas and mites if we use a special comb.

When combing the cat's fur, accompany it with a light massage which aims to stimulate blood circulation and make the coat smoother.


4. Pay Attention To Cat Food

When a cat who has just given birth experiences hair loss after giving birth, then the provision of food must be considered. Provide foods that are rich in nutrients and good for the body. Especially foods that are rich in vitamins A and E which are very good for cat hair growth.

If you don't have experience in sorting nutritious food, then you can buy instant cat food products that are specifically for nursing mothers. This product usually contains various types of nutrients needed by cats who have just given birth or are still in the breastfeeding phase.


5. Don't Give Any Food

For cats experiencing hair loss, feeding itchy foods such as seafood will exacerbate the hair loss condition and make the cat's skin itchy. As much as possible avoid giving seafood such as tuna, shrimp, crab, salted fish and the like too often to cats with skin problems and hair loss.


6. Change The Product Appropriate

If your cat has problems with food products or shampoos, then there's nothing wrong with exchanging them with better products. For example, if we accidentally buy a shampoo that contains high levels of detergent that can irritate the skin of cats.

Changing the shampoo is the best option for maintaining healthy cat skin and preventing hair loss.


7. Cat Hair Loss Treatment

After doing all of the things above but you still feel there is no change in the cat's fur, treatment can be one of your efforts to overcome this. You can buy medicine or vitamins to treat hair loss problems in cats.

You can also take your cat to the vet for a consultation or ask for the right medicine for this problem.

Those are the 2 causes of cat hair loss after giving birth and how to overcome them. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand the problem of falling out in cats that have just given birth, add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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