
5 Ways To Overcome Cat Phobias

The fear of something that happens continuously without a strong or rational reason for the stimulus of a particular object, this condition is called a phobia.


How To Overcome Cat Phobia


Ailurophobia or the phobia of cats is one example of a phobia. A phobia of cats is a troublesome thing. Because as we know that in Indonesia alone many people keep cats and many stray cats roam the streets.

In the city of Anggora itself, I often encounter stray cats in markets, roadsides and people's homes. This makes it difficult for the cat phobia sufferer when he meets this one animal.

In addition to the emergence of fear due to cat phobia, shame will also arise when relatives and other people laugh at our excessively frightened behavior when we meet a cute cat.

Of course, this condition will make the cat phobia sufferer disturbed because of the limited actions and activities that can be done due to the phobia, especially if the case of the phobia is an extreme phobia.


Why Can Someone Suffer Ailurophobia ?

There are so many factors that might make a person suffer from ailurophobia. Some of the common causes are :

  • Bitten by a cat and causing fatal injuries

  • On the cat's paws that cause blood sores and tears in the skin

  • Cat accident

  • Trauma in the past or trauma in childhood that is closely related to cats


The fear that accumulates and is so imprinted on the heart and mind will make a person a person with a phobia.


Characteristics Of Patients With Cat Phobia ( Ailurophobia ) 

Are you one of the sufferers or not? In order to find out, you can see the characteristics and symptoms of cat phobia sufferers by looking at the following signs :

  • People with cat phobia will usually be very focused on paying attention to the cat's movements

  • Stiff when the cat is in front of him

  • Afraid when the cat gets close

  • Feeling uncomfortable with the presence of the cat

  • Feeling panicked by the presence of the cat

  • Trying to avoid when you meet a cat

  • Unable to think clearly

  • The mind gets messed up

  • Scream hysterically when the cat approaches or chases him

  • For extreme conditions, the sufferer can be scared to death


How To Eliminate or Overcome Cat Phobias ?

To overcome the phobia of cats, the method is the same as for other phobias, namely by doing routine treatment on a regular basis every day until this phobia disappears. The following are some things you can do in an effort to overcome or eliminate ailurophobia or a serious fear of cats :

1. Often See Pictures of Cats

In the early stages you can see pictures of cats in the form of black and white photos. You can take the photo from google. Look at the photo every day and think that cats are not as scary as we think.

If you feel that you are comfortable seeing black and white cat photos, then do the exercises using colored cat photos.


2. Draw A Cat on Paper

When you have free time try to draw a cat on paper. Draw a cat and pay attention to how you feel every time you draw a cat. If when drawing a cat you are not afraid and feel comfortable or normal, then you can move on to the next method.


3. Watch Cat Videos

Ask your relatives to download cat videos from the internet and then watch the cat videos. Watch their behavior while telling ourselves that these animals are not so dangerous.


4. See Real Cats

Seeing a real cat, of course, the sensation will feel different than seeing a real cat. If you are still afraid of cats, then you don't need to approach cats up close. Just look and pay attention to the cat while saying that the cat is just an ordinary small animal that is not scary and can't hurt you.

You can get closer to the cat to see and observe its behavior. The less afraid you are of cats, try to keep your distance the closer you get to them.


5. Repeat Routinely And Regularly

Eliminating the phobia of cats will be difficult to do if there is no real intention in us. Therefore, to be able to recover and overcome the phobia of cats, it is necessary for us to continue to do the above steps regularly and regularly until we are sure that we are free from the phobia of cats.

Maybe that's all the discussion about how to overcome cat phobia. After reading this article, you will know why someone can suffer from a cat phobia, the characteristics of a person who has a cat phobia and how to get rid of and overcome a cat phobia.

If you think this article is useful, don't forget to share it with your relatives, other cat lovers and to your social media accounts.

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