
Can Cats Eat Chocolate? This is the explanation

Who doesn't like eating chocolate? Angora herself really likes chocolate. The sweet and bitter sensations make the tongue vibrate and provide a delicious sensation when tasted by the sense of taste.


Can Cat Eats Chocolate


But did you know that chocolate, which is very popular among children and young women, is actually dangerous for animals, especially dogs and cats. After knowing that chocolate turns out to be a type of food that is very dangerous for cats and dogs.

Should not be given to the two animals even though the animals given are wild animals. Then why shouldn't chocolate be given to cats? This is because cats who eat chocolate will experience toxicity that is as severe as that experienced by dogs.


Why Is Chocolate Dangerous To Cats ?

Chocolate that can be combined with various types of cakes and breads and has a taste that can satisfy the taster's tongue, on the contrary, is actually dangerous when given to cats. The reason is that in chocolate itself there is a small amount of caffeine and compounds related to theobromine, these compounds are known as methylxanthones.

These two compounds are associated with symptoms of poisoning in cats. That is why chocolate is dangerous for cats, even white chocolate itself when given to cats can cause cats to experience the risk of poisoning. The most dangerous thing is if we give dark chocolate or baked chocolate to cats even if they are given only a little.


Characteristics Of Chocolate Poisoning In Cats

Usually, the symptoms or characteristics of cats experiencing chocolate poisoning are only seen after 6 to 12 hours after the cat eats chocolate. These symptoms will also last up to 3 days in severe cases. The following are signs or symptoms of cat poisoning due to eating chocolate :

  • Frequent Vomiting

  • Diarrhea or Diarrhea

  • No Appetite

  • Drink Often

  • Becoming More Frequent Peeing or Peeing

  • Cats Look Restless

  • Muscle Tremor

  • Seizures

  • Cat's Heart Rate Increases

  • Shortness of breath or fast

  • The worst is a coma


Symptoms of poisoning in cats can develop quickly and if not treated immediately can cause low blood pressure, changes in heart rate and tremors and muscle spasms that can make the cat's body temperature high.

If left without treatment, it will certainly cause serious problems for the cat's health and its life can be at stake.


What Should We Do If A Cat Is Poisoned

When your cat is poisoned, don't panic and try to remain calm and level-headed. Then make sure with confidence that the cat is really poisoned by looking at some of the signs and symptoms that have been previously described above.

After seeing the characteristics and symptoms listed above, it turns out that they are really stuck in our pet cat, so what we must do next is take the doctor to the vet. It is highly recommended to take the cat to the vet as soon as possible.

Because the treatment of poisoned cats is better handled immediately by experts in their fields and this of course will increase the percentage of recovery of cats from poisoning they suffer.

Avoid using peroxide to force the cat to vomit to expel the contents in his stomach because this can actually cause the cat to experience inflammation of the stomach wall (gastritis). If you feel that the cat is only suffering from mild poisoning, then you can try treating the cat by using coconut water.

Take a young coconut then remove the water and put it in a glass. Put the water in the glass into the syringe (a syringe without a needle that can be purchased at a pet shop or pharmacy). Give enough to the cat and give every hour or two.

Maybe that's all the discussion about can cats eat chocolate and how to deal with chocolate poisoning cats. After reading this article, you will know that you should not carelessly give food to cats, especially chocolate and when a cat has chocolate poisoning you can make decisions quickly and accurately.

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