
Cats Pregnant Until How Many Months? This Is The Explanation

At this time maybe you are impatiently waiting for a potential new family member from your beloved cat's pregnancy. This is exactly what Angora had felt before, impatiently waiting for the cat to give birth.


How Long Does Cat Pregnant Last


To the point of asking here and there and looking for information about when the cat will give birth. Apart from being impatient waiting for a cat to become pregnant, which has been going on for several months.

We are also looking for information about when a cat is pregnant for fear that if the cat has an abnormal pregnancy condition or what happens to her instead of getting pregnant, it turns out to be a tumor or something.

This is a natural thing to do considering our love for our pet cats and as a form of anticipation of possible health problems that can occur in pregnant cats.


How Old Is The Cat To Get Pregnant ?

Usually a new cat can get pregnant when he enters the age of 4 months. At this age the cat will show several signs that the cat wants to mate. But not all cats can get pregnant at the age of 4 months, there are some cats that can only get pregnant when they are over 4 months old.

One example is the Persian and Angora cat breeds, which can only get pregnant when the cat is 10 months old. This is due to several factors that cause differences in the gestational age of cats. Some of these factors include :

  • Type of cat breed

  • Reproductive activity differs from cat to cat

  • Different living climate

  • Different Habitat

Some of these things could be the reason why each cat has a different age to get pregnant.


Cats Pregnant Until How Many Months ?

Actually, Angora explained this in an article on how cats breed, where I explained that the time a cat is pregnant until a cat gives birth is about 2 months or for 55 days to 65 days.

After the cat has given birth, the next phase is the breastfeeding phase. Generally, cats will breastfeed their children until the child is over 1 month or 2 months old until the kitten has weaned and is able to eat from food sources other than the mother's milk.

After the mother cat is separated from her kitten, the cat will be able to get pregnant again. During the fertile period of a cat in a year can mate up to 3 times. Therefore, if you don't want to keep more cats, then when the cat stops breastfeeding its children, this is the right time to sterilize so that the female cat does not get pregnant again.

Do not do the sterilization process when the cat is breastfeeding, because this will eliminate the nutrients in the mother's milk (immune substances contained in the mother's milk). Of course this can greatly affect the growth of the baby and can interfere with the health of the baby.

Even the worst cat can be attacked by various diseases and the risk of death. Of course, we as owners as well as good-hearted humans do not want kittens who are still innocent and cute to lose their lives because of our actions.

The cat sterilization process is only done once and then the cat that has been sterilized will not be able to get pregnant again for the rest of its life. How to do the sterilization is quite easy, just provide 40 dollar to 100 dollar then take the cat to the vet for sterilization.

But if you're the type of person who doesn't want your cat to be neutered or you're in a state of raising money to get your cat to the vet, then you can try other ways to suppress or eliminate cat lust.


Until What Age Can A Cat Get Pregnant If It Is Not Sterilized ?

Actually cats can get pregnant even in their old age though. The oldest age of a domestic cat is around 10 to 15 years, so at this age a cat can get pregnant and give birth. It's just that at this age, cat pregnancy will be a big risk for the health of the cat and the baby.

That's why at this age many cat lovers choose to sterilize when the cat is 10 years old or under. This is done in order to keep the cat healthy and so that the cat lives long. Generally cat owners prefer to neuter their cats when they enter the age of 5-6 years.


Characteristics Of A Pregnant Cat

To find out whether our cat is pregnant or not, we can make sure by looking at some of the signs or characteristics of a pregnant cat in cats. Usually a pregnant cat will indirectly show some signs or signs that the cat is pregnant.

 The general signs and characteristics of a pregnant cat are as follows :

  • Cats are very appetite and usually the portion of food becomes more

  • Nipples look bigger and have a dark red color

  • Often snoring

  • Very spoiled to the owner different from his usual nature

  • Often want to vomit or vomit like what happens in pregnant women

  • The size of the cat's stomach gradually began to grow, and this enlargement took place slowly


Now, after knowing the characteristics of a pregnant cat above, now you can determine for yourself whether the cat is pregnant or not. But if you still have doubts that your cat is pregnant or not. It never hurts to take the cat to the vet and ask him directly whether the cat is pregnant or not.

If it turns out that the cat is pregnant, then from now on you have to take care of a cat that is different from a cat that is not pregnant. Starting from paying more attention to the food of the pregnant cat, providing a comfortable room for the cat, watching the cat so it doesn't move and roaming around and bathing the pregnant cat more gently.

That's a glimpse of information about how many months pregnant cats or how long cats are pregnant. Hopefully this article can answer your curiosity and add to your insight. Don't forget to share it with your relatives, other cat lovers or your social media.

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