
Is It Permissible To Sleep With A Cat In Islam ? Here Is The Explanation

Someone who keeps a cat will usually have a lot of interaction with the cat when he has free time from the busyness of his daily activities.


Is It Permissible To Sleep With A Cat In Islam


Stroking the cat, playing with the cat, bathing it, combing its fur, seeing its behavior and of course funny, even sleeping with the cat. This is a natural thing for cat lovers, on the contrary, it is strange if the cat lovers never do all of the above.

Because if we don't do it, we as cat lovers will feel that the person is just keeping a cat out of pity or out of necessity. Both of these things don't matter to Angora as long as the cats are fed every day and treated if they get sick.

Maybe many of us cat lovers often sleep with cats and wonder if it's okay to sleep with cats and what is the ruling on sleeping with cats according to Islam itself? For those of you who want to know the answer. Check out the full explanation below :


Is It Permissible To Sleep With A Cat In Islam ?

According to Islam itself, there are no hadiths or verses of the Koran that explain the prohibition of sleeping with cats, this is similar to the law of cutting cat nails in Islam. But looking at some hadiths, there are explained about cats, the law on touching them and the like.

And from there, scholars or we can conclude that it is permissible to sleep with our beloved cat on a bed or sofa. The conclusion is drawn because cats are :

1. Clean Animal

Cleanliness is one of the reasons why cats are allowed to sleep near us. As we know that cats are animals that really like cleanliness. Cats often bathe to clean themselves of dirt by licking the hairs all over their bodies.

This is proven in research research. Even in the view of Islam itself, cats are considered clean animals. The explanation of the cat is a very clean animal, even cleaner than humans, you can see in the following hadith :

The Messenger of Allah said: Cats are creatures whose body, sweat, leftover food and saliva are sacred. His saliva is holy and sterilizing. His life is cleaner than humans ( HR. Malik )


2. Sacred Animals

Besides being clean, cats are also sacred animals in Islam. That is, all parts of his body are not unclean and will not invalidate our ablution if we accidentally touch his body and even his saliva.

You can see this clearly in the Hadith of Malik's history that I have conveyed above. And to strengthen the argument again you can see the 2 hadiths below which explain about the cat itself :

  • Cats are not unclean. He is an animal that is near you ( HR Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi )

  • Cats are like household ornaments, they are not soiled by anything ( Muslim )

Therefore, it doesn't matter to us if we want to sleep together with our favorite pet cat.


3. Cats Are Harmless

Although cats are included in the class of carnivores and have wild instincts. But as we see in everyday life that cats are a class of animals that are classified as docile and easily adaptable to humans around them.

In addition, there are rarely cases where a cat attacks its owner for no apparent reason. This is the reason why cats are often kept as pets by most people living in Indonesia.

Even though cats are harmless, we should take good care of cats and not torture them if we don't want to be one of the inhabitants of hell. As explained in this hadith :

From Ibn Umar RA, Rasulullah SAW has said, "A woman is put into hell because of a cat which she tied and she did not feed, let alone not allowed to eat small animals on the floor" ( HR Bukhari ).


4. Cats Are Pets

Another reason it is allowed to sleep with a cat on the bed is because cats are animals that are usually kept as pets. Therefore when we are sleeping with the cat, there will be no worries that the cat will attack and endanger our lives.

This is different from when we make non-pet animals such as lions, tigers, bears and the like as pets. Because when we sleep with them, we are worried that these animals can attack and harm us when we are sleeping.


What Should Be Watched Before Sleeping With Cats ?

Before sleeping with a cat, make sure you pay attention to the following things so that you can sleep comfortably and healthy together with your beloved cat. Some of these include :

1. Cats Are Not Sick

Maybe there are some of us who love cats so much that they are willing to sleep with or near their sick cat. Maybe from the cat lover's point of view, you are considered a person who really loves cats, but in terms of your health, you are considered as someone who ignores your own health.

Some cat diseases may not be contagious but this does not rule out the risk that you may be infected with other cat diseases caused by bacteria, parasites or viruses. It's a good idea to make sure your cat is in good health when you want to sleep alone with your cat.


2. Cats Are Not In Heat

Pay attention to whether your cat is in heat or wants to mate. If your cat is in heat then you should not sleep with him. Why ? Because when a cat is in heat he will become very active and like to spray carelessly.

When you take him to sleep, he will not sleep but will be busy meowing and spraying his liquid here and there. This will make us unable to sleep and the room will even smell.


3. The Cat's Fur Doesn't Lose

Do not sleep with a cat whose fur is shedding. Because if you sleep with him, you are worried that his hair will be inhaled into the lungs when we sleep with him. This can make us suffer from shortness of breath, asthma and other respiratory diseases.


4. Cats Can't Sleep With Babies

Cats are harmless animals, but even so, it is best not to let babies sleep with cats with our knowledge or without our knowledge. Because it is feared that the cat can injure by scratching and biting the baby's body.

Although it is rare to hear cases where cats injure babies, there is nothing wrong with preventing this from happening to our babies.


5. Pregnant Women Can't Sleep With Cats

Have you ever heard of toxoplasma or not? This disease is very dangerous for pregnant women because it can cause the mother to get sick and the baby can fall in the womb or be born with disabilities into the world.

That is why when pregnant women should not sleep with cats, cleaning cat litter. It is okay to stroke the cat, only after stroking it, clean your hands with soap until clean to avoid contracting this disease.

Maybe that's all I can say about whether it is permissible to sleep with a cat and what is the law according to Islam. If you find this article useful, please share it with your relatives or social media accounts.

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