
7 Ways To Reduce Fever In Cats

Cats are the same as humans, they too can get hot fever attacks. Therefore, we as owners need to be alert when this happens. When a fever strikes a cat, there are many ways we can do in an effort to reduce fever in cats.


How To Reduce Fever In Cats


7 Ways To Reduce Fever In Cats

So how do you reduce fever in cats ? You can find the method here because in this article, Angora will discuss how to treat fever in our beloved cat. Here's how to treat and reduce the cat fever :

1. Take The Cat To the Vet

This first method is the most effective way to treat a cat with a high fever. When a cat is sick, I always recommend that the cat be taken to the vet.

Because this action will increase the percentage of cat recovery and we will feel more safe and comfortable when a sick cat is handled by veterinarians who are experts in the field of animal health.

The cost of treating a cat with fever or high fever itself is not too expensive, at most around 7 dollars. And that includes medicine, if there are additional injections maybe the cost will increase a little.


2. Buy Cat Fever Medicine

The second way is to buy cat fever medicine at a pet shop or online store. You can buy fever medicine such as catydoll, stop fever and other cat fever medicine products. For the price of this cat medicine alone, it's around 5 dollars where I live.

Maybe the price could be cheaper for those of you who live in big cities. For how to use the drug, you can see on the product packaging. Usually the dose for cats weighing 800gr is two drops given every 3 times a day

For cats weighing over 1-2 kg is 4 drops given every 3 times a day. And big cats is 6 drops given every 3 times a day.


3. Give Plenty Of Water To Drink

Fever and high fever in humans can be caused by dehydration. This also applies to cats. Dehydration is a lack of fluids that enter the body. Usually the cause of high fever in cats other than because of the rain is because the cat does not drink enough or is lazy to drink. Give the cat a drink using a syringe.

Give every one or two hours to the cat in moderation. If the cat turns out to be dehydrated due to diarrhea, you can give an electrolyte solution or Gatorade. Use a 1:4 ratio for Gatorade and water.


4. Warm The Cat's Body

Fever usually occurs when cats play outside or wander when it rains heavily. This is the main reason why the cat's body has a high fever. Placing the cat in a warm place and compressing his head with a washcloth that has been moistened with water is believed to reduce fever in cats.

A warm room can keep the cat's body warm while a wet cloth will cool a hot cat's head.


5. Give Honey

The content of propolis in honey has many health benefits. Some of the benefits of propolis in honey can treat :

  • Cough

  • Fever

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomit

  • Cure watery cat eyes

  • Heal wounds

  • Skin disease


If you want to treat your cat with honey, make sure you use real honey and contain propolis. Don't use sweeteners. The use of real honey plus propolis will speed up the healing of a cat who is sick with fever. Then how to give honey as a medicine to a sick cat ?

The method is quite easy, prepare a syringe ( injection without a needle ). Mix honey with drinking water in a ratio of 1 drop of honey to 1/2 tablespoon of drinking water. The point here is that we mix honey with water so that the honey becomes liquid and not too thick so that it is easy to give to cats.

Give 2 times a day to adult cats and 2 times a day to kittens with a moderate dose ( a quarter tablespoon or half, according to the age and size of the kitten ).


6. Give Special Cat Food for Sick Cats

During the cat's healing process, you can provide special cat food for sick cats. Usually this type of food contains many nutrients that are needed by sick cats and are very good for giving to cats who are sick with fever. Many cat food brands that issue special food products for sick cats.

Such as royal canin with its recovery cat food, happy cat vet recovery, Nature bridge recovery and similar products that are widely sold in pet shops or online stores.


7. Give Multivitamins And Supplements

During the healing period, give the cat a multivitamin or supplement to increase the body's resistance. When the immune system is strong, it will be able to fight various diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and others. Even a fever can be easily cured if the cat has a strong immune system.

There was a case where one of my cats had a fever. Because his hobby was wandering around and rarely came home, I didn't have time to give him fever medicine at all. But strangely after 3 days later this cat came home and he recovered one hundred percent from his fever.

My conclusion is that this cat has a strong immune system so he can heal himself without being treated by his owner. Oh yes, to check whether the cat has a fever or high fever or not, I usually hold the cat's inner ear to check it. If the cat's ears are very hot, it means the cat has a fever.

Maybe that's all the discussion about how to reduce fever or fever in cats. If you find this article useful, you can share it with your relatives or social media.

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