
22 Facts About Cats

Cats are animals that have cute cute faces, so many people make this one animal as a pet at home. Maybe among people who make cats as your pets is one of them. Not only have cute and funny faces, cats also have adorable behavior.


Facts About Cats


That is why many families around the world choose cats as pets. By keeping a cat they feel that the atmosphere of the house is more lively and more pleasant.

Cats are also believed to be a cause of reduced stress, this is proven by several researchers who conducted certain research. The result was found that keeping a cat can relieve stress. If we pay close attention, cats look like animals that like to sleep.

In fact cats will spend about 15 to 16 hours of sleep. This is twice as much sleep time as adults who only need a maximum of 7-8 hours of sleep a day. This four-legged animal in Latin is known by the Latin name Felis silvestris catus.

He is known for his intelligence and loyalty. So where do cats come from? Cats are native to the Near East and Egypt. 10,000 thousand years ago cats were domesticated by farmers that living in the near east.

Farmers welcome feral cats that come to their territory and use them to protect crops from pests such as rats and the like. It then developed until now people prefer cats as pets or as pets. Cats also developed into several types of cats.

But generally people in various parts of the world prefer to keep domestic cat breeds and purebred cats. Cat breeds that are commonly kept are Bengal, Turkish Angora, Persian, Manx, Sphynx, Siamese, and the Mainecoon giant cat.

The existence of purebred cats around the world itself is estimated at only 1%, the rest are mixed breed cats, village cats, and forest cats. Cats are also carnivores part who totally like to prey on other animals.

That's why it's not uncommon for us cat lovers to catch cats eating lizards, fish, lizards, crickets, moths, mice, grasshoppers and similar animals.


22 Facts About Cats

In addition to the facts above, it turns out that cats also have other interesting facts to discuss. What are some interesting facts about these other cats? Check out the facts about the Angora version of the cat below :

1. Can't Taste Sweet

One of the interesting facts about cats is that cats can't taste sweet. In fact, almost every mammal can taste sweet except cats.

This is because receptors on taste cells called T1R2 and T1R3 which normally function well in mammals, do not function properly in cats. As a result, the cat's tongue becomes unable to recognize sweet tastes.


2. Cats Can Sweat

Just like humans, cats will sweat when they feel that their bodies are hot and tired. But the way cats sweat is very different from the way humans sweat. If humans sweat through their skin, it's different with cats. The cat's sweat will only come out through its paws.

How come? Because the cat's sweat glands are just under the pads of its paws. That's why we rarely see cats sweat, even though cats also sweat through the sweat glands found on cat paw pads


3. Have Night Vision Ability

Cats are crepuscular animals. It becomes very active at dawn or at night. This is supported by the ability of his night vision (night vision). And the ability of night vision exists because cats have an organ called the Tapetum lucidum.

Tapetum lucidum functions to reflect light so that cats can see in dimly lit places. That's why it's not uncommon for us to see a cat's eyes glow when they see it in the dark.


4. Cats Bathe By Licking Their Bodies

Surely we often see cats bathe by licking their bodies every day. Actually, the activity of licking the body does not necessarily just clean the body of dirt. But also at the same time cleanse the parasites, germs and bacteria in the body.

Cats also lick their bodies to remove the dead skin cells. This habit of licking has existed since ancient Egypt until today. The knowledge of cleaning the body with the tongue is embedded in genetics and passed down from generation to generation.


5. Cat Saliva Contain Antibiotics

Saliva in cats is believed to have enzymes that are useful as antibiotics. This enzyme functions to prevent wound infection and accelerate wound healing. But this only applies if the cat is in good health and not diseased.

When a cat is sick, its saliva may contain various parasitic germs or harmful bacteria. One of the parasites that can be transmitted from cat saliva is Toxoplasma.


 6. Cat Run Very Fast

Cats have the ability to run very fast, especially when the cat is being threatened, its running speed can increase drastically. The running speed of a cat is estimated to reach 30 mph, this is equivalent to the speed when we are riding a motorcycle at medium speed.

In the wild, cats use this ability to run to save themselves from predators or are used to chase and catch prey.


7. Cats Hide Their Poop

For some people may think that cats plant their feces with soil just because of the cat's habits but the fact is that cats do this to hide their feces.

So that the dirt does not smell and lure other predators to eat it. In addition, cat litter is also used by cats as a means of communicating with other cats indirectly.


8. Cat Ear Rotating Ability Up To 180°

It turns out that cat ears can rotate up to 180 degrees. This ability can be done by cats because of the 32 muscle tissue in their ears. With all these ear muscles, the cat's ears can be rotated up to 180 degrees without having to look towards the source of the sound.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for us to see a cat's ears turning to the right to the back when the cat hears a sound that disturbs or attracts his attention.


9. The Oldest Cat Is 38 Years Old

Wild cats have a life span of 5 years while domestic cats have a relatively longer life span of about 10 to 15 years. However, this does not apply to cats living in the Austin, Texas, United States. The cat, known as the Creme Puff, is 38 years old.

He became the oldest cat and recorded in the Guinness World Record (GWR). Puff lived from 1967 to 2005. The secret behind Puff's long life is due to good care, diet and the love of her owner to her.


10. Cats Should Be Vaccinated

It is very important for cats to be vaccinated. This is something that must be done if we want the cat to grow well and always healthy. Usually the vaccinations needed are divided into 2 types, namely special vaccines and general vaccines.

