
7 Characteristics Of Cats Want To Mating That You Need to Know

Cats are the same as humans, they have lust and desire to breed. Therefore in his life, cats also have a desire to mate.


Cats Want To Mating


With marriage, cats will be able to channel their biological needs and prevent them from developing certain diseases such as testicular cancer and prostate problems. Many of us may not know or may hesitate to determine whether our pet cat is wanting to mate or not

We know that a cat who meows loudly and continuously is one of the sign of a cat who wants to marry. But even so, as a beginner in raising cats, we still doubt that our cats really want to mate or not because of a lack of knowledge about this.

So, on this occasion, Anggora wants to share information about the characteristics of cats who want to mate. Check out the full explanation below :


Characteristics Of Cats Who Want To Mating

Actually, there are many characteristics of cats who want to mate that we can know just by looking at the cat's actions, one of which is the cat meowing loudly all the time. But a cat that meows loudly does not mean the cat is in heat or wants to get married.

It could be that the cat is under stress or is adapting to a new environment. There must be at least 4 traits in a cat for us to be sure that the cat really wants to mate. For the characteristics of cats wanting to mate with males and females, you can see the summary below which Angora took from trusted sources and based on Angora's own experience.

Characteristics Of A Male Cat Wanting To Mating

The most common characteristic of a male cat in heat is a cat meowing loudly. In addition, there are several other characteristics, namely :

1. Spraying Cat

When a cat is in lust or wants to mate, usually the cat will like to spray its urine on the wall or anywhere. Usually he will spray it in several places with close urination. This habit is called spraying and this is often done by male cats who are desperate to get married.

When your cat does this, you can be sure your cat is in a mating period or is in heat.


2. Cats Often Meow

As we know that a male cat that often meows indicates that the cat is in heat. A cat's meow should have a different intonation tone than its usual meow. The meow must also be done with a strong voice.


3. Meowing Loud Over And Over

A cat that meows loudly repeatedly is a sign of a cat that is about to mate. The cat will meow loudly repeatedly, this meow is done to show his strength and attract females who are around him.


4. Meow Sounds Different From The Usual

Listen carefully to a male cat who is in heat. The meow will definitely sound longer and more rhythmic. This is very different from the usual cat meow. For Angora herself the meow of a male cat in heat is more like a cat singing,


5. Often Chasing Female Cats

Male cats who want to mate tend to be very aggressive when he finds a female cat that attracts his attention. He will try his best to attract the cat's attention.

When the female cat leaves the male, he will chase the female cat continuously until the cat is willing to mate with him. This is the reason why we often see adult male cats running after female cats wherever they go.


6. Often Bite The Neck Neck Female Cat

When a male cat is chasing a female cat, it is common for a cat to bite the nape of another female cat. This action is taken to hold the female cat from leaving her at the same time to do the marriage.


7. No Appetite Or Lazy To Eat

Cats who are about to mate will usually also lose their appetite or will be lazy to eat. Because cats will focus more on marriage than food. Usually the cat will only eat once a day or even the whole day he did not eat.

When this happens, you don't need to worry because this is normal and won't cause the cat to get sick. Also make sure when the cat asks for food you immediately give it food. A cat in heat will be at home very briefly.

If he asks for food and we forget for a moment to give him food, the cat will leave immediately and will return in a long time. It could come after a day of wandering around and it could be a few days later that he would return home.

This often happens to cats who are usually left free to leave the house like village cats. For cat breeds themselves, it can also happen if we are careless and an unsterilized male cat runs out of the house to look for a female.

8. Hobby Going Out Of The House

Hobby out of the house is also a characteristic of cats who are in the mating period. Cats will prefer to be outdoors rather than staying indoors. Often a cat only comes home when he has been out of the house all day or even a cat only comes home after a few days of being out of the house.


9. Hobbies Fighting With Other Male Cat

When male cats are mating, they will be more aggressive and will attack anyone who enters their territory. They also do not hesitate to attack other males who are their love rivals and are near the females they are targeting.

Fighting is also a way for males to attract females. By showing her strength and might in front of other females, the female cat's interest in the male cat will increase.

10. Rarely Comes Home

For male cats who are in a cage or caged in the house, this rarely happens. But for cats who are allowed to enter and leave the house freely, such as local cats, this is no longer surprising, especially for cats who are in heat.

Cats will be out of the house more often to chase their target and forget to come home. There was a time when one of my mixed-breed domestic cats, who had only been 3-4 days old, just remembered coming home and some had just returned when it had been a week.


11. Frequently Sniffing Or Kissing The Ass Of The Female He Is After

Long before the Angoras knew that a male cat kissing a female's bottom was a ritual for a cat about to mate. I often chase cats away or separate them, because this action is a bit gross in my eyes. But now I tend to let it go when I know it's a mating ritual and when the female cat is sterile.


Characteristics Of A Female Cat Who Wants To Mate

Just like male cats, loud and constant meowing is also a sign that a female cat is willing to mate. In addition, there are several other characteristics, namely :

1. More Spoiled By The Owner Than Usual

We know that female cats have a more pampered human attitude than male cats. However, female cat pampering will be more than usual when they are in heat or in the mating cycle.


2. Easily Angry To The Cats Around

The female cat's temperament will also increase when it is about to mate. Cats will often get angry with other cats that are nearby or in what they consider to be their territory.

Moreover, if the cat that approaches him is a female cat, he will be more angry and will hit and beat him until the cat runs scared away from him.


3. Meow Loudly

A cat that meows loudly repeatedly is a sign of a cat that is about to mate. The female cat will meow loudly repeatedly, this it does to attract other males to approach her. 


4. Meow sounds different from the usual

The sound of a female cat meowing is the same as the sound of a male cat. Both will have voices with different intonations and pitches from their usual meows. It will also sound like a cat singing.


5. Often Thrust His Ass To Male Cats

This action will be carried out by the female cat when she has found a suitable male for her. He will lower the position of his head and front body and then raise his buttocks up. It was as if he was thrusting his ass at a tomcat.

This position indicates that the female cat is ready to mate with the male cat.


6. Often Rolls Over In Front Of Males Cat

The female cat will roll around like feeling hot in the presence of the male. This is one of the characteristics of female cats ready to mate with other male cats. And also a sign that the female cat has successfully mate with another male cat.


7. Frequently Urinating Carelessly

Cats who used to be disciplined and always urinate in the space provided will now prefer to pee anywhere. For a lustful cat, it may be difficult to stop him from urinating except confining it in a cage or sterilizing him.

Maybe that's just an explanation of some of the characteristics of cats wanting to mate. If you find this article useful, you can share it with your relatives or social media.

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