
The Law of Cutting Cat's Nails in Islam

Cats are pets that belong to the carnivorous group. That's why cats have sharp nails. These claws can be used by cats to catch and tear their prey's body.


The Law of Cutting Cat's Nails in Islam


Generally, cats like to eat animals that are smaller than their body size. Cockroaches, lizards, mice, lizards, frogs, chicks are animals that are often targeted by cats. When it comes to cat nails, cat nails often make us want to trim them.

There are many things that underlie our desire, such as so that the cat does not scratch us, so that the cat does not get sick and various other reasons. But as a good Muslim or Muslim woman, we can't just play with cutting cat nails. We need to know how the law of cutting nails in Islam.


The Law Of Cutting Cat's Nails In Islam

According to Islam itself, there are no hadiths or verses of the Koran that explain about cutting animal nails, including cat nails. But based on the opinion of scholars, it is permissible to cut a cat's nails and it is not sinful to do it on the condition that :

1. Don't Hurt Cats

Trimming the cat's nails should not hurt the cat. Because when a cat is injured, it is forbidden and a sin for us to cut its nails. This is based on a hadith narrated by Bukhari which describes someone who injures and tortures a cat.

  • From Ibn Umar RA, Rasulullah SAW has said, "A woman is put into hell because of a cat which she tied and did not feed, let alone not allowed to eat small animals on the floor" ( Narrated by Bukhari )


2. Cut Just A Little

Just trim his nails a little. This is so that the cat can still use his nails as usual.


3. Don't Cut All Of The Cat's Nails

Cutting all off a cat's nails is tantamount to eliminating his right as an animal to have nails. Not only that, cutting the cat's nails completely can injure the cat directly because some of the cat's nails have certain nerves. That's the reason why we shouldn't just cut all of a cat's nails.


4. Have A Good Goal

When we want to cut a cat's nails, we should have good intentions and goals. Like cutting his nails so he doesn't get diseases like intestinal worms, so he doesn't hurt us or our children and other good intentions.

If you meet the 4 conditions above, it is not sinful and it is permissible for us to cut the cat's nails. In addition to the above conditions, there are also types of cats that can and cannot have their nails cut.


Types Of Cats That Can Be Cut And Can't Cut Their Nails

There are 2 types of cats that can and can't have their nails cut. The 2 types of cats include:

1. House Cat

Cats that are strictly allowed to cut their nails are house cats. Cutting cat nails usually aims to eliminate the ugliness caused by the nails. Here is a list of purpose that allow cat nails to be trimmed :

  • Prevent cat disease

  • Get rid of cat diseases

  • So that the condition of the cat's skin disease does not get worse

  • So that it doesn't hurt when it's clawed

  • To protect us and our children

  • So that the sofa is not damaged in the claws

  • So that the motorcycle seat is not damaged in the claws

2. Stray Cats

Cats that are not allowed to have their nails cut are stray cats. Because cat nails are needed by stray cats in search of food and self-protection. He usually uses his nails to catch insects and other prey, scavenge trash cans, pick up food, etc.

Meanwhile, for protection, his nails can be used to climb trees or buildings when he is being chased by predators, other cats or humans. To fight other animals, strengthen its grip when it jumps from place to place, and many other functions.

Trimming a feral cat's nails can make it difficult for him to find food and defend himself. This is the reason why cutting stray cat's nails is not permissible and sinful if we do it


The Prohibition Of Cutting Cat's Nails According to Islam

As explained above that there is no evidence or verse that explains the law of cutting cat nails. However, scholars agree that it is permissible to cut a cat's nails if the purpose is good and does not injure the cat.

As for what is prohibited according to Islam in cutting a cat if there are reasons such as the following :

  • Cutting a sick cat's nails because he is worried that the cat will struggle so that his energy is increasingly drained and his sick condition is getting worse

  • Cutting the nails of a cat that doesn't belong to us or our pets, because it's not our right to do it

  • Cutting the nails of a stray cat that made it lose its ability to survive

  • Trimming some or all of a cat's nails just for fun


Is It Dangerous To Cut Cat's Nails ?

Trimming your cat's nails indiscriminately can make the cat hurt and experience excruciating pain. Not only that, the pain caused can change the cat's behavior. Cats that were once cheerful and active can become quiet and gloomy. Pain from the wound can also make the cat's appetite disappear.

Even if we offer whiskas even the cat won't want to eat it. That is why cutting should not be done carelessly. We need to know the right way first before cutting nails.


Then How To Cut Cat Nails Correctly ?

The correct way to cut a cat's nails is to cut only the milky white part. Do not cut until the nails look reddish. Because on the reddish nail or close to the cat's hand, there is a cat's nerve.

If you cut it intentionally then the cat will be in pain, hurt and his hands will bleed. To be safer, you can cut the nails just a little at the base of the cat's nails. Use a special cat nail clipper to make it easier to cut cat nails at the same time so that the cutting can take place quickly and of course safely.


Is It Necessary To Take A Cat To The Vet To Trim His Nails?

If you are afraid to trim your cat's nails or are hesitant to do it yourself then you can take your cat to the nearest vet. This is highly recommended to do and is safer for those of you who are hesitant or afraid to do it yourself.


What If The Cat Hurts After Cutting His Nails ?

If the cat is injured after we cut his nails what should we do? Clean the injured part of the blood with alcohol, then bandage with cotton or a clean cloth to cover the wound and press it so that the blood does not come out a lot. Then immediately take our cat to the vet for immediate treatment.

Make sure you follow the correct cutting method that I have shared above so that things like this can be avoided.

Maybe that's all I can say about how it is legal to cut cat nails according to Islam. If you find this article useful, please share it with your relatives or social media accounts.

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