
Can Cats Be Sad When Lose Their Kittens ? Here's The Explanation !

Indeed, there is a study that states that cats have emotions like humans, some cat lovers may know this. While some other cat lovers get the understanding that cats have emotions because they have had cats for a long time.


Can Cats Be Sad When Lose Their Kittens

Cat lovers who really love their cats and have kept cats for a long time usually by just looking at the cat's movements or behavior, they will be able to guess how the cat's emotions are currently.

Whether he owns a local cat or a purebred cat, a cat owner of both breeds can easily guess how a cat is feeling at the moment. For example, if they are petting a pet cat's head and the cat suddenly wags its tail, they will know that the cat is happy and enjoying the petting from the owner.

If the cat suddenly rushes into the house and then peeks out of the house, this means that the cat is scared because he is being chased or sees something that makes him feel threatened. Then what about a cat who has just lost his cub ?

Can they feel sad ? And how do we know that the mother cat is grieving as a result of being left dead, separated or left by her child? Check out Angora's explanation below until the end.


Can Cats Be Sad When Lose Their Kittens ?

Yes, cats just like humans can feel sadness. It's just that when a cat is sad he doesn't have to cry like a human. Usually the cat will show certain attitudes or behaviors.

Whether it's lost due to being separated, the child is dead or lost because it was stolen, generally a sad cat will show attitudes or behaviors such as the following :

1. Cats Will Look For Their Kittens

Cats who are sad because of the loss of their children will look for their lost children here and there. When a cat is looking for its cub, you can see it looks as if the cat looks confused and sad because it can't find its cub at all.

Cats will continue to look for their children in places where they usually sleep, play, eat, drink and other places that he feels he and his children have lived or visited. Cats will keep looking for their kittens here and there until they are tired.


2. Meowing Constantly Calling His Child

Cats that are looking for children will usually pace here and there while meowing to call their children. Usually when the mother cat calls her kittens by meowing, the kittens will run towards the mother.

When the kitten that was called by its mother never came, this is where the mother cat usually starts to get confused. Surprised that the child did not come, the mother cat would decide to go around the house or the area around the house to look for her kittens.

He will search while meowing calling for his son. Usually the cat will continue to meow calling for her child until the child comes to her or when the cat is tired.


3. Cats Will Be More Quiet And Sleep

When the cat finally doesn't find her kitten at all, the sad mother cat will change from being active to being quiet and sleeping a lot. It's not because the cat is sick or coincidentally at all, but it's because the cat is sad.

This usually happens a few hours or a day after the kitten is gone. Not only being quiet and sleeping often, cats will often lose their appetite when they are sad. This cat's behavior is very similar to human behavior when humans lose their family members.


4. Cats Won't Eat

Cats who are sad because they have no more children will usually lose their appetite and will not eat at all. This will usually be followed by the cat becoming quiet and sleeping more often as described above.

If your cat loses his appetite, try to stimulate his appetite by giving him his favorite food. If he still has no appetite, then inevitably we have to give him food forcibly. Because it is feared that if the cat is allowed to continue not wanting to eat, the cat might fall ill.

Indeed, there are many mother cats whose appetite returns to normal after a few days. But not infrequently also fall ill because they rarely eat.


5. Cats Will Wander Around For A Few Days

There is also a type of mother cat that will wander off somewhere in the days after she loses her kitten. Either because he feels he has no more children to take care of or the mother cat goes wandering to relieve her sadness.

Whatever the reason, this sometimes does happen to some cats who lose their kittens to death, their children are given to people or because they have been stolen by others.


6. Cats Will Cry

Once upon a time when my pet kitten died of illness, I accidentally saw the mother cat's eyes shed a few tears. To my eyes this looks like a crying cat.

Indeed, according to research, cat crying is only a condition that occurs when there is a disturbance or disease in the cat's eye and this has nothing to do with cat emotions. I explained this in one of my articles entitled "Cats Cry When Feeding".

Even so, seeing the condition of the cat at that time I thought that my cat was sad and crying because her child died. It's not without reason I think so, the reason is because first my cat does not suffer from eye problems or diseases.

The second reason when I saw the cat's eyes that looked like crying, my mind seemed to say that the cat was sad over the death of her child.


7. Cats Will Lick Their Kittens And Take Him

Some mother cats really love their children. Even after the death of their cubs, cats will still lick their kittens and even lift them with their mouths to where they usually feed. Many of you think that mother cats don't know their kittens are dead, maybe what you think is true.

But some cats realize that their cubs have died and they don't want to lose their cubs. So he treats his children as if they are still alive. If you insist on bringing the kittens, you can see them meowing as if angry at you for wanting to separate them from their kittens.


8. Cats Will Chase Their Children Who Want To Be Buried

You cat lovers must have experienced this when you wanted to bury your kittens that might die suddenly one by one. Those of you who have wrapped the corpse of a kitten and then brought it to be buried will see the mother cat chasing you.

The cat will meow while chasing you. Treating this cat as if he was saying that "Don't take my child, I don't want to lose him and still want to be with him". He will continue to chase even to the cat's grave.

Even the touching thing is that he will see the process of his child's burial to completion and stay in his child's grave for a few minutes. I have experienced this unique experience myself, so I can say this. But not all cats will do something like this.

Only a few or few of the cats might do the same. Oh yes, this sometimes also happens to cats whose owners live. When a cat loves its master very much, it will do the same thing as above and be reluctant to leave the grave of its master.

This also applies to other animals such as dogs and animals that are usually kept as pets.

That's an explanation of how sad cats can be because they have lost their children. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand the attitude of cats when they are sad to be left by their children, add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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