General vaccinations need to be done to prevent various diseases caused by viruses or harmful bacteria such as parvo virus, panleukopenia, distemper and the like. While special vaccines are needed to anticipate rabies.


11. Almost 70% Of Cat's Life Is Spent Sleeping

As Angora explained earlier, cats to us look like animals that like to sleep. The reason is because cats spend a lot of time just sleeping. In a day cats can sleep 15 to 16 hours a day. There are many reasons why cats sleep more.

Can be due to weather factors, save energy for hunting and because of the nature of the crepuscular. Crepuscular is a cat's active time only at dawn and dusk. This habit persists even in domestic cats. Cats are active at dawn and dusk to avoid other predators that roam a lot from morning to evening.


12. Cat Whiskers Are Navigation Tools

Not only have night vision, cats also have a navigation tool. Well, that's right, cat whiskers are a navigation tool commonly used by cats when their night vision abilities are less reliable. While during the day the cat uses its whiskers to maneuver, measure distances, measure the area of ​​a place.

If the cat's whiskers are accidentally or intentionally cut off, the cat will lose the ability to navigate. The ban on trimming a cat's whiskers that we're used to hearing about in the community is for this.


13. 95.6% Of Cat's Genes Are Exactly Similar To Tiger's

The cat's genes are 95.6 percent similar to that of the cat. This is why habits such as sniffing, stalking and pouncing on prey and other cat behavior are not much different from tigers which are still in the same order with him.


14. Able To Jump As Far As 6 Times The Length Of The Body

You need to know that cats in their best condition can jump very far. His jumps can be 5 to 6 times his body length. Suppose the length of the cat is 50 centimeters, meaning that the cat can jump as far as 250 to 300 centimeters.

This jumping ability greatly supports cats in hunting their prey in the air such as birds, butterflies and similar flying insects. With their extraordinary jumping ability, cats can easily catch animals flying above their heads.


15. Cats Can Recognize Humans Between One Another

Cats are intelligent animals. he has the ability to recognize one person with another. He recognizes people by smell, sound and character of the person. That's why when the cat is called by the owner they immediately come to answer it.

Cats can also tell the difference between bad people and people who are kind to cats. The cat will try to stay away from the person who used to hit him and scold him in a high tone. This is the opposite when the cat is dealing with friendly and kind people to the cat.

The cat will happily approach the person and cuddle around him. This is one of the reasons why stray cats sometimes come to good people's homes.


16. Sensitive Pet Cat

When you are sad maybe your cat has come to you to sleep on your lap, stroked your body, greeted you or even just sat and was beside you. Cats do this solely to cheer you up and distract you from your sadness.

Cats are able to feel the emotions felt by their owners. When the owner is sad he will try to comfort him, when the owner is angry or high-pitched, the cat will choose to stay away so he doesn't want his owner to get angry.


17. Cat Purring Can Relieve Stress

It is believed that cat purring can relieve stress in humans, is also able to relieve dyspnea and shortness of breath in children and make human bones strong. This is because cat sounds are at a constant frequency between 25 and 150 hertz.

So when your cat purrs don't scold or throw it away because cat purring can reduce your stress and strengthen your bones.


18. Cats With 300 Million Cerebral Cortex

The intelligence of cats is on par with primates and dogs. Based on research, it was found that cats have 300 million cerebral cortex in their brain. This is equivalent to the amount of cortex found in dogs and other animals.

For those of you who don't know what the cerebral cortex is. The cerebral cortex is the part of the mammalian brain that regulates intelligence in dealing with events that occur around it. The cerebral cortex in cats is also a store of long and short-term memories.


19. Amazing Balance

One of the interesting facts about cats is their extraordinary ability to balance. Cats can walk or run in high and narrow places without worrying that they will fall. This cat's ability is obtained naturally.

The ability to control the body and is supported by a tail that helps the cat in maintaining its body balance makes the cat have a very good balance. Even the balance of this cat is much better when compared to other mammals.


20. Cat Domestication Happened 10,000 Years Ago

Domestication of cats (keeping cats) originally occurred 10,000 years ago in Egypt and the Near East. This happens when a lot of stray cats come to farmers. Instead of expelling them, the farmers made the cats their pets and made them guard the land and warehouses where the crops were stored.

Then a few years later the cat spread from the trading center of Egypt to Europe and various other countries in the world. This spread initially occurred because cats were kept to protect the ship from pests such as rats.

Then as time went by, then came the interest of other nations to take advantage of cats. From time to time the cat's genes change, from wild jungle cats to domestic cats, breed cats and mixed cats.


21. Cat's Body and Saliva Do Not Cancel Wudhu

In Islam, cats are considered clean and pure animals from najis. Therefore, if we have performed ablution and accidentally licked or touched a cat, then our ablution is not invalidated. Not only that, ablution in a water vessel that has just been drunk by the cat is permissible and legal to use for ablution.


22. Independent Pet Cat

Although cats look like weak little animals, the reality is different. Cats are tough animals that can live independently. Cats only need their wild instincts to make them able to survive alone in the wild.

That's why we often see domestic cats exercise their wild instincts naturally by playing with other cats, hunting small animals, looking for food in trash cans and exploring the environment where they live.

The wild instinct of a domestic cat will one day come in handy if it is stolen, lost or abandoned by its heartless master.

Wow, it turns out that there are also many unique and interesting facts about cats. Maybe that's all I can say, I hope this article is useful for you. Don't forget to also share it with your relatives, friends, cat lovers and social media.

